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found this on forum:
How to make Premiere CS5 work with GTX 295
by marvguitar on 01 May 2010 22:38
Step 2. Find the file "GPUSniffer.exe" and run it in a command prompt (cmd.exe). You should see something like that:
Device: 00000000001D4208 has video RAM(MB): 896
Device: 00000000001D4208 has video RAM(MB): 896
Vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer string: GeForce GTX 295/PCI/SSE2
Version string: 3.0.0OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
OpenGL Version 2.0
Supports shaders!
Supports BGRA -> BGRA Shader
Supports VUYA Shader -> BGRA
Supports UYVY/YUYV ->BGRA Shader
Supports YUV 4:2:0 -> BGRA Shader
Testing for CUDA support...
Found 2 devices supporting CUDA.
CUDA Device # 0 properties -
CUDA device details:
Name: GeForce GTX 295 Compute capability: 1.3
Total Video Memory: 877MB
CUDA Device # 1 properties -
CUDA device details:
Name: GeForce GTX 295 Compute capability: 1.3
Total Video Memory: 877MB
CUDA Device # 0 not choosen because it did not match the named list of cards
Completed shader test!
Internal return value: 7
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you look at the last line it says the CUDA device is not chosen because it's not in the named list of card. That's fine. Let's add it.Step 3. Find the file: "cuda_supported_cards.txt" and edit it and add your card (take the name from the line: CUDA device details: Name: GeForce GTX 295 Compute capability: 1.3So in my case the name to add is: GeForce GTX 295Step 4. Save that file and we're almost ready.Step 5. Go to your Nvidia Drivercontrol panel (im using the latest 197.45) under "Manage 3D Settings", Click "Add" and browse to your Premiere CS5 install directory and select the executable file: "Adobe Premiere Pro.exe"Step 6. In the field "multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration" switch from "multiple display performance mode" to "compatibilty performance mode"Step 7. That's it. Boot Premiere and go to your project setting / general and activate CUDAHope this helps
1 Correct answer
Note that this will only work with cards that have 765MB or more of RAM.
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I have confirmed that the 768mb version of the gtx460 works
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hello, i found your post and discussion here about cuda being enabled for PP CS5, but i also found this page about cuda being helpful in CS4 .
i have CS4, and i recently got a new laptop with I7 740QM, Nvidia G Force 425M, 4GB RAM. i installed the newset driver for the Nvidia, and when i checked the Nvidia Control panel it shows CUDA enabled as default (for all programs i guess, but PP4 was def included in the list).
unfortunately in PP4 there is no option of Mercury Hardware Acceleration (or maybe i just can't see it at the moment?).
can i use the txt file 'hack' to chage that and to get this option? or maybe the 'hack' will help my PP CS4 w/o having the Mercury option shown/avaiable?
from what i've seen here and on other posts online - before you hack it, the option for the GPU acceleration is grey (un-touchable) and after you hack it it becomes changeable. in (my?) PP4 it's not even shown in the project/generel settings menu...
maybe there is just some minor change/s i need to make in the Nvidia control panel? like this one posted here: " Step 6. In the field "multi-display/mixed-GPU acceleration" switch from "multiple display performance mode" to "compatibilty performance mode"
any thoughts or info about how i can be using the CUDA to work with, or to improve anything in PP4 will help.
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The Mercury Playback Engine features and the use of CUDA to process many things is a Premiere Pro CS5 advance. You will not find these features in Premiere Pro CS4.
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i guess i'll need to get CS5 then...
thanks for clearing this up.
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I believe not ... sorry about that !
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Just used it for my Machine with both a GeForce GTX 560 Ti and a GeForce GTX 580 and worked great. Reduced rendering time for a large large project from 2 1/2 hours to 50 minutes
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I'm trying to do this with a Quadro FX 5600 with 1.5 Gig of memory, and I get the following results from GPUSnifffer:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5>gpusniffer
Device: 0000000000643BB8 has video RAM(MB): 1536
Vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer string: Quadro FX 5600/PCI/SSE2
Version string: 3.0.0
OpenGL version as determined by Extensionator...
OpenGL Version 3.0
Supports shaders!
Supports BGRA -> BGRA Shader
Supports VUYA Shader -> BGRA
Supports UYVY/YUYV ->BGRA Shader
Supports YUV 4:2:0 -> BGRA Shader
Testing for CUDA support...
Found 1 devices supporting CUDA.
CUDA Device # 0 properties -
CUDA device details:
Name: Quadro FX 5600
Compute capability: 1.0
Total Video Memory: 1467MB
CUDA driver version: 4000
CUDA Device # 0 not choosen because CUDA version 1.0 is not supported.
Completed shader test!
Internal return value: 7
It says the device has not been selected because CUDA version 1.0 is not supported, but the line above that shows CUDA driver version : 4000.
My NVIDIA driver version is 276.28. I'm wondering if the lack of a decimal point in what is showing for CUDA 4.0 is causing the problem.
Any suggestions?
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I found the answer to my own question in another forum. Apparently this will not work with the FX5600. The CUDA version the error message is refering to is the CUDA Compute Capability, not the CUDA Driver version.
Anyway, thanks for supporting the forum!
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Thank you for this. Add one more poor soul to your list of grateful admirers.
You see, I didn't build my PC, ADK did. And they thoughtfully installed every Adobe app that I will be using from the Creative Cloud. Well, I allowed an update without thinking about it. And then I changed from a single 19" monitor to two 24" 1920X1080 monitors. I thought that I was in big trouble because the GTX670 was not allowing Premiere Pro to see the hardware acceleration because of the monitors. Think about it. My wife decided I should have two new monitors and I couldn't make them work! How was I going to explain that?
Of course I messed around for a good 30 minutes before I gave up and checked here for an answer. You would think I would know better than that!
Thanks again. And thanks to everyone who point people to this thread.
-- Steven Gotz
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Welcome back to the madhouse Steven..
Where ya bin for so long?
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Craig! Wow. Another guy who beat be to the forums that month and is still around! (Harm being the other.)
I sort of gave up editing for a few years. Just did a little family stuff. I spent a couple of years doing everything I could to save my day job, then a few years dealing with the fact that I lost the job and had to take one all the way across the country. I saw the Creative Cloud advertisements recently and decided it was time to get back into the game.
Mostly I will be working on things for my day job (in telecommunications) just to get the attention of upper management. Then I will see if I can get back into the tutorial business, or book editing. It is quite profitable for a hobby. It would be nice to pay for my new PC with money earned with Premiere Pro. Although, I have to say that the free tutorials on the Creative Cow are pretty darn good. And it is impossible to compete with free.
I am fixing up my web site, and this info will certainly find a prominent place on the Premiere Pro page. A hack should not be necessary for much longer, I would hope.
-- Steven
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I have added in my GPU and done all you have do i know Premier Pro is using CUDA?
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I am not really sure and on the road not near that machine. Maybe someone else can tell, it has been a while and I need to see it to recall where the indicator is. I think you could also tell by the encoding speed if you had a file to compare
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No problem. I am on my editing PC.
The Project Settings dialog should look like this:
If you don't have the CUDA choice, then you either don't have the right kind of card or you didn't hack the file properly.
By the way, I have the GTX670 which requires the hack, even though Adobe tested the GTX680.
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indeed, encoding speed of a large project is a good indicator. Also a good hardware monitor ( will tell you. Without cuda working GPU temp and % usage is low. With cuda it goes up!
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.how do i know Premier Pro is using CUDA?
Generally you just check the setting. If it set to that, it's on. If it isn't, it's off.
But you can also test it by adding three or four accelerate effects to a clip. Export it twice, once with acceleration off, and again with it on. You'll see a marked improvement in export times with acceleration on.
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I added the Geforce to the list, would I also want to put the Intel? This is for Premiere Pro CC. Also is this something that I would want to do if I wanted to increase the performance of SpeedGrade?
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Since the time that this thread was created last year, we have learned that it is easier to just delete the file rather than modify it. If the file is not there, the effects are not restricted to the cards listed in the file.
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I used this Hack but it did not work. What happened with executing GPUSniffer is it found my GTX 660 Ti and placed the entry into the cuda_supported-cards txt file but didn't leave a space between 660 and the Ti characters. I finally changed permissions and inserted a space at that point "GeForce GTX 660 Ti" saved it. When I reselected the Project Settings in PR it showed the GPU acceleration setting.
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Like I said. It is easier to just delete the file.
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Wow! Wow! Wow!
You just saved my $1000 or more. Thanks SO MUCH.
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Wow! Wow! Wow!
You just saved my $1000 or more. Thanks SO MUCH.
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on my photoshop C5.1 the the openGL Drawing is enable...
but on my photoshop i can't enable it... why?
here is the info
Memory used by Photoshop: 60 %
3D Multitone Printing: Disabled.
Touch Gestures: Disabled.
Windows 2x UI: Disabled.
Image tile size: 128K
Image cache levels: 4
Font Preview: Medium
TextComposer: Latin
Photoshop crashed on 5/11/2015 at 20:57:35 (ReallocateSharedGLResources)
Display: 1
Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1080, right=1920
Display: 2
Display Bounds: top=-768, left=1080, bottom=0, right=2104
OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced
OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
glgpu[0].GLName="Intel(R) HD Graphics"
glgpu[0].GLRenderer="Intel(R) HD Graphics"
glgpu[0].glGetString[GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION]="1.30 - Intel Build"
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Try a Photoshop forum
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My proj settings, general, video rendering playback is grayed out so I can't change it. It's on Mercury Playback Engine Software only.