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How do I get Encore with Premiere Pro CC?

Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I installed CC aps and uninstalled CS6 apps. Apparently Encore was unistalled with Premiere CS6. I now have no option to install Premiere CS6. How do I get Encore?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

1st, the serial number version of PPro CS6 is on the 2nd page at http://www.adobe.com/products/catalog/cs6._sl_id-contentfilter_sl_catalog_sl_software_sl_creativesuite6.html?promoid=KFPMZ

2nd, you are SUPPOSED to be able to install CS6 from the Cloud, per http://blogs.adobe.com/davtechtable/

3rd, an Encore alternative http://www.deskshare.com/dvd-authoring-burning-software.aspx


Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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For anyone else reading this, DO NOT uninstall CS6 until you understand how to keep Encore CS6. There is no Encore in CC.

There is no problem reinstalling it, but you a) must install Premiere CS6 (which installs Encore), then uninstall Premiere CS6, unchecking Encore as part of what is being uninstalled. You can, of course, simply leave CS6 or Premiere CS6 also installed.

I do not have CC, but I believe that, once you are logged into your CC subscription, you can find the installer on line.




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Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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Thanks. I would love to reinstall Premiere CS6 but I no longer have an option to do so in the Creative Cloud app manager.  Also, when I originally uninstalled Premiere CS6 I swear I did uncheck the Encore option but apparently I didn't becuase it's gone.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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To reinstall,you may have to go on line to find it.

Be sure it is not just a shortcut you are missing. Look in the CS6 program directory itself.




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Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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Yes the program is gone not just the shortcut. And I have spent a great deal of time going all over Adobe's websites trying to find a way to download Premiere CS6... I gave up and resorted to asking for help in this forum. Just looked all over Adobe's website again and once again I can't find an option to get Premiere CS6.




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Engaged ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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So, the obvious questions are WHAT HAPPENED TO ENCORE? Is something going to replace it? Why is it not in CC? Will it ever be in CC? Once we figure out how to get CS6 reinstalled, will it dynamically link Encore CS6 to CC?




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 16, 2013 Jul 16, 2013

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I read on Adobe's site that Encore is no longer supported since DVDs are obsolete and everyone on the planet has fast access internet on every television and electronic viewing device in the home.  For people like myself, I have just become extinct.

This weekend I bought the fastest available iMac 27" to replace my slightly slower iMac 27" (which has the subscription Premiere Pro CS6 and Encore).  My last render on the older iMac with Encore CS6 took about 18 hours and the newer one rendered from Premiere Pro CC in 9 hours and for me thats signficiant but creating chapters in Premiere Pro CC was a waste of time since they do not transfer as embeded chapters in the m2v file format needed for creating the DVD with Encore in the older iMac. 

Imagine my disappointment (and explaining it to my wife) when I come home with a $3,000.00 Mac expecting to download CS6 only to be told I have to use the CC suite and I lost ENCORE!  Shame on Adobe. My customers do not watch TV on the internet.  They do not want a memory stick movie and most in my county can't even get fast enough internet to allow quality TV viewing.  We can and only can  have one internet provider where I live and their available to the consumer bandwith is far behind.  

So now that I am officially STUMPED and BEHIND I am not sure what to do.  I keep thinking about a Windows computer running Sony Vegas at this point.  I have been an Adobe user since the first photo shop came on 3.5" disks.  Apple and Adobe should let the customer decide what they need since it is already available.  This is only a way to get everyone stuck with buying bigger bandwidth and more usage with internet and cellular providers.  Soon we will all be subscribed to everything we enjoy in life.   I guess the goal is for people like me to not be able to own software forever (even if it is out of date and you still can use it).

I still have to explain to my customers what happened and to tell them what Adobe thinks about their ability to keep up with the technology.  Imagine 600 customers being told to "get up to date" or never see or have the wonderful memories I record for them.  By the way ... how do you sell 600 people access to the movie online and keep them from letting everyone else look at the video instead of purchasing one?

Now I guess Adobe wants to see who will rent the CC or get smart and gobble up the last remaining DVD software sets out there and stick with it to the last drop of usable technology is squeezed out of it.  Personlly, I am very close to giving my subscription up and saying "so long" to both Apple and Adobe software.  Corel bought BibblePro which makes the fastest, most accurate and by far the best RAW photo converting software out there and guess what ... they have video software too just like Sony.   Actually my bet is now on Sony since they are strongly supporting BluRay which will keep the DVD support going for a while. 

Sorry to rant on and on but when you put 100 plus hours a week into trying to fix something that is already dead it gets kind of frustrating and my customers have already paid.  Again ... many thanks Adobe.  So now I am ready for the flames ....




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Community Expert ,
Jul 16, 2013 Jul 16, 2013

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...which has the subscription Premiere Pro CS6 and Encore...

...expecting to download CS6 only to be told I have to use the CC suite and I lost ENCORE!

Let me make sure I understand. You do not have a perpetual license for CS6, but had a subscription for CS6. I believe that you can stick with CS6. You are never required to upgrade, so as a "cloud" subscriber, you can uninstall any cloud apps you don't want, and download and install CS6. Encore will work just as it had before.

Edit: But you do have to continue your subscription. This is the scenario that many critics of the subscription model are concerned about: if you stop your subscription, you only have access to the last perpetual license you owned. For you, is that CS5.5 or CS5 or CS4...?




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 17, 2013 Jul 17, 2013

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My originally license is for Premiere Pro 5.5.  This was never about trying to upgrade the CS6 but put the CS6 on the newer iMac and I was misdirected in my mind by Adobe.  I put the CS6 subscription on the first iMac in June of 2012.  Then when the first iMac was bogging down on some heavy video projects I decided to get a new iMac as in last week.  Its a late 2012 27" with the 2gb video card, 8gb RAM (of couse I will up that), 3.4 quad i7 and that hybrid flash/spinning hard drive.  Start to working desktop in 0-10". 

So since I got the new iMac I went online to Adobe to reload my older CS6 subscription it directed me only to the CS6 CC downloads.  It is very, very difficult to find what you want on the Adobe website now.  So many things are relinked back to what you don't want.  When you try to buy the CS6 it seems to only to to the educational versions and there is no Premiere Pro CS6 standalone there. 

Late last night ... after a 5-6 hour download from a link I found on the internet, I was able to finally get a trial download of the older CS6 Master Suite and fortunately for me the current monthly subcription worked.  I just blasted a 2:20:00 HD to SD video from Premiere Pro CC in one hour.  Then, thanks to this link abot using Premiere Pro CC & Endore CS6 I was able to better understand the newer workflow:


I will probably ditch the CC version as my internet is too weak or slow for uploading video. 

Yes, I have been very disgruntled at Adobe for the difficulty with the changes.  I am also disgruntled with Apple since the external Mac DVD burner I just bought (for the latest burning bios on newer DVDs) will not work on my 2009 iMac (with older bios or firmware for burning DVDs).

But on the good side, I made a project 2:20:00 m2v.iso of my video from  Premiere Pro CC in under 5 minutes with Encore and then decided to let it do it again but this time to a DL DVD and the render and burn time was less than 30 minutes.  WOW ... now to keep Adobe from doing some type of update and taking this away.  Maybe I should buy a hard copy and give up the subscription.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 17, 2013 Jul 17, 2013

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Congrats on getting things working.

And I do think you can keep doing it....

BUT, I do not think you have a PR CS6 subscription. You have a PR cloud subscription. Within that subscription, you can run PR CC or PR CS6 and with either, Encore CS6. I have not seen that discussion, but that would be true if you subscribed to the "whole" cloud, and I don't see why it would not be true here. If Adobe increases the price of the subscription, your subscription will increase, whether you use CS6 or CC. If you discontinue the subscription, you can load CS5.5 under your original perpetual license.

I will probably ditch the CC version as my internet is too weak or slow for uploading video.

The "cloud" does not require uploading any video. It is just a name for "subscription."




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Community Beginner ,
Jul 18, 2013 Jul 18, 2013

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Thanks Stan.  Just sent my first project over to Encore CS6 via Premier Pro CS6 on my new iMac 27".  Sadly my ShuttlePro2 did not work on the PR CS6 and I guess it is because when I originally setup the computer I had PR CC on it during the ShuttlePro2 driver install.  I looked for the file mentioned in Contour Designs website but I could not find the preference file in my library.  So I had to kick it old school and use the keyboard during the 2:37:00 final edit.  So Encore is cooking along and I will see what comes out tomorrow morning.  One Adobe TV lesson mentioned making the ISO image on large jobs in case the disc burn has any errors.  Sounds like good advice when you wait 12-24 hours for some of the renders.    

I do have a CC subscription.  Fortunately I can stil run the CS6 downloads with the subscription rate.  Who knows for how long?  Bye the way, does Adobe keep older PR's available for download if you misplaced your originals in a office move?  I still haven't found them and some older InDesign box sets. 

I thought the Adobe cloud also held work for clients to view if need be?  Maybe I am wrong. Again not enough bandwidth to worry about that. I just use DropBox when needed.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 18, 2013 Jul 18, 2013

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Adobe has said that older versions will be available to CC forever. I don't know if that included ones before CS6.

I do believe you can get downloads for earlier versions for which you have a license. Someone put up a link recently.

Adobe has had, and abandoned, numerous client review options. they may have something now. (What is Behance?) My point was just that you don't need to upload  your files to work on the "cloud," it works locally. You just have to validate on line periodically.




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New Here ,
Mar 04, 2016 Mar 04, 2016

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It looks like outsourcing is about to become an industry necessity!




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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1st, the serial number version of PPro CS6 is on the 2nd page at http://www.adobe.com/products/catalog/cs6._sl_id-contentfilter_sl_catalog_sl_software_sl_creativesui...

2nd, you are SUPPOSED to be able to install CS6 from the Cloud, per http://blogs.adobe.com/davtechtable/

3rd, an Encore alternative http://www.deskshare.com/dvd-authoring-burning-software.aspx




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Engaged ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I don't see PPro CS6 in the Cloud, only CC apps. Why is there no link to download CS6 apps? There must be tons of fools like me who uninstalled Encore inadvertently. Now I have to spend the rest of the day finding it?




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Engaged ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I want very badly to say a curse word




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I want very badly to say a curse word

You are not alone. Then again, I do not plan to subscribe; I just cannot justify the cost. CS6 works, or I have workarounds.

But what was Adobe thinking to give up dynamic link between Premiere and the DVD/Bluray authoring app?!




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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What Adobe is thinking is in http://www.adobe.com/products/encore/faq.html

>The trend in the video and broadcast industry is moving away from physical media distribution. The future is in cloud and streaming content

I guess Adobe management thinks that everyone has high speed Internet access, and a "smart" TV to connect to the Internet

That may well be true... in a few years... but right now, people still buy/rent a DVD or BluRay




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Engaged ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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All of my clients ask for DVD. Some have never heard of Blu-ray. I guess I am still in the ghetto.

By the way, what exactly is replacing physical media? I mean, what can I produc - and with which CC apps - that replaces a 2-hour concert DVD?




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I see 2 options

1 - rent space at a Cloud storage company, with passwords (by file) and then sell your customers a link/password to individual files

2 - similar to #1, but you set up your own web server and sales page... with the Cloud, you have web programming

3 - buy LOTS of 4-8-16-32 Gig USB flash drives, and sell those (it is then up to your customer to have a TV with a USB port)




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Explorer ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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(What is) Adobe thinking!? Do they purposefully want to alienate all their professional customers? Didn't they watch the backlash that Apple got and pay any attention at all!?

I absolutely NEED Encore. In fact I'm losing money today and telling a client he has to go somewhere else, because two days ago I could have made his BluRay, and now I can't.

I'm about ready to tell Adobe to take a leap. This sucks.


Mod: don't use profanity, even implied or if you use initials.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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I absolutely NEED Encore. In fact I'm losing money today and telling a client he has to go somewhere else, because two days ago I could have made his BluRay, and now I can't.

Encore is not gone; just not being updated beyond CS6. Just stick with CS6 suite. Then evaluate the new Premiere CC to Encore CS6 workflows. If you are used to dynamic link and it works for you, you won't like it. If not, it may be fine.

It just occurrs to me that there have been several Premiere project save as options that are mentioned when we have asked about backwards compatibility of Premiere CC projects to CS6 (e.g. xml designed for cross fcp workflows). Work in PR CC if it has something  you need, then save project for CS6 and move there for final tweaking?




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Community Beginner ,
Jun 21, 2013 Jun 21, 2013

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i am in the same boat, but i also remember a time before Encore. so this is what you can do and what i am doing now... Export your premiere CC project as mpeg2 dvd and open that file with Encore cs6. i know its an extra step, but you also get the rendering done in premiere CC and any metadata you created in Premiere CC is carried over with your mpeg2 DVD file, so not a real big deal but it does feel like a step or 2 backwards. Im sorry Adobe but we are a long way away from no more Discs. its like a PDF file replacing paper...not happening!!! there will always be  a need for a tangible item when it comes to distribution. weather it be a Disc - flash drive - microchip - the cloud is relative but not our end result in digital media. not to mention producers make money off selling discs. i do feel that adobe is a little disconnected from the rest of the world on this update... not on everything but this one is a major 1. i do like the app progs!!! looking forward to playing with those. i do enjoy the cloud service and dont mind paying month then having to spend a bunch at once.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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What Adobe is thinking is in http://www.adobe.com/products/encore/faq.html

That's what they're saying; not what they are thinking.




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Engaged ,
Jun 19, 2013 Jun 19, 2013

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Meh.. I'm still using DVD Studio Pro (alongside the entire Adobe suite). Much friendlier than Encore IMO.




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