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Encore in Creative Cloud

New Here ,
Jun 17, 2013 Jun 17, 2013

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I am a Creative Cloud subscriber and would like to use Encore, but I do not see the icon in the APPS page of my Creative Cloud page.  Where do I search to find ENCORE and is it really part of the subscription?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I want to know WHY they did this. I believe it is not because the world is changing to streaming media.

I assume it is because they do not believe that should put the development dollars into the program. Sonic to Roxio to Rovi, which has dropped Scenarist... They can't get someone else to do it. And they can't even fix serious problems with even working around to a pro level (e.g. the gaps issue). And I'll bet they are saving a bundle by announcing it ends with CS6.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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>assume it is because they do not believe that should put the development dollars into the program

I have to agree with that idea... Encore has always been (in my view) a bit of a Frankenstein program, cobbled together out of only partially matched pieces

Cryptic error messages because of the interface between the Adobe and Sonic pieces are sometimes a major problem for some people

Not having to deal with that, and with license fees to Sonic, could certainly be a large part of Adobe's decision

I have never used it, but someone in the past mentioned an Encore alternative http://www.deskshare.com/dvd-authoring-burning-software.aspx - at least for DVD




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Advocate ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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WilfredAP wrote:

Yes, it really sucks but I want to know WHY they did this. I believe it is not because the world is changing to streaming media.

The reason may be very basic psychology - they did it because thay can, and it makes them feel powerful!




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I disagree.  I had high hopes of Adobe someday adding the capability for continuous menu video and audio, which BD is capable of.

I don't disagree with that! In the quality of offerings across the Adobe line, you would expect nothing less than what any pro user would consider basic functionality. Just like the ridiculous absence of Bluray chapter playlists initially.




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New Here ,
Jul 05, 2013 Jul 05, 2013

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I have just converted to Premiere Pro Creative Suite 6 from Final Cut Pro because Apple lost interest in all pro video products.  Now Adobe drops Encore, what is going on? 

They make claims about the Blu-ray/DVD market going away, but they give no evidence to support their claim, and they apparently don't ask their own customers' opinions.  It seems to be the same sort of arrogance Macintosh users became accustomed to from Steve Jobs.  For him, Blu-ray/DVDs were competition for music and video products he sold at the iTunes store, so it was in his selfish best interest to kill all optical media.  But Adobe???  Why did they make this decision without warning?  Is this process part of Adobe's business model for the Creative Cloud???

How is a small independent video producer supposed to deliver a one hour 1080P video contracted to a customer?

I have been an Adobe customer for many years, and love the products - even when they don't work perfectly, but now the CC business model creates serious questions I need answers to, before I will join.  Dropping Encore without canvassing the customer base is a bad omen of more bad things to come as CC members become more dependent on Adobe. As of this time and event, count me out!




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Community Expert ,
Jul 05, 2013 Jul 05, 2013

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How is a small independent video producer supposed to deliver a one hour 1080P video contracted to a customer?

Stay in the CS6 suite if you want dynamic link. Here is the Adobe workflow for PR CC Encore CS6:

Here is a Video on how the workflow has changed between Encore and Premiere Pro CC.

http://tv.adobe.com/watch/davtechtable/using-premiere-pro-cc-encore-cs 6-for-bluray-dvd-and-interact...




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Contributor ,
Jul 05, 2013 Jul 05, 2013

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Stan Jones wrote:

How is a small independent video producer supposed to deliver a one hour 1080P video contracted to a customer?

Stay in the CS6 suite if you want dynamic link. Here is the Adobe workflow for PR CC Encore CS6:

Here is a Video on how the workflow has changed between Encore and Premiere Pro CC.

http://tv.adobe.com/watch/davtechtable/using-premiere-pro-cc-encore-cs 6-for-bluray-dvd-and-interact...


I guess that is true....but the additional caveat is you better stay on Windows 7 SP1 also if you want Encore to keep working for sure, which puts quite a different spin on that path.  And makes it a little less realistic.

If there was a commitment to keep Encore as-is but at least working as long as the rest of CS6 is going to keep working on future OS's, that would be a more realistic path for Encore users.  In reality, Encore bugs should be fixed, and there should be a commitment to keep it OS compatible for as long as the rest of the CS6 suite.

Just a thought...





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Community Expert ,
Jul 05, 2013 Jul 05, 2013

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I guess that is true....but the additional caveat is you better stay on Windows 7 SP1 also if you want Encore to keep working for sure, which puts quite a different spin on that path.  And makes it a little less realistic.

If there was a commitment to keep Encore as-is but at least working as long as the rest of CS6 is going to keep working on future OS's, that would be a more realistic path for Encore users.  In reality, Encore bugs should be fixed, and there should be a commitment to keep it OS compatible for as long as the rest of the CS6 suite.

Adobe has clearly not committed to that. And yes, it will eventually create problems.




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Explorer ,
Jul 07, 2013 Jul 07, 2013

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I've been making commercial Blu-ray and DVD movies in Encore for years and knew one day I would have to find something a bit more professional. Encore has always been an unpredictable pile of crap, but I could usually get what I needed out of it with enough trial and error and I've held out hope that Adobe would come through with a final update that patched some obvious holes before retiring it. So much for that!

I believe Sony DoStudio is the answer, at least for blu-rays...but it's not cheap.




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Explorer ,
Jul 12, 2013 Jul 12, 2013

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I believe Sony DoStudio is the answer, at least for blu-rays...but it's not cheap.

What about Sony DVD Architect Pro 6?




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Contributor ,
Jul 12, 2013 Jul 12, 2013

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I searched their site and shopping sites and could not even see where this module could be bought separately.  Is it part of the $500 suite? Just not familiar with that line...but if it is up to date and reasonable...hopefully less than the 30 programs in the cloud of which 28 I would not use, it might be an option.




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Contributor ,
Jul 13, 2013 Jul 13, 2013

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Adobe stated that the new CC abo model is about trust...

And then they start with: Hey folks - suprise! Encore is EOL and we don't have a clue what comes next...

Thats exactly the oposite of trust. It clearly states:

1. You don't cant count on us.

2. Creative Cloud isn't a complete workflow solution but only a mix of random  applications

3. Dear customer - please check out the products of the competition: How is the workflow with SONY Vegas & DVD Architect Pro? Maye it's better to drop Premiere too and get an integrated workflow?

Autodesk lost my annual budget for Edit/Combustion/Composite because they decided to stopp offering solutions... so Adobe got this money and switched in with the Creative Suite...

Maybe I have to cut my Adobe budget now to find another Bluray mastering solution.

It's not a problem that Encore is EOL - but it's a problem that Adobe has no communicated strategy for the future of DVD & Bluray Authoring or what comes next...




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New Here ,
Jul 16, 2013 Jul 16, 2013

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Windows only!




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Contributor ,
Jul 05, 2013 Jul 05, 2013

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   Has anyone at Adobe noticed the large Bluray and DVD displays on about every other end cap at Target, or the holw section of the store devoted to Bluray and DVD movies? Or the half acre dedicated to DVD and Bluray sales in every single BestBuy store? Or perhaps the huge secetion dedicated to Bluray and DVD sales in Walmart? Or the Amazon video store? If there DVD and Bluray where really a diying market as much as Adobe claims then the place that would have abandond the hard media market first would have been BestBuy who almost went under 14 months ago (site http://www.forbes.com/sites/larrydownes/2012/01/02/why-best-buy-is-going-out-of-business-gradually/) But Bestbuy restructered and realized (much like Homedepot several years ago) that what was kiling bestbuy was a market demand for integrity and quailty customer service towards a disenchanted customer base that was tired of a cheap teenaged air head employee base loaded with standard business market manufactured excuses.

   What about the emerging 3D Tv and Bluray Market. Disney releases every Diamond edition Bluray disc with a 3D Bluray, Standard Bluray, DVD, and digital copy. If it were a dead or dying market Disney would have abandoned it a while ago.

  Adobe is jumping the gun on this. I know there is not one thing I can say or a mountain of evidence I can produce to support the argument already proven by the existence of this thread. Adobe is going to do what Adobe's going to do. But I really think it's short sighted and poor customer relations to walk away from the Encore app and justify it with the claim that hard media is a dead market. Just have the integrity to be honest and not dress a turd with bland rock candy. It's still a turd.

  I know we can still use CS6 Encore but like another commenter said this solution will only be good on certian OS platforms for a few years, at the longest. Then, and I predict hard media will still be very marketable, adobe uesers will have to find other alternatives. Maybe by that time another company can emerge and offer a solution to a demanding market that Apple and Adobe abandoned.

   I still love you adobe, but this affair will only last as long as you continue to benefit me.




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Contributor ,
Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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No ENCORE?!?!? This is the one part of the new adobe I think is crazy. My bread and butter is shooting weddings and live events and my clients expect is there events to be delivered via DVD AND/or Bluray?

There are still several generations of people that are comfortable with the physical medium. We are not at a completely streaming generation and discs are not dinosaurs yet.

I really hope adobe releases something to author discs. Probably not.

I guess I'll have to switch over to another authoring program. Grrrrr!




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Explorer ,
Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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Same here. All weddings and other stuff I shoot goes to DVD and Blu-ray. Sometimes the couple or client wants a USB-stick but this is not common.




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Contributor ,
Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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I could not agree more!!  I just found out that Encore was not included in an UPDATED version in the cloud....an unbelievable decision.  I did not read anything about this before this week.

I love this statement about Encore (the page does seem to be available and then unavailable randomly: 

After saying encore won't be updated it says: "Adobe Media Encoder and Adobe Premiere Pro CC include a new

feature allowing users to create iPad-ready video with QuickTime chapter markers. The Encore CS6

version will be the final release of this product."

I am so glad that Quicktime and the ipad was focused on...So I am sure all this hi-def video and 5.1 surround sound audio meticulously edited and created in the cloud software is really going to be shown off well on an ipad.  Geez, perhaps just go back to a camera mike, mono audio and 780P (or less) video. 

Very disappointing.  There are more than a few people out there that still use Blu-Rays.  I think the last movie I bought was in that format if I recall correctly.

What others said is true....Encore is not the greatest program, but it works and (was) integrated.  I had high hopes it was going to be upgraded and brought to current standards with the cloud.





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Contributor ,
Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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And just saw this:

"Please note that Encore CS6 support for future operating system updates or new hardware

platforms will not be provided."

So that's it.  Need to find new software to make Blu-ray menus with and burn Blu-rays after I upgrade to Windows 8. 





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Participant ,
Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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Wow the first great update, Adobe allways talking about. 
Wonder what comes up next?

Have fun with the cloud!


CC = Cash Cow = Terminating the word "Archive" in digital future = Lifelong dependency = NoGo = Never




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Contributor ,
Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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Where did you find this?

This contradicts that CS6 will be updated for the next major OS. Does Adobeo stay to anything they say?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 18, 2013 Jun 18, 2013

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Where did you find this?

This contradicts that CS6 will be updated for the next major OS. Does Adobeo stay to anything they say?

Right in the FAQs cited above.  Yes, it appears to contradict the general statements about keeping CS6 updated for future OSs.

"Encore CS6 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 7 with Service Pack 1 (64 bit) and Mac OS X v10.6.8 or

v10.7. Please note that Encore CS6 support for future operating system updates or new hardware

platforms will not be provided"




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 22, 2013 Jun 22, 2013

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From the following kb document:

Encore CS6 does not have a stand-alone installer, and is not listed as an available app in the Creative Cloud application.  All CS6 products are included with the Creative Cloud subscription, but there is a special process to download those applications.

    • Open the Adobe Creative Cloud application.
      • Mac OS: Go to the Applications folder and open the Adobe Creative Cloud alias.
      • Windows 7: Go to Start > All Programs > Adobe Creative Cloud.
      • Windows 8: Open the Adobe Creative Cloud application from the Start Screen.

    • Click the Apps tab in the Adobe Creative Cloud applications.

    • Locate Adobe Premiere Pro CC and click More Information.

    • The page at https://creative.adobe.com/ for the current version of Adobe Premiere Pro opens. Select the current version and choose CS6.

    • .Click the button marked "Download Adobe Premiere Pro CS6"


Once you have installed Adobe Premiere Pro CS6, you can go through the uninstall process for that application. During the CS6 uninstallation, you are given a chance to select which components to uninstall. Leave Encore deselected, and check Premiere Pro to remove just the Adobe Premiere Pro components.

Install the Encore CS6 templates and library content

The Encore CS6 installer does not automatically install the templates or library content that can be used to create your own menus.

A guide to installing these files can be found here: http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/multi/library-functional-content-missing.html

Workflow using Encore CS6 and Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Encore CS6 is not designed to work with Adobe Premiere Pro CC using dynamic link. There is a new workflow in the video found at the following link.





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New Here ,
Jun 27, 2013 Jun 27, 2013

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All your questions regarding Encore and Adobe CC are here: http://www.adobe.com/products/encore/faq.edu.html. You won't like the answers.

The summary is, that is for Windows, you have to re-install Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 which is really "Adobe Premiere CS6 Family." That means you have to take the hit to download and install both Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and Encore CS6. Then uninstall "Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Family." The uninstall process will prompt you  to uninstall Premiere Pro CS6 and/or Encore CS6. Select to uninstall Premiere Pro CS6 (if you're upgrading to Adobe Premiere Pro CC you don't need it). Pretty lame. This mess might be a deal breaker for me in about a year when my subscription price goes up.




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Contributor ,
Jun 27, 2013 Jun 27, 2013

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My feelings exactly.  I keep reading how Adobe is listening to all of the comments regarding the cloud rollout.  I hope enough people bring up the lack of an updated Encore that perhaps they will reconsider....





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 26, 2013 Sep 26, 2013

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Physical media is all I do. I have had no requests for "cloud" etc.  This is not happening now. I can see it in the looming future, but right now I need to burn dvd's and blu ray. My customers want "physical" "hands on".

To just kill it is killing me. Why do I need Premiere if all my work isn't carried over to what makes what I sell?

Not happy.




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