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A friend and I are both editing a video project we shot last week for a college project. We have each been working on seperate parts of the video and now we want to combine the two parts for the finished product. We would like to combine the two projects in Premiere pro so they are still editable.. We dont want to export as individual movie files and combine that way..
Many thanks
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Import one project into the other.
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As Harm says, you can import one project into the other, or import both projects into a third new one.
I also wanted to mention that (new in CS4) you can import one or more sequences from another project.
You will also find links to many free tutorials in the PremiereProPedia that will quickly show you how things are done in Premiere Pro.
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Thanks for the help guys.. Importing the file works but it only gives me a big long sequence clip of my friends work and it seems to be all over the place.. What I need is the exact layers etc from my friends file.. How can I do that?
The reason the sequence clip is not adequate is that we are being marked based on an overall premiere pro project file so our teacher can see exactly the edits etc we have made and where we have added sound/fx on the timeline.I know I can chop up the sequence clip into the sections I need but im hoping there is an easier more suitable way for what I need.
Im not sure if what I am asking is possible but if it is I would greatly appreciate someone breaking it down for me..
Thanks again for the great help!
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Take one of the suggestions already offered:
Start a new project; then import bot of the other projecs into it. Import the project, not just a file or sequence. You will have both complete projects in one.
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I was looking for the same answer. This option worked better for me than trying to import one project into another. Thank you!
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Importing the file works but it only gives me a big long sequence clip of my friends work
If you nest the sequence, yes. If you open the sequence, all the edits will be there.
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I must really be missing something very simple here.. I opened a new project as suggested and I import the two premiere pro projects I need which brings those two projects into my project window in seperate folders, with 1 sequence clip and then all the 'un-edited' original footage clips in each folder but there is nothing on the main timeline where I need the layout to be the same..
Is there a way to 'open' the sequence clip so it shows me everything I need?
Thanks again and please excuse the stupidity im an absolute beginner with this program.
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Locate the original sequences in the bins and double click on them. They will then open on the timline.
Importing a project does not automatically open all the sequences for you; but they are all there to open as you desire.
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A simple double click was all it took LOL.. Cheers
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