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I am using Macs since the beginning.
And I am using Window, Unix, Mac the old ones and the new ones.
But pls can someone explain to me the benefit of the awful import folder structure that premiere introduced some while ago?
I dont get the benefit for mac users.
I cant find my user Tasksidebar where all my important folders are located.
Its clumsy and it makes me real mad.
Give me a clue what the big benefit is and why we don´t use the same import in After Effects?
And if you make you own file import window: then give me some benefits and not the oposite.
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But pls can someone explain to me the benefit of the awful import folder structure that premiere introduced some while ago? I dont get the benefit for mac users.
By @Peter A Lund
IMHO there is no benifit for anyone, Mac or Windows users.
But, since i can create a new project by giving it a name, choose a project location that fit my preference and the click on Create and then edit away i don´t see this as a big issue. You can choose if you want to create a project in D:\Project or D:\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\blabla\project. Premiere Pro does not force anyone to use the folder path they suggest, not when creating a project, not when exporting, not for media cache/scratch disks, etc.
You are in charge when it comes to file paths.
Or did i miss anything? 🙂
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Ok, let me explain.
So Premiere lost the link to files from my internal Image folder that is located in the Fotos>APP> APPLE.
If you try to lacate those files you would usually go to the search engine of the mac > locate the file > and drag it into the import window of premiere.
I have done that 1 Million times with many aplications ....
Once the path is revealed you can relink the file ....
But with the Premiere browser this does not work.
I dont know why, but draging something into the app works > but draging into the import window wont work.
This is anoying.
Because it shows me that it wasnt tested by user that have to deal with many projects.
And I cant see where I can deactivate this way of importing.
I would love to have the choise on which menu I use to import.
If i like to search and replace use the mac import.
If I need to do other stuff >>>> the premiere import dialoge window ...
This is the menu I am refering to:
relink window
Try it: You cant drag and drop ....
And this annoyes me.
I hope you can relate.
ps: I am frustrated that I have to come up with this. I would love that more experienced editors would talk about it. But maybe those editors have the advantage of having assitant editors. I dont know. Maybe I am getting old.
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Actually, as I found at a SMPTE event among other places, for many users ... the new Import Page format is awesome. It isn't of use for thee or me, or for Averdahl for most things, so do as before.
For a lot of newsrooms, some large corporate offices and such, they do mulitple short projects a day on rapid time turnarounds. They won't be doing large multi-bin structures, and in fact, an assistant or super may well have the media/graphics to be used already in a folder.
So for them, simply starting that new project, with the saved locations for their type of projects on the left, means fast setup of the project initiation.
Another use is for newsrooms where they're uploading from card ... and use the upper right options to copy and verify transport to on-disc locations. And even start a sequence with the media they'll be using.
I can see where that is a huge benefit in that workflow.
And nothing of that interferes with my project creation process, so why would I be annoyed?
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You dont have to be annoyed.
I am annoyed
And I am annoyed because of all the input I have given over the years that made products better.
But now I have to work with an interface that looks like it was peaced together.
Hey even routing V2 to V2 is like a project that you need to do, because it does not work.
If you rout the V2 to V2 and you insert the source it effects the V1, why would that be helpfull.
Yes I can overwrite it, but this should not be possible. V1 is deactivated. So tio me its important that if
I want to insert something its only going to effect layer V2 and not making a space in V1.
And if this can be changed then this should not be the default.
This is one of the main problems I have with premiere.
It seem a drag and drop app and not a precision editing software.
No sync point editing, which is crucial for music videos
No replace edit at CTR.
These are all tools that make sens if you edit a lot with out draging.
Yes tetris editing with the app is ok and some of the features are enjoyable, but at the end of the day
This is like very slow progress for an app that is not cheap.
And I cant find any workshop fo rlarge scale productions.
And dont get me started with the crashes.
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They changed track targeting practice awhile back, and like most changes, that was because in certain workflows a different action was needed. But for those of us that didn't need the different way, it was a screwup situation.
Once you learn how to get around that, it's back to 'normal' working again. @Ann Bens is good at helping with that.
"No sync point editing" ... could you explain that? There's several different processes for hitting places on a timeline, used in different applications. No idea which specific thing you're referring to.
And replace edit at CTI ... I've done that for years, I don't get what's missing, would love a better explanation.
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I think its better to show it in a clip :
I allways start with music. I struckture everything around the sound and what you hear.
Then I start with making selects (timeline selects)
Out of this I start editing.
Once the edit sits in place there come the review and I have to change a lot or not.
If I have tio change edits : then replace edit and sync point edit come in handy.
Instead of trimming I just put both CTR´s at the point of the music i like to sync them and press "sync point edit"
Or relace edit.
So you dont need to "In" "Out" and "in" in the timeline
Nor do you need to replace edit > which works but you may have to trim the "edit"
So basically is editing without "in" and "out" points because these are set by the edit and by the CTRs.
Very very fast editing if you need to correct edits.
And with clients that change their mind often
And with directors that have new ideas.....
So I am missing this feature a lot.
I help myself with replace edit (alt drag) but you still have to slip and slide or trim.
Once you have used this feature and seen its possibilities you are not going back.
here is another clip that explains it:
So I hope its explaind well and I am looking forward if this could be implemented.
cheers and have a nice day
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I think that last post, copied into a new Ideas thread post, would be great. Always love to see the way others work, and the things that would help intriguing workflows get pushed for.
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Hey Neil,
you are right.
It ought to go to the sync point editing post, which seems to be disapperared.
Sorry for this.
Peter Lund