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I'm pleased to announce that Premiere Pro version 23.2 has just been released with a fix for this issue and some other nice features. Please update to get the fix.
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If the folder name contains Korean characters, the output will fail
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HI. After the update, the export of the file passes, but the file does not work and it size 1kb
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Аfter the last update of version 23.1, when exporting a project and hardware acceleration, the export process is normal: 2 files are created, they increase in volume while the process is in progress, but upon completion, the file = 1kb. If I switch encoding parameters / performance / to only software, then everything is encoded.
Using media encoder gives the same problem. I have a Russian version, so not an exact translation of the functions is possible.
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I also get this error in the latest version 23.1
When I instead install 23.0.0 (Build 63) everything works again.
The error message when exporing:
File importer detected an inconsistency in the file structure of XYZ.mp4. Reading and writing this files metadata (XMP) has been disabled.
Windows 11
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I also get this error in the latest version 23.1
on 2 laptop on Windows 11 / Nvidia Quadro P1000 and Nvidia RTX 3070.
GPU drivers are updated
Try with CUDA or Engine accelerator... It doesn't work...
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Excuse English
I have enough space for my SSDand HDD and also I had no problem until today (even yesterday, everything worked fine)
Today I just updated my premiere pro version cuz It says update is available
and then after updating it
When I finished my editing for video and then I rendered
but I keep getting 24 bytes file without video, audio
Please help
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well.. I just solved problem
I reverted premiere pro to previous version
and all problem solved..
I guess new version has some issue
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Thanks Kevin, but 517 is the same.
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The same issue with me. I tried also other Presets as I thought there might be something wrong with my preset, but the same issue.
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I have updated my PR, now it is v23.1, I found that my output video file is only 1KB, can't open, I don't know why, I didn't change any parameter settings.
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Try to downgrade and see if it still works.
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Sorry for the continuing issue. I am sorry I failed to get the product team to respond directly. One of the product managers did respond here, however.
I believe there are a few issues related to the following bug:
Try exporting to an English language folder as a workaround. You can also revert to an earlier version. I hope the advice helps. At least the devs know about the issue and are swinging the hammer as we speak.
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Bom dia!
Estou há 3 dias com problemas na hora de exportar meu projeto. O processo segue normal, mas próximo do final do processo ocorrem as mensagens de erro:
Mensagem de erro 1: O importador de arquivos detectou uma inconsistência na estrutura de arquivos de (nome do arquivo).mp4. A leitura e gravação dos metados deste arquivo (XMP) foi desativada.
No mesmo momento,
Mensagem de erro 2: O vídeo foi exportado com sucesso.
Porém, após o erro é criado um um arquivo MP4 de 24bytes e o a exportação não é concluída.
Já reinstalei o programa duas vezes, desabilitei os plugins, mas o erro persiste.
Alguém já passou por isso?
Preciso de suporte com urgência.
Adobe Premiere 2023.1.0 (Build 86)
Good Morning! I've been having problems for 3 days when exporting my project. The process continues normally, but near the end of the process the error messages occur: Error message 1: The file importer detected an inconsistency in the file structure of (filename).mp4. Reading and writing of this file's metadata (XMP) has been disabled. At the same time, Error message 2: The video exported successfully. However, after the error, a 24bytes MP4 file is created and the export is not completed. I have already reinstalled the program twice, disabled the plugins, but the error persists. Has anyone ever experienced this? I need support urgently.
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I have NVidia 417.X and same Problem. Better roll back Premiere, i guess. Less hustle.
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I am having the exact same problem. I did roll back to 517.40, got all reboot done and the problem remais the same
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I Just re-install Premiere and it worked.
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Good news. I just heard that the latest studio drivers are now working too. What a relief. Look for 527.56.
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estou com esse mesmo problema, vi que alguns encontraram uma solução, mas não entendi como faz. Alguém pode me orientar?
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Tengo mismo problema, ya reinstalé, además desde hace tiempo, cuando pincho en cualquier pestaña "Archivo - edición - clip etc - tarda mucho en abrir el desplegable y pone que el programa no responde, después de un rato puedo ir pinchando en diferentes opciones.
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Tengo el mismo problema desde el domingo. No encuentro la solución, ayuda por favor!!
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atualizei a placa de vídeo pra versão sugerida, mas o problema continua. Vou reverter versões do Premiere pra encontrar alguma estável, não posso ficar sem trabalhar.
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Solution: Update to Premiere Pro 23.2.
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This 23.1 version is full of bugs, crash and sometimes very slow.
I downgrade to 23, and I hope a new upgrade with a functional Premiere
[Moderator note: moved to Bug type of post to 1) flag this issue for developers and 2) allow other users to add details and upvote this issue.]
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I'm glad to explain a little more: