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Extra sequence presets require certified graphics card?

New Here ,
Nov 03, 2011 Nov 03, 2011

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After installing Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium I don't have the extra (third party) sequence presets that the full version has over the trial version. Last time I installed this on the same machine with the same OS I got those presets. Now I can not open any of my previous work I created using those presets. After long discussions with Adobe support it appears that the reason for this is my graphics card (being a lowly Quadro FX1500). I'm now faced with the cost of a FX 3800 ($700) to get these presets to install.

I have to say that I'm pretty dubious this is the problem. I can see me getting the card and the problem not being fixed. I didn't get any install errors. Can anyone give me some more confidence that this is the reason I'm not getting the extra presets installed? I know the FX1500 is old but it's good enough for me. I'm not a video professional just a mechanical engineer putting some technical videos together and using the CS5.5 Production Premium on a month-to-month licence as and when I need it. I would upgrade to an FX1800 for my CAD work but this is not certified for Premiere Pro





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Nov 05, 2011 Nov 05, 2011

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I just sent your email address to one of our testers so that he can get in touch with you and get installtion logs, etc.

Of course, it's the weekend, so don't expect an immediate response.




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Explorer ,
Nov 05, 2011 Nov 05, 2011

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Thanks for inviting me to this thread. My system is having exactly the same problem. Narrowneck: are you on a 27inch iMac by any chance? And were you upgrading from CS5.0?

It'll be nice to get this sorted so I can get back to work!





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New Here ,
Nov 06, 2011 Nov 06, 2011

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I'm using a Gigabyte motherboard i7 3.4GHz PC with 8Gb RAM and Windows 7 x64. Using a nVidia Quadro FX1500 video card.




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New Here ,
Nov 07, 2011 Nov 07, 2011

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Hi Todd, No one has contacted me yet.




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New Here ,
Nov 06, 2011 Nov 06, 2011

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Hi Todd, Thank you for the help and explanation. The case number #0182764522 is the one where Installation Support tell me I need a new graphics card to fix this problem. I have a copy of the online chat from the browser but the chat we continured when sharing my computer in the chat screen of the Adobe Connect application I do not have a copy of. It is here that the doscussion of graphics card took place. If you can read both chat histories I think it would be interesting for Adobe support to see.




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New Here ,
Nov 07, 2011 Nov 07, 2011

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Yes it's likely to be Canon DSLR codec but how do I install those? I have the Canon software already installed.




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New Here ,
Nov 03, 2011 Nov 03, 2011

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That trick didn't bring them back.

I would really appreciate some help getting this going. I renewed my subscription 10 days ago and I haven't done the edit for my client yet...




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Nov 03, 2011 Nov 03, 2011

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That trick didn't bring them back.

Well, there you go.  That's suggesting that the "something else" hasn't been dealt with.




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Nov 03, 2011 Nov 03, 2011

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I've contacted someone at Adobe who will (I believe) be able to help you out. Remember, we're just users like you on the forum, so there's only so much we can do, but the Adobe folks who do dwell here are definitely engaged in helping out users with really stuck-in-the-mud issues like this.




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New Here ,
Nov 16, 2011 Nov 16, 2011

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Progress update:

I'm now on day 22 from renewing my licence and still not able to edit previous projects. I have been contacted by the Premiere Pro team and I'm scheduled to have a live session with them late today. In the meanwhile the applications dropped the serial number and registration! On seeing the request for a serial number or chose Trial I though 'yay maybe this random kick in the guts will sort it out?'. Why it should do this within the subscription period I don't know. Anyway I re-entered the serial number and authenticated through my Adobe ID and .... still the codecs are missing....

My customer has long given up on me and is using the original video. (I need the codecs and After Effects).

I've considered re-imaging my system but decided against this because:

1. I can not face the day + downtime on other work

2. It might not solve the problem

3. If it solves the problem them I'm in a position where I don't know if I should carry on. I need the month-to-month solution for my business. What if I let it lapse again and then get asked for another tweek as I have this time? I might find myself weeks into the same problem. I need to see it solved in front of my own eyes to regain faith in operating like this. I need to ride this thread to a solution.




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New Here ,
Nov 16, 2011 Nov 16, 2011

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Here's the obersvation in our environment:

When the tech created the new image, the video sequence presets were present.

When the tech pulled down the sysprepped image to the machine, logged in as local admin, the presets were gone.

Changed the IP to bypass the Internet filter, (it's an Ironport and if it's not user-authenticated, it doesn't exit our network, the bypass IP does just what it sounds like).  The presets were back.

Changed the IP back to DHCP.  The presets remain.

Joined the PC to the domain.  Opened Premiere Pro, and received a "do you want to participate in our improvement program?"  No.

However all of the presets are still there. 

So it looks like it’s trying to "phone home" initially.  But...who it's calling, what the # is, and why?  I don't know.

Further troubleshooting required on our part to figure out where the client is trying to go to most likely pull the additional bits for installation.




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Nov 18, 2011 Nov 18, 2011

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Has your problem been resolved? I've been told by some of our staff that it has been, but I wanted to check in with you and make sure.




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Advocate ,
Nov 18, 2011 Nov 18, 2011

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Post here if it is and how it was fixed please.





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New Here ,
Nov 19, 2011 Nov 19, 2011

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Short explanation: I set my time zone to +11 GMT, renamed \ProgramData\Adobe\SLStore, created a new empty one, started Prem.Pro, dialogue said 'activation failed', clicked Try again, activation succeeded, had full functioning Prem Pro, reset my time zone back to +12GMT. Waited a day tested it again and all works fine.

Long explanation:

Very helpful Premiere Pro technical person called and we had an interactive session. As noted above 16-Nov PremPro (and all CS5.5 apps) had now started prompting for serial number or trial. This could have been due to a Windows update in the previous few days. So all the time was taken trying to get a stable situation for starting without providing a serial number.  A number of things were tried and to the suprise of tech support they didn't work. It was acknowledged that this was an issue we needed to fix and then we could fix the codecs. After stalling out on fixing this tech support left and said they would get back with advice to fix this issue.

A day later I'm advised to follow the method described above as they found

After studying the logs, I see that this is a known problem in Subscriptions in New Zealand


To my suprise I didn't have to enter the serial number again (as they thiught I would) and the activation went OK on the 'Try Again'

Not only did it fix the launching of the application(s) but PremPro now had the full set of Codecs and my previous projects opened without error.

My thoughts:

It is just a few days from being a month when I renewed my subscription and this problem has caused damage to me financially and with credibility with a major customer. The first two weeks were spent trying to get the application to install / register and being sent from Installation support to PremPro support and back again. Being caught in that no-mans-land was the killer. Only after coming to this forum did I make any headway at all. I haven't noted my time but it would be close to 20 hours I'm sure (I know I have either been on hold or discussing the matter directly with Adobe for about 5 hours).

My guess is that the registration does not account for a local clock running at GMT+13 hours which we are at the moment with +12GMT +daylight savings.

I'm pleased I didn't reimage the OS as that would have been another drain on my time.

I work for myself I create IP for my clients and so I respect IP. I don't have any illegal licences running on any of my computers. Having a month-to-month subscription option is vital for me and I applaud Adobe for offering it. I can not afford or need a full time licence. I am happy to pay for an application when I need to use it. The down side is that in this case it has been commerical suicide for this job and to get the job done maybe I should have sought 'any means' to get the result for my customer. It is disappointing to find a resolution that appears to have been documented 24 days after my initial problems.




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Explorer ,
Nov 19, 2011 Nov 19, 2011

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I have just tried to start Prem and It went straight to the activation box. It keeps asking me to connect to internet even though I am. So now I cant even start Prem. I see the quote re New Zealand and as Im in NZ this could still be an issue. Excuse my ignorance but could you explain again what you renamed in your short explanation

(\ProgramData\Adobe\SLStore) and created a new Empty one? Where do I find it?





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New Here ,
Nov 19, 2011 Nov 19, 2011

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Hi Onthetableproductions,

You need to create an empty folder in replacement of the existing one so either delete or rename or delete the contents of:


If deleted or renamed then create a new empty


Please let us know if that is successful.





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New Here ,
Nov 20, 2011 Nov 20, 2011

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I'm still having trouble importing .mov files.  I get the missing codecs error.  Even thought I'm in the states, I tried changing my clock, renaming then recreating the SLStore file.  Still no luck.  I keep hoping with each reinstall the problem will correct itself.




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Explorer ,
Nov 20, 2011 Nov 20, 2011

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Hi Chris,

Followed the steps as you suggested. I can open Prem now but still only have the same limited options for sequence presets as before. I tried steps over again and reinstalled prem too. still no luck.





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New Here ,
Nov 20, 2011 Nov 20, 2011

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Looks like you will have to call Adobe support, which from NZ can be painful from my experience. This forum has yielded more progress for me. It was not expected that this activation would sort out the codecs but it did for me. Have you tried uninstalling and running the CS cleaner app? This is all I can suggest while you await a response.

Good luck





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Nov 22, 2011 Nov 22, 2011

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For people who run into this problem and are using a computer with the time zone set to New Zealand time, here is the workaround that one of my coworkers gave narrowneck, and that seemed to work in his case:

    1. Back up the SLStore folder  ( C:\ProgramData\Adobe\SLStore ) and create a new one with Read-Write permissions for all users.
    2. Change the time zone from UTC+12:00 Auckland, Wellington to any other time zone ( say UTC+11:00 )
    3. Start application again and enter serial number again if prompted for serial number or retry activation if “Unable to activate” displayed .

If this doesn't work for you, then please contact Technical Support.





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Nov 28, 2011 Nov 28, 2011

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I am having the exact same problem. I've WASTED hours researching this issue and have no solution. After being spun around all day by Customer/Tech Support, I was told that there is a solution, but I have to pay a fee to get it. Pretty messed up, considering the software isn't doing what it says it does...which is support .MTS files (http://help.adobe.com/en_US/premierepro/cs/using/WSd79b3ca3b623cac97fa024001235833a568-8000.html).




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New Here ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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I've been working on a project for a few weeks with no problems. I've just opened it to find that several of the clips are "Media Offline".  When I try to re-import them from the folder I get a message telling me that "The file has an unsupported compression type".  All the files in the project are AVCHD and shot on the same camera, I have no idea why there is suddenly a problem with some of them while others are fine.  The only thing I can think of which might have triggered this is that I upgraded my processor to an Intel i7.  Can someone help?  I have a deadline of Friday for this project.




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New Here ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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My sincerest "guess" is that you have to uninstall the entire suite, then use the cleanup app, and then search for anything with the word adobe (that you feel might be linked to the program) and trash. Then reinstall. The process isn't as bad as it seems, having done it numerous times until it finally worked. The real pain is remembering and reinstalling any plugins or presets you might have (I back them up on another harddrive so I can either drag them over or use them as referance for reinstall). Good luck.




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New Here ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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Thanks - I was hoping that there might be something less drastic but it l suppose there probably isn't.  I have no idea why this has happened - it's extremely annoying.




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New Here ,
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012

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Just tried something else which worked.  I couldn't understand why some of the clips were fine while others weren't, so I re-named the ones which Premiere was refusing to import and it imported them fine - then I applied Replace Clip with the newly re-named files replacing the ones which were showing as Media Offline, and which it was refusing to import.  Seems to have worked.  Why it happened is still a complete mystery though.




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