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GPU compatibility and Premiere Pro

Community Expert ,
Sep 07, 2020 Sep 07, 2020

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Hello all,

First I should note that this is a work computer and I have zero scope for making changes to drivers and parts on my own. Anything I request I need to be able to justify to the IT dept.


Anyway, I started Premiere today to see a System Compatibility Report informing me that my NVIDIA Quadro T1000 has an unsupported video driver. This is the first time I've seen this warning with a relatively new laptop and has appeared consistently since a Windows update this morning.


The compatibility report text file tells me the following:
"NVIDIA has identified a bug which causes random crashes in your Adobe application and has provided a fix in driver version 451.77. This driver update is strongly recommended."


Looking on the NVIDIA website for this driver (451.77) tells me that it is not for my specific card:



Now, I am aware that the Quadro T1000 does not appear on Adobe's list of recommended cards here:


but there's not a lot I can do about that (I did send that list to my IT dept when I requested the laptop... sigh).


I don't know what I can infer from any of this. How much stock should I put in this compatibility warning? Why would it recommend an update that is not for my specific card?

Hardware or GPU




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Sep 07, 2020 Sep 07, 2020

You will need to go directly to the Nvidia Web site, then under "Drivers" select "All Nvidia Drivers," then click on "Beta and Older Drivers," the  set various drop down boxes: "Quadro," "Quadro Series (Notebooks)," "Quadro T1000," "Windows 10 64-Bit," and "DCH." You will find various driver versions up to and including the 451.77 and the current 452.06 drivers listed. Select either the 451.77 or the 452.06 driver and run the installation. Don't go with the 451.48 driver since that may be the dr



Community Expert ,
Sep 07, 2020 Sep 07, 2020

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I am afraid the card has become obselete for 2020 might still work with 2019.


The compatibility report text file tells me the following:
"NVIDIA has identified a bug which causes random crashes in your Adobe application and has provided a fix in driver version 451.77. This driver update is strongly recommended."

This was for gtx cards.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 07, 2020 Sep 07, 2020

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Hi Ann,

Is this a normal state of affairs for Premiere Pro? The card was released in May last year. Is that all the time it takes to be obsolescent?


I am not an especially regular user of PrPro, so I don't know how much importance I should put in this warning. The software still seems to work fine. Do people get these warnings all the time and ignore them, or are they something everyone heeds to the letter?




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Sep 07, 2020 Sep 07, 2020

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You will need to go directly to the Nvidia Web site, then under "Drivers" select "All Nvidia Drivers," then click on "Beta and Older Drivers," the  set various drop down boxes: "Quadro," "Quadro Series (Notebooks)," "Quadro T1000," "Windows 10 64-Bit," and "DCH." You will find various driver versions up to and including the 451.77 and the current 452.06 drivers listed. Select either the 451.77 or the 452.06 driver and run the installation. Don't go with the 451.48 driver since that may be the driver that you currently have installed, and that driver suffers from all sorts of issues (specifically, Lumetri Color corruption) with Premiere Pro.


The linked fix driver is only for GeForce GPUs, and is not compatible with Quadro GPUs.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 07, 2020 Sep 07, 2020

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I see, thank you.

Just for further information though, when I see things like 'obsolete', and 'Beta and Older' drivers, am I to conclude that the T1000 is indeed obsolescent?


If so I have some stern words for IT, as I requested this machine specifically for PrPro...




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Sep 07, 2020 Sep 07, 2020

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No. The T1000 is not obsolete. It's just that your IT simply refuses to update, or even permit the updating of, anything at all whatsoever except for mere security fixes.


And I did point out "Beta and Older Drivers" because simply selecting your GPU and your OS will only result in the newest driver version that's compatible with your GPU, which turned out to be the current 452.06 version in the case of the Quadro T1000. And yes, there are instances where the newest driver creates new issues in Premiere Pro (take version 451.48, for example, when it was the newest driver version available, which created corruption in Lumetri Color on viewing, which resulted in us recommending rolling back to a 44x.xx driver until the corruption got fixed).




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Community Expert ,
Sep 08, 2020 Sep 08, 2020

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Ah thank you. Ann's answer had me a little discomfited.




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Community Expert ,
Sep 08, 2020 Sep 08, 2020

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Sorry< I could not find any new drivers hence the remark.




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