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Envato Trippy Punch Effect impoterd to my Media browser. My mov on V1. Click V2 ready to import Effect. When I try to drag the effect file onto V1 ( or any other teime line tracks ..I still get the closed hand icon and no go. I have ytried numeraous Clciking on's of the V1 V2 blue openings.
I am tyrying to import effecvt file on top of my orriginal film ( the effect is not a transition).
Any clues to what I may be doing wrong please.?
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The effect you highlighted in your project panel (not media browser) is a sequence.
So in order to get it on V2 you will have to source patch the track first.
Might also need to set to nest.
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It may be that Envato effects are made for a great many different versions of Premiere, after effects etc. Depending on how old they are. Sometimes if using it on a different version than it was originally created on things like this can happen. Min Premier is the most up to date 24 version so maybe thats why the effcets are not showing up ?