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Since the Update to Premiere and AE 22.5 i cant export any sequence which includes dynamic links.
In Premiere and in ME the rendering stops after a few frames. There is no change by choosing different codecs.
Working on M1 with 11.6
Clean Reinstall didnt help the issue.
Any suggestions?
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22.4 works fine btw.
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no it doesnt...
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Can you play back or render the sequence without issue?
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Yes. Inside of Premiere, no problem.
And to be more precise:
Structure is sequence -> sub sequence -> AE sequence
My workaround right now is render the sub sequence in pro res, which works most of the times, replace the AE Sequence and then render out the project. Which is kind of a huge pain.
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So if I understand correctly, you can export the nested sequence (the sub sequence) that contains the linked Ae comp to ProRes from Pr without issue. You just can't export the parent sequence to any codec from Pr or the AME until you replace the nested sequence with the previously exported file. Is this correct?
This shouldn't make any difference, but have you tried exporting the parent sequence from Pr with Ae open? With Ae closed?
Are you using any non-Adobe plugins for either Ae or Pr?
Is the Ae comp or either of the Pr sequences weighed down with heavy effects?
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yes its like that. and i also tried open ae and closed. sometimes it works better with AE and premiere closed while using ME. But still its not the solution.
Some plugins are installed but not used in the sequence.
Is there any other application support folders i can delete?
i chose to delete all user files when deinstalling but it seemed that some were still somewhere. (when open AE again it asked to migrate preferences)
documents folder was already deleted.
plugins i have some, but not used in the projects.
does it matter anyway?
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If you're not using any of the plugins then they shouldn't affect the export of this project.
Another thought occurred to me: If you are using hardware acceleration, try changing to software rendering only. Do that for both Pr and the AME.
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tried, didnt change anything.
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A couple of questions about your projects.
Is this the only project that behaves this way? For any project that has this issue, were they originally started in 22 or were they started in an earlier version (21, 19, etc.)?
See if you can re-create the issue in a brand-new, blank 22.5 project. If a new project functions properly, try importing your troublesome project into a new, blank project.
I'd also try making the linked Ae comps offline, then re-linking them in the new versions.
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everything done already. all the same. today i tried to export the sub-sequence again in h264 and the system alerted for not enough memory. even though it just used 2.7 of 16 (12)
at least its a error message. didnt find anything to fix it yet.
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Thanks for posting your solution. Was it the full disk access permissions that fixed it for you?