Discuss the Premiere Pro 22.3 UI changes: Import, Export, and Header Bar
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I'm struggling too, this UI update seems a step backwards requiring more clicks etc to do the same tasks... I also can't find options to do layouts that worked very well for certain tasks. Whats happened to the caption layout for instance?
If I wanted a Premiere rush like inetrface i'd use rush... This is professional workstation software why are you dumbing it down... Shades of Final cut 10...
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Hi Community,
Thank you for the comments, but the Premiere Pro team does not generally read feedback on these user-to-user forums (Discussions).
Regarding Export Mode: Please provide feedback to the Premiere Pro Team on this thread on the Ideas forum.
For the Header Bar: provide feedback here.
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Dreadful new UI. I've rolled back.
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That UI ain't going back, and there's some major improvements in working with captions, even editing from captions, either in the current version or coming soon. Plus other things that will make it very difficult to stay on a previous version.
Especially for an issue that takes about 10 seconds per project to handle. When new functionality saves you minutes a project.
Do I want them to move the Create button next to Location? Oh, Hades yes!
My bigger gripe is the Export page, which can be made non--annoying if you spend the 10-15 minutes one time to:
1) deselect ALL "favorite" export presets
2) make and 'favorite' detailed presets for everything you will use. Including multiple ones if you routinely change an option or two.
Then ... it's workable.
Mod note: Edited for content.
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Neil, do you have any help rebalancing the Color page? I want to see a more professional look . Here is the interpretation of the material into the desired color space, flexible tools for color adjustment. The color panel is already outdated
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I'm hoping we'll get a full color management panel at some point. They don't even have it in the 2023 public beta yet, so ... it's not coming "soon" ... but we need it.
Mod note: Edited for content.
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Yes, they are evolving. Just backwards. Its super annoying welcome screen.
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Proving again we're all different. Everyone's mileage always varies ...
I'm actually a big fan of presets for as many things as possible. Keyboard shortcuts. And using my Tangent Elements panel for eveything I can map to it, which in Pr now is a lot ... from color to graphics to audio ... wow.
For me where they went off the rails the farthest with the new Export page was requiring a click on the More ... button rather than letting us scroll.
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The new import and export screens are garbage. If I wanted a crappy program like this I would use iMovie. Presets are for losers.
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When can we expect a toggle option for the added header bar?
I've been made into a broken man by this program.
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Unless I misunderstand your question, you can simply press ctrl + \ or windows key + the up arrow key; for Mac it's command + \. This will toggle the header bar.
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I'm talking about the "import, edit, Export" bar that's permanatly cemented to the top of the project.
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Ah, gochya. Yeah, I guess what you can do is take a piece of black gaffers tape and put it over that area, or maybe take a hammer and smash the area of your monitor, so you no longer have to see them, and pretend it's no longer there to pretend there is more space. Other than that, I guess we are at the mercy of the devs, until they decide to include toggle function for those features.
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Hey everyone, here is the correct link to upvote the our wishes to Adobe to remove this screen real estate hog.
I can see the appeal for this new feature for some users, but chances are - if you're reading this post, you're just as annoyed/upset about this. PLEASE UPVOTE THIS.
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I was happy to upvote that. May not use it, but I like giving users options.
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Well they migrated the comments but not the upvotes eh?
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It's just like that time google re-designed their search engine interface....NOT! 🙂
"If it aint broke, don't fix it". There are plenty of other things the dev team could be spending their time on, like uniformity of execution, between cross application functions. (I'm talking photoshop / After Effects / Premiere Pro). That will make users appreciate the interface.
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Another constant frustration is the export pop-up. When I move my mouse over the 'Export' button, this window often. pops-up (it's fairly random) and stops execution of the export. Why? You then have to move your mouse all the way over to the other side of the screen to dismiss it, then all the way back to click 'Export'
That's because ENTER doesn't execute the export. Nor does CMD + ENTER, CTR + ENTER, CMD + RETURN, CTR + RETURN. Why is any of this good? And why hasn't this been fixed yet?
Sorry if I'm missing something basic here. And if the Export window is now just a tab, why can't you close a project when the tab is active?
Again, this stuff is so basic it's UI/UX 101. The mind boggles sorry. Truly.
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Just strarted up PP again, and forgot how awful this startup screen for a new project is.
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What PP version @Darrel5ECB ?
22.3 per this thread or...?
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How does this one look?