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how to create an animated boxes with rounded corners effect in premier pro

New Here ,
Sep 25, 2023 Sep 25, 2023

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Эффект состоит из основного видеоряда и четырех кадров. Видео отодвигается назад, и сбоку появляется часть двух отснятых материалов и кадр. Далее кадр останавливается посередине и образует четырехугольник, где находится автор этого видео. Ознакомиться с эффектом вы можете ниже в прикрепленном файле. Я надеюсь, что вы можете помочь. заранее спасибо


Mod note: Title was changed slightly.

Editing , Effects and Titles , Error or problem , How to






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Sep 25, 2023 Sep 25, 2023

Hi @EGO32523034bbk7,

Thanks for the message. 


I can give you basic instructions, but you'd have to do all the fine-tuning yourself. 


  1. You would need to start with a base layer, a color matte that is white or beige. With the Project panel selected, choose File > New > Color Matte. Place it on V1.
  2. Create rectangle shapes according to the same pattern. Use Copy/Paste for the shape, Use rulers and guides (and X, Y coordinates) to assist the positioning of each rectangle.
  3. Adjust the Corner Radius paramet



Adobe Employee ,
Sep 25, 2023 Sep 25, 2023

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Hi @EGO32523034bbk7,

Thanks for the message. 


I can give you basic instructions, but you'd have to do all the fine-tuning yourself. 


  1. You would need to start with a base layer, a color matte that is white or beige. With the Project panel selected, choose File > New > Color Matte. Place it on V1.
  2. Create rectangle shapes according to the same pattern. Use Copy/Paste for the shape, Use rulers and guides (and X, Y coordinates) to assist the positioning of each rectangle.
  3. Adjust the Corner Radius parameters for rounded corners.
  4. Drag clips into the graphics layers underneath the shape and click "Mask with Shape" for each one inside the Shape properties.
  5. With this setup, keyframe the Motion properties. Note that some rectangles begin animating at different times, so offset the keyframes accordingly.
  6. Use Ease In keyframes to fine-tune the animation.


If you need help or further instruction, let us know.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio





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