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HELP!! How to change sequence setting from 1080p to QHD?

Community Beginner ,
Sep 02, 2020 Sep 02, 2020

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I am a movie director. We finished production in October 2019 and since then the film has been in Post. My editor created a few cuts in November and December, but I wasn't really pleased by them. We took a break, and then I had to leave the country. Now I reedited the film, making tweaks on the same sequence that my editor created. The original footage is 2048 × 1536, but the sequence setting is 1920 × 1080. My editor created a "best takes" sequence, which he broke down into fragments (multiple sequences for multiple takes). The setting for that sequence is also 1920 × 1080.

I am not an editor primarily, so I don't understand much of the technical aspect, but I want to export my film in a higher quality 2048 × 1536. So I was wondering how I could export in this desired quality, without disrupting my sequence? Should I change the sequence setting, or should I change the settings in the export tab? 

Please HELP!

Editing , Export , Formats , How to




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Advisor , Sep 02, 2020 Sep 02, 2020

Firstly, if you are worried about making a mistake and messing up your existing sequence - duplicate it first then make changes to the duplicate. Name it differently so you know what it is.

Then open your sequence settings from the sequence menu, under the 'Editing Mode' pull down menu - scroll up until you get to 'custom'. Then you'll be able to change the 'Frame Size' (still in the sequence setting panel) to whatever you want. In this case 2048 (horizontal) x1536 (vertical). 

Once you return t



Advisor ,
Sep 02, 2020 Sep 02, 2020

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Firstly, if you are worried about making a mistake and messing up your existing sequence - duplicate it first then make changes to the duplicate. Name it differently so you know what it is.

Then open your sequence settings from the sequence menu, under the 'Editing Mode' pull down menu - scroll up until you get to 'custom'. Then you'll be able to change the 'Frame Size' (still in the sequence setting panel) to whatever you want. In this case 2048 (horizontal) x1536 (vertical). 

Once you return to your sequence you may find the images no longer fill the frame. If this is the case select all your clips in your sequence, right click and then select 'Set to frame size' in the pull down menu that appears. 


Post more questions if you have trouble.


... just checking your original footage was not shot 'anamorphic? As I see your current sequence settings are actually 1440x1080 - not 1920x1080. This may change things ... but see how you go.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 03, 2020 Sep 03, 2020

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Thank You for your answer that helps. The OG sequence settings were 1920, but when I got an output in the Prores format, the dimentions changed to 1440. Idk why that happened. Also, the footage was shot anamorphic (I should have mentioned that). 

It was shot on Arri Alexa, so I was wondering if I should have the editing mode be: Arri Cinema.

I have attached two screenshots, No.1 is the sequence settings of the timeline created by my editor. No.2 is the sequence settings of the timeline I created. Please let me know if there is anything I should change. My desired aspect ratio at the end is 2.39, so I have put in black bars in the 16:9 preview screen.(img no.3)





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Community Expert ,
Sep 02, 2020 Sep 02, 2020

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...so we dont have to download unknown files: we help you, you help us. Thanks! 




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 03, 2020 Sep 03, 2020

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For sure, I wasn't aware. Thanks!




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Advisor ,
Sep 04, 2020 Sep 04, 2020

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I don't work with anamorphic material so I'm going to make some guesses. Hopefully another user will jump in with better advice ...

This might work ...

Create a new sequence. Now drag an original arri shot from your bin into the sequence. You will likely get a message that says "This clip does not match the sequence's setting etc. " Click the option 'Change sequence settings'. If Premiere Pro recognises this particular anamorphic Arri footage it will create sequence settings to match the frame size and (hopefully) also detect the pixel aspect (anamorphic settings) of the clip.

Now with a (hopefully) correct sequence settings for your particular format you can now copy all the clips from your previous 1920x1080 sequence and paste them into this new sequence. As mentioned before - if they don't fill the frame select all the clips (in the new sequence) again and right click and select 'Set to frame size' to expand them to full size.


You asked if you should use 'arri cinema' for your settings. I don't know enough about Arri to answer that.

Good luck.




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 04, 2020 Sep 04, 2020

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Thank You so much, that helps. I will give that a try.




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