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I just dropped some DJI footage into the timeline. Did some color correction and want to export it. Says HEVC codec included and to pick a plan> I signed out.. Signed back in.. Same issues. Renders with the Media missing screen.
Ive had it with adobe at this point. Its always somethuing. I will be going to my boss tomorrow morning and telling him we need to just dump adobe all together and go to Davinci Resolve.
Enough is enough already. I spend more time having to screw around with stuff then working.
PS.. if you have stock in adobe and are gonna respond telling me how great it is and its user error.. save it..
And you know who you are..
I would rather hear from users like me who wont —
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Says HEVC codec included and to pick a plan> I signed out.. Signed back in
I'm puzzled, no clue what went wrong. Pick a plan? I've never seen that anywhere.
With the sequence selected, Ctrl/Cmd-M to get to Export dialog box, in the Format line selecting the HEVC ... and then select which preset, select Export ...
I've no idea whatever where the "pick a plan" come in. Totally puzzled.
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I been sitting in this for a few months. Been with Adobe since before the cloud service. I think I've given premiere enough of my life.
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Matt, your comments make no sense if this is a fully paid (non-pirated) version of Premiere Pro from their Creative Cloud builds.
If it is a proper version of Premiere Pro, give a lot more details. In all the years I've been on this forum, I've never seen such a message listed.
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Satisfied, Scorsese?  
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The attitude is unfortunate. Like almost everyone else around here, I'm just another user like you trying to sort out what the hay your problem is.
And this is a totally unusual problem. Now, your license for "team" is perhaps involved with this, as there are some differences for those. The licensing for teams, enterprise, and 'regular' can be a fun thing to sort out unless you're a staffer with a full cheat sheet of differences.
But that detail ... that's it's a Teams license, is important. And it's the kind of thing that is needed in basic troubleshooting.
So ... @Kevin-Monahan ... any ideas what that issue might be then?
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don't bother, "fella"
I don't like to be talked down to..
I just cracked the seal and will be trying the software out today. If I'm satisfied, I already told my boss we need to switch.
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BTW I fixed the problem. I had to download a converter from WONDERSHARE! Lol.. yes you read that right.. WONDERSHARE to convert the footage.. absolutely ridiculous and laughably PATHETIC
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And I'm not interested in what Karen Monaghan has to say either. I've been an Adobe user since Final Cut turned into iMovie. And when I have issues I never come in here and the reason is because of him. His answer is always yojre an idiot or machine sucks.
just close this thread man. I'm done with it and Adobe. And man I will practice my pitch to my boss like a lawyer practicing his final arguments. And if they wanna stay, whatever. I'm out. It's been fun. not
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Your generalizations are rather outside my experience. For Kevin or others here, but then ... we're all individuals.
These apps are all fancy hammers, that's all they are. Getting emotionally involved with or against them in my opinion is just misplaced angst. Use whatever app works for you and your needs.
I work with both Premiere Pro and Resolve constantly. I hate the Resolve UI, and also the way they don't allow customization of the UI or workspaces, nor any user mods to the mapping for control panels. My Elements panel is half black at any one point in Resolve, and the "system" for getting from here to there to me is bizarre.
But their model is to provide cheap software and get you to buy their tools. I've got enough BlackMagic tools that I've got a drawer of those licences sitting here.
A good friend LOVES the Resolve UI ... and the editing process there. Which is awesome. No reason for him to use Premiere if he prefers Resolve. I know others that are total Baselight people or whatnot. Again, it's the tool that fits their needs and pleases them to use.
And as for me, I don't "condescend" to anyone here, I simply try to help users with problems. As others have helped me. I'm a regular here, the LiftGammaGain forums, and the BlackMagic forums. All these apps have issues, all have amazing capabilities.
Fancy hammers.
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Sorry for the negative experience you are having with HEVC footage. The problem with HEVC not showing up could be your installation of Creative Cloud. You said you work at a company so that you might have the enterprise version of the applications. Check with your IT admin to ensure that HEVC components are included in the package. This person is responsible for installing applications, including all the components necessary to edit supported codecs. Sorry, this is affecting you and others.
You wrote:
"And when I have issues I never come in here, and the reason is because of him. His answer is always you're an idiot or (your) machine sucks."
I haven't gotten that feedback before. I'm usually careful in avoiding these things. I apologize if I let you or others down. If I have not been helpful in my answers, please send me a PM, and I'll try to do better in answering any questions.
Looks like you're not in the community anymore, but I thought I would respond anyway.
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Same here
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Hi Dennis,
Sorry about that. Are you working with enterprise or educational versions of the software? Let me know.
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Hey Matt,
Sorry. Your message is a bit confusing. All Creative Cloud plans include HEVC. Are you using Premiere Rush? Let us know.