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Hi @KinoKast,
Thanks for the version details. This issue was fixed in Premiere version 23.4. Please update your version from Creative Cloud and let us know how it goes there in the updated version. Sorry for not mentioning it earlier.
Happy to help, Mayjain
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paying way too much money for a supposedly professional software and missing deadlines because basic functions simply stop working. freakin joke.
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The most ridiculous issue I've faced in years.when I added a new audio track to the timeline and put the audios in the new audio track channel and got export at the 44100hz setting, it worked too
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FOLLOW UP: When exporting the culprit for me losing audio on export is a huge temp files. My drive was hitting its cap despite having 80+ gb of free space on that drive. After moving my temp folder to a larger drive the issue stopped.
Please watch your drive as you are exporting your video and see if you are topping out, hitting capacity. This was the main reason my issue persisted and there was little to no indication in the error logs that it was due to temp file sizes.
The error would often read "insufficient storage" but sometimes would still export while dumping the audio when the temp storage ran out.
If you are on Windows, I've linked the way to move temp files to a new drive below. I hope this helps
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What I did is I exported the audio to wav
then replace the audio from my timeline.
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I have the same issue. Single, very short files are simply missing. Other files on the same track work just fine. I have removed the from the sequence and added them again. The issue is still there.
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It's not fixed. I'm fully updated on all versions and it's still doing it. Nothing is working.
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It's still not fixed Adobe!!!! Such a mess with this Apps.
The issue persists. Randomly missing audio in 1 hour movie at least twice for 20-30 seconds.
My guess is that it deals with the great-most-buggy "Dynamic-forget-all-Links-Server". Randomly it looses connection to files while rendering and this is why you cannot detect the source clip. It just happnes randomly if the link server is down (for what ever reason) for seconds while rendering.
Such a messs.
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The "out of storage" theory sounds plausible. It stands to reason that Premiere Pro requires substantial temporary space to pre-render exports. This aligns with my experience, as I encountered the issue on larger-than-usual projects. At the time, I had approximately 50-70 GB of free space on the Windows drive — which could have been insufficient. But it's still speculation from my end.
I took a break from work, but if anyone else finds that it does indeed help to either free up more space, or to move the Windows temp folder to another drive with more space, please report your findings here. Your feedback is much appreciated. Adobe won't take this seriously, so all we have is each other.
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Actually it was the buggy h.264 compression of Premiere Pro, as I read through different other sources and combined the findings there.
So I changed my output video to AppleProRes 422 Proxy (which gives nearly the size of a proper H.264 compression) and to a Qicktime .mov format instead of .mp4 and it worked out with all audio from all clips included ...
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STILL HAPPENING! ISSUE NOT FIXED> I can't even export the audio without missing parts. Is there a new workaround? HELP!!
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It still makes the same issue only from time to time.
For long materials this is an issue because of the time to recheck if anything is missing.
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Hi, it's 2025 and the issue is still there.
I use Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 and 2025 (version 25.1.0 (Build73)).
In my case, every time that I export there are specific missing parts, sentences exactly.
I tried the method "render and replace", it works great for all the parts that already provided sound but not for the one with no sound.
For that specific sentence (that has no sound on the export) after render it, it replaced it with 0 volume (no sound).
I realized that Channels 1 and 3 were needed because channels 2 and 4 had no sound.
I am sure that someone from Adobe understands better than me.
I realized from my issue, that Adobe Premiere exports another Channel for that specific sentence (and not the one assigned by me).
It never happened with Channels 1 and 2.
So the issue appears to be (at least in my case, where the sound disappears only on specific sentences, and every time the same parts are missing) - that Adobe Premiere mistakes interpretation of the Channel assigned (it takes Channels 2 or 4).
I hope to solve this issue if I convert all my materials from the start.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work so great (takes a lot of time) for films and long-long materials.
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Hi @1RS,
Can you tell me what format your video and audio are in? Can you explain more about the channel issue? Premiere is not correctly mapping the channels on export? If you're able to send in any examples, we'd love to take a deeper look into this.
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This is still an issue as of February 2025. Premiere 25.1 on a new installation of Windows 11. Plenty of system resources and everything is updated. When I import projects from After Effects (also v25.1) sometimes the audio doesn't even import with the project. When it does import, it will sometimes export out of Premiere to video and sometimes it won't. It seems quite random. Sometimes I can reimport the AE files and it'll work, but sometimes it won't. I've tried all sorts of workarounds (cache management, saving AE files as new files, etc.) but nothing consistently works. This is causing quite a bit of frustration and lost time.
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This just happened to me. I copied and pasted my sequence into a new sequence, and successfull reexported.
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This is still happening to me in 2025. And we pay for a program like this, it's really a joke...
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This is still a problem--BUT! I have discovered a potential fix. Or rather, here is what worked for me.
This seems to be YET ANOTHER issue tied to Premiere not exporting correctly when using proxies. I am having this issue (v25.1, 2022 mac book pro). Nothing on this thread fixed the problem for me. I was freaking out because the issue had me way past deadline on a project (thanks, adobe!).
Finally, I toggled off the proxies just for sh!ts and giggles and, bingo-bango, all my audio was in place. I also toggled them back on and exported again just as an was missing again. Toggled the proxies off and re-exported...fixed again.
Bottom you have to turn off the proxies before you export anything, whether it's stills or the whole video.
Hope this helps!
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I wish it were that simple, but it isn't. I never used proxies and never will. And I'm sure many other people here are in the same boat.
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After trying many things, I exchanded the audio tracks from tracks 3 and 4 (moved the one that was on track 3 to track 4, and the one that was on track 4 to track 3)... and so found that track 4 was the one that was missing on the exports. So, I deleted track 4, added a new track, put the audio file there and worked.
Hope this works for someone else.