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Discuss the Premiere Pro 22.3 UI changes: Import, Export, and Header Bar

Explorer ,
Apr 13, 2022 Apr 13, 2022

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I'm struggling too, this UI update seems a step backwards requiring more clicks etc to do the same tasks... I also can't find options to do layouts that worked very well for certain tasks. Whats happened to the caption layout for instance?


If I wanted a Premiere rush like inetrface i'd use rush... This is professional workstation software why are you dumbing it down... Shades of Final cut 10...

User interface or workspaces






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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , May 09, 2022 May 09, 2022

Hi Community,

Thank you for the comments, but the Premiere Pro team does not generally read feedback on these user-to-user forums (Discussions).


Regarding Export Mode: Please provide feedback to the Premiere Pro Team on this thread on the Ideas forum.

For the Header Bar: provide feedback here.





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Guide ,
Apr 29, 2022 Apr 29, 2022

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Apr 29, 2022 Apr 29, 2022

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Gotta tell ya, I've met quite a few of the PrPro, Ae, and Audition team members over the years. Great guys and gals nearly all of them.


They love both working on *and using* the apps they work on. Great to talk with also.


And I've had the interesting experience of a number of in-person and Zoom style interview and survey meetings on potential app changes. Met a number of M&E folks.


The product team people are well, People. Many definitely of an engineering personality but still just people.


The M&E people ... it feels like I'm a lab rat looking up at people with glasses, white coats and clipboards. Pushing buttons and taking notes of my reactions.


Saying "Well, that's  ... interesting... try upping the stimulus another 10% ... oops, not optimal, let's reset parameters. Got a new rat ready?"


Making me wonder if someone really has created Data out of Star Trek NexGen. ; -)







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Guide ,
Apr 29, 2022 Apr 29, 2022

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Adobes M&E (Monitoring and Evaluation) Team deciding which cog goes where. Doesn't matter to them if the cogs are all placed in all the wrong areas as long as the cogs form some kind of shape, in this case a double P (PP)







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New Here ,
Apr 30, 2022 Apr 30, 2022

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Here is my 2cents...I use PP about once a month to do about 4-5 hour project.   At some point I guess cloud changed to auto upgrades...

Despise the new UI, can't put projects where I want, and it wants to auto import...I couldn't see any way past it...I had to manually create a folder and then re enter PP to go from there.


Second video processing is very buggy...and for some reason it won't let me control the image effects...I set something, and it does its own thing between cuts (I usually have to resize/crop/zoom raw footage...that is why it takes hours to do)

This one, I have to edit a video capture, and it fights me on what format/screen size I want...then it ignores the position...when I have to zoom in on a portion of the screen...


Finally crop was completely useless...with zero crop set, it was cropping the entrie project dwn to about 1/4 the size...so it ignored the sequence settings, and just did its own thing.


I just rolled back to 22.1...I don't have time tonight to see if my usual workflow works.





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Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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The current update for Adobe Premiere Pro 22.3 is a disaster! Creating a Project should not be so cumbersome. This Newly Designed Project Creation looks and feels beyond confusing. I won't even give it a second thought. Please, I beg you, at the very least a "Preference Option" for the users that prefer the Tabed Project Creation that utilizes your existing opperating system". Some of us have to import 1000 clips and edit a highlight within minutes. I hate to say it however, this just may be the changes that forces me to use another video editing application. I have have yet to open After Effects, and if I see anything remotely like this in AE, it will be a no brainer at that point to Jump Ship! 





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May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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You don't need to use the new import options anymore than you used the old ones!


Before, there were a number of options on the new project dialog which I doubt you ever used. You simply gave the project a Name, Location, clicked Create, right?


Do the same on the new page!


Type a Name, give a Location, click Create ... just as before.


And use your established system via Project panel or MediaBrowser as you always have.


No extra steps. Just farther to get to the "Create" button than before. Although, first time you use it, make sure nothing is 'starred' in the central panel nor any icons clicked blue on the right side. Those are sticky, so once done, forget 'em.







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Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Hi Neil, Thank you for your reply to what is more a statement than a request. I've spent a better part of the day doing my best to familuarize myself with this new project creation and launch. I trully appreciate and fully understand what you are saying however, it is absolutely absurd to think that this is in anyway an efficient, and helful way to create and start a project. Yes, maybe for daily content creators with only a handful of clips however, when you are dealing with RAID's on Multiple Networks and having to dig down into directories at a speed of "Wait, let me make Thumbnails for an Index View" rather than a Thumbnail/Clip view is insane. (I should mention that I have a Dual Zeon 32 Core System with 128gb of RAM and 3 Nvida GPUs)... I get it, Just create the Project Name and Location and move on. That's what I think I'll do. Needles to say, Their new features for Exporting are going to take some getting used to as well. Having to dig, and dig, is just nuts... The goal should be saving keystrokes, saving scroll time, saving clicks, and all they did was add so many more steps to a system that was built around the number one thing when it comes to video editing... SPEED! 
Thanks again





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May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Again, just to be clear ... do not use the new page for importing ... it is built for simple projects that you and I will never do.


And we were never expected to use the new import process. It's a simplified thing built as a replacement for the other options on the old dialog that no one ever, ever used. This set of options actually is actuall usable for some users.


Not for you, me, nor most professional users though.


Just type a Name, give a Location, click Create. Exactly as you did before in the old dialog. Just a LOT farther to the create button in this one. So I pushed at NAB for getting the Create button moved right next to Locate.


The Export page ... after they get the filenames back in soon ... is sort of ok if you make it work by carefully setting it up.


You can also simply hit the Send to MediaEncoder and get the old export dialog.







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Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Yes, I see how I can just stay in the upper row choose a name, location through my operating system's (Win) in order to create a project quickly. I appreciate your responses. 





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Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Thank you @R Neil Haugen for moving my rant over to this thread. I really thought I was the only one that didn't like or care for the latest UI update and workflow in Premiere. Glad I'm not alone. I'll be honest,... this feels very much like they're dumbing it down and that when that happens you loose the responsiveness. I hope not. 
Thanks again. 





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May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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I wasn't the mod what moved it, I think somone is "condensing" threads, as there's a bunch on this.


Yea, it's not obvious you can totally skip the 'new' import process, is it?


But they actually just expected experienced users would  skip that import page's options. We always skipped all the options but name, location, create on the old one, right? Went right to the project and imported via Project panel or MediaBrowser.


So "all they did" as far as they can see is swap out the old, unused options for ones that are actually useful (and being use) by a subset of clients. While changing to the new look that M&E is demanding for all Adobe products ... they don't have a choice there.


At NAB, the devs reaction to the angst was very puzzled. Again, because they thought it was obvious experienced users could and should  skip the new simple import options. And if we wanted, would also skip the new exports.







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Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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 I know you've been around the block. You are an amazing contributor and the probably one of the best sounding boards and "devil's advocate when it comes to Adobe's applications. If I'm not mistaken, you're a Resolve guy, ... Here's what I'm leading up to. I'm sure you're aware of the major exodus of professionals during the launch of Final Cut 10/X, ... I realize what they did back then, rather than support the wants needs and desires of the pro-community, why not go after the bigger piece of the pie with Soccer Mom's and Soccer Dad's at $300 a pop. Yes, they lost and then regained many of their users back over the years with the updates over the years and I applaud them for that. My question is this.
Do you think that Adobe is going to be dumbing down Premiere Pro to please the larger population of its market share by having these annoying "Gate Keeper Style" obstacles before diving into a project? I opened Photoshop and Illustrator over the weekend working on some 3D Motion Graphic projects and I wanted to scream. I just don't want to see them at that moment. Many of us creatives/content creators/editors’ jacks of all trades, masters of none, but still better than a Master of One, have distraction issues, alright I'll go ahead and say it. ADD/ADHD... It's not that we don't like change, we just know in a single moment if something as a UI design is going to get in our way. My wife (a full time YouTube content creator) spent more than 4 hours trying to get rid of a nagging Metadata error on a simple H.264 export.
I'm ranting here and I apologize... I'll leave it at this, ... While trying to give my best to create a project and utilize the new import features for a simple 5 clip edit, I managed to import 4500 files because of an accidental check mark on a folder and file structure. I get it user error however, if this happened to me on a set, or on a job, I'd be fired in a heartbeat. I'm still furious that I must go through my export settings and create individual favorites. I don't need Favorites, I shoot and edit broadcast TV commercials, sometimes, I need Maximum Render Settings, and sometimes I don't, I sometimes need to use Previews and sometimes, I don't... I didn't have dig for these in the past. But now I'm forced to. All in all, this is just going to cost me more and more money and efficiency in my editing and turnaround time, and it is just something I can't afford. Looks like Resolve and Fusion are going be my new best friends. 






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May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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Do NOT apologize for such a well reasoned post, ever! I'm autistic, though most non-auts don't notice especially. I'm just a bit "different".


But things like the layouts do affect my approach to an app a TON. So I get on one level the angst.


But being underneath it all an aut-boy, well ... at the end of the day the only thing that matters is if the nice people what pay your bills through billings or employment checks got what they needed. At that point, these are all tools ... simply a fancy form of hammer.


Yea, I work in Resolve daily. The colorists I work under and with and teach are mostly based there. And Baselight, of course. I work far more in Premiere because 1) I can't stand the UI layout in Resolve;  2) I can't change the Resolve UI to fit my wants; 3) I can't map my Tangent Elements panel in Resolve, they don't allow any user-mappings.


And they only have like half that amazing panel used at any one moment, via a bizarre "menu" system. The rest of the controls are "black", not connected to nothing. Yea, Grant wants me to spend several thou on another tool, which will only work in his app. I ain't buyin'. Though friends love Resolve all up and down.


You know a big complaint in Resolve, both on the LGG forum and the BlackMagic in-house forum? That they're dumbing down Resolve to compete with Adobe for the YouTubers.


Yup. Oh ... and next, the unfinished bugs & etc.


So ... I don't know the future. Just that it 1) won't be actually what we expect and 2) it will arrive.









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Guide ,
May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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Neil, we need to collect a topic before the release of a major redesign update and discuss it with users here on the forum. Everyone will make their preferences and the developers will take into account the wishes. And so it will be endless questions to the Premiere product. Personally, I have a lot of questions about what a modern and best-in-work product should be. I know Premiere's weaknesses. And these are not just words, he would be attractive and beloved.





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May 03, 2022 May 03, 2022

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That would be some work ... and realistically, the Adobe staffers that do this stuff pay attention on the public beta forum to the threads where they officially roll out things.


As in :Discuss New X".


And from experience with Adobe, we'd need to somehow be able to get directly to the M&E people because it ain't the product team people we'd be dealing with anyway. And I don't know how to do that if they don't contact you first.







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Explorer ,
Apr 30, 2022 Apr 30, 2022

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The latest version of Premiere Pro's new export tab is poorly designed and executed (v 22.3.1).


First, they've removed the ability to capture a file name with the browser folder function. For example, I used to be able to click the file path and choose both folder AND file name of where I want to export. This is a quick and simple way to do versioning. Now, I can only choose the folder and have to type in a new file name on its own (or go to Finder / Explorer and copy paste the file name I need). This is incredibly frustrating and inefficient.


Second, the design of the export tab is now stacked vertically instead of horizontally. If I want to change audio/video settings, each tab resizes the options contained within the window. I find that I'm clicking all over the screen now. It's messy, it's clunky, it is not efficient.





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Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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I completely understand your frustration. I export tons of clips for stock footage, I have no idea how I'll do that efficiently, with the current export window.





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May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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First, that was filename issue was an "unfortunate oversight" and never intended to occur. It will be probably be fixed in the next patch. They rushed a patch out to fix the "34 minute export" bug, and have several other items to go with this in the next patch.


Second ... agreed. This was a design decision due to quite probably M&E folks, well above the product teams in reality in the Adobeverse. Partly, it's a branding thing I'm pretty sure.


It can be skipped entirely by simply using the Send to MediaEncoder button, where you get the old dialog.


And can be made workable if you put the time in to:

  • unstar every preset you'll never or rarely use and
  • create detailed presets with all "lower" items already set so you don't need to open the lower tabs.


Once you do that, for most things it works. But you have to set your presets up well.


And they public beta forum is where the devs monitor and even lead discussions on changes. Please post over there! They have 'featured' discussions on just this topic, along with others.







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Guide ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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I am more concerned about the Import page in version 22.3.1. Now I am faced with the problem of using the material reporting verification function when copying MD5. When you click on it, a text file with copied data should be created, a report on the number of copied clips. Now I am faced with the fact that when activated, hundreds of originals are copied from me and placed on disk. It's a nightmare. But seriously, MD5 is an industry standard in the film industry, where your media will not be accepted for transfer to the post-production department without the MD5 amount.





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Participant ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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I know nobody asked me, but I just wanted to express my opinion on the new Export Panel in Premier Pro. There are some helpful featuers there but overall, it's clunky and way less user-friendly.

Just getting to the render settings is a PITA.

I give this new feature 2 HUGE Thumbs Down and if others feel the same, maybe next time Adobe will try not to fix something that's not broke.

Please change this back!!





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Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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I agree! I name the master file the same name as the output will need to be named. The new window doesn't allow you to access the file in the naming process like before.





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Participant ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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I agree. This is frustrating too. Who thought this was going to be helpful?
Sometimes I think developers come up with these changes and not people who actually use the apps.

I'll go back to - if it's not broken, don't fix it.

I don't recally a large amount of complaints about the Export Panel from the community. And if there was, they should IMPROVE it, not just change it. This is a change and not an improvement.





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Explorer ,
May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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I completely agree.


I export a lot of clips to be used as stock footage. Having the ability to access the file in the naming process allowed the speedy export of hundreds of files with the same name, with the exception of the number!

(e.g. StockFootageSummer_001, StockFootageSummer_002, etc.)


Hopefully, Adobe sees this massive failure and remedies it (or, better yet, there is a hidden feature that already addresses this).





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May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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As noted in this and other threads, that was not intentional. And will be reverted soon.







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May 02, 2022 May 02, 2022

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First thing ... post your comments & rants here ... the rest of us do! Simply keep clean language, it's polite to refrain from casting personal aspersions or motivations on people you don't know and etc.


Oh, and discussions the devs do follow closely on features & tools are all on the Public Beta forum. Go over there, read, and post! Please!


Second ... the blank export window when you click filename ... that was "an unfortunate oversight" and was never meant to happen, not designed or anything. And will go away with the next patch. Kinda an embarrasing topic for the supers at NAB last week.


Third ... the new Export setup can work ok, but only if you take the time to:

  • Go through the Preset manager and unstar every preset you'll never or rarely use;
  • Create detailed presets with all the settings you normally use, including multiple similar ones if you sometimes need to change the 'lower' settings.


If you don't do the above, granted ... it's a pain.


And fourth ... this sort of thing isn't always a "choice" by the program teams. I first looked at the changes and immediately thought about the striking similarity between the layouts and the related Resolve pages.


Understand: I work in Resolve daily. I teach how to work color in Premiere to colorists based in Resolve. But I do not "like" Resolve's UI, so seeing something similar here does not initially get a positive reaction. But I'm a practical guy, so past the emotions, can it be mad to work? Yea, sort of.


As to the "why?" ...


Adobe has really three main areas: the programs "we" use, like Premiere/Ae/Photoshop; the "documents" apps of the Acrobat ilk used by Big Business; and the metrics analyzation and implementation stuff designed for only use by other MegaCorps like Adobe.


This last set of study/programming/design workers is designed to assist MegaCorps to create and study metrics on user interactions with that company's products, socials, and web presence. All to "create a more engaged userbase relationship."


And that last group is essentially run through their M&E staffers ... marketing & experience. Who probably seriously outnumber the total product teams for like Photoshop, Premiere, Ae, whatnot. And are rather significantly more important as far as management decisions are made.


Adobe's personell charts/relationships are complex and confusing. Except for understanding that anything said or written by an M&E staffer is Important. No matter what their apparent 'status' within the company is.


Adobe's M&E people are constantly studying metrics on practices across software, user interactions, and without and within Adobe apps, user use of various tools and processes. Based on their data, they lay out the proposed road maps for the product apps.


The program managers for say, Premiere Pro, have "input" in the final discussions. They do not have any final say or override on any major decision. Never underestimate the presence and role of M&E.


And this change to the import/export 'pages' was clearly ... more from what was carefully not said in person than what was said ... a change instituted From Above. And at that point, not a request!


And note, there are changes "matching" this going through all the Adobe apps, it's a "branding" thing.


I've been interviewed in long one-on-one sessions with M&E people both at NAB and via zoom. A very ... unique ... experience. It's like being a little white rat in a maze with people with big glasses, white coats, and tablets recording data peering down at you and mumbling to themselves ... "... that's interesting... ".


And it's also clear that although the M&E types have massive data about how many users use X tool in any of these apps, they also have near zero knowledge of 1) what the app does or 2) what the user does with the tool, or at times more importantly, why the user uses that tool.


They're data specialists. Metrics is their entire world. And it feels like Star Trek's Commander Data is talking to you ... seriously.







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