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Hi, I can't seem to find any way to install multiple mogrt files at once. There doesn't seem to be an option using the Essentials Gaphics window.
As per other forum discussions I've read, I tried copying the folder containg the mogrt files into the file path /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Motion Graphics Templates/' however, my 'Common' folder did not contain an "Motion Graphics Templates' folder. I then made one but this didn't work. I also tried copying the folder into the file path /Applications/Adobe Premiere Pro CC/Contents/Essential Graphics' and copied the folder into there. This also didn't work.
There has to be a way to do this. Surely Adobe wouldn't make it only possible to install one mogrt file at a time via the Essential Graphics window.
It was when the first 2018 version was released, and they'd dropped the local folder structure thing. You can still have one, but not like the structure you could create before.
There are a lot of folks who've posted over on the UserVoice system about that. I suggest you go over there, search for EGP folders, and add your comments to some of the postings already made. That's the way to get your opinion directly to the development team and their management.
Adobe Bug /Feature service:
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Currently they seem to need to be installed. Libraries of mogrts can be shared between users with access to those libraries. But getting them in from other sources seems to be one-off.
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That's a horrible hiccup on Adobe's behalf. I'm pretty sure from what I've read, this has only started happening with the recent updates of Premiere.
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It was when the first 2018 version was released, and they'd dropped the local folder structure thing. You can still have one, but not like the structure you could create before.
There are a lot of folks who've posted over on the UserVoice system about that. I suggest you go over there, search for EGP folders, and add your comments to some of the postings already made. That's the way to get your opinion directly to the development team and their management.
Adobe Bug /Feature service:
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Cheers Neil!
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I'm having the same issue. James, what do you see in your 'Common' folder? I just see dynamic link and plug-ins folders.
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I just want to help, you can by pass the procedure oh import one by one with copy and paste, just go to
C:\Users\*your name bro*\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Common
copy here and you can see it on premiere.
Thanks, wish it help.
[personal info deleted by mod]
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Essential Graphics default location is:
(mac) username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Essential Graphics/
(win) root ://Users/username/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Common/Essential Graphics/
Note: the Library directory on mac and AppData directory on Win are hidden directories, so you'll need to set your system to show these files.
Does that help?
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Yes. We know that is the location. However, for many of us, the Essential Graphics folder is entirely missing from the Common location. Why did this happen? What is the solution to batch import MOGRT files?
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Have you tried adding that folder?
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I don't see how that would help.
I have existing MOGRT files still accessible through Essential Graphics in Premiere. I don't know where they are being sourced from.
So creating a new folder and placing new MOGRT templates in that folder really doesn't solve the problem.
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I did stumble upon the Managing Folders option.
Is this the new way to batch import numerous MOGRT files?
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Yes, the Manage Folders option allows you to set your custom folders up.
I was replying in the upper post only to the issue of that EG foder not being there.
Another place to be aware of is in the Project settings dialog, Scratch disks tab, the bottom entry ... Motion Graphics Template Media ... mogrts with media attached (say a short video or audio clip) will have two parts ... the graphics part which is the actual mogrt, and the mogrt media file ... which will be in the folder set for that project by the Project Settings dialog.
Yea, it can be confusing to track everything. Mogrt files themselves are just zipped text files. Which is why any accompanying media such as video/audio/still images needs a location for storage also.
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Thank you for helping, but I'm sorry I don't see how that relates to my problem.
I did look at the scratch disk but that is creating a new source location for the used MOGRT for the project to go to, and not the original source location for my MOGRT files.
My problem is that the location to batch import MOGRT files
User / Library / Application Support / Adobe / Common / Motion Graphics Templates
No longer exists. In the Common folder, all I have is a Plug-ins folder.
So this method of batch importing a graphics package is obsolete.
To add additional confusion, the preexisting MOGRT files that were importing months backs are available to use. If it's not in the Common / Motion Graphics Templates folder, then where did they go? What is the source for the new "Local Template Folder" Premiere's Essential Graphics is pulling from?
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It can be very ... very frustrating. The way the Adobe apps use outlying folders to park things is a mess for so many users, I've complained of this but oh well.
Here's my Users folder tree ...
And supposedly this is what most PC's are supposed to have. But some don't. Why? Dunno. And Mac's are supposed to be parallel, and some are, some aren't. Why? Dunno.
Wes is actually pretty good at helping with this stuff, but there's one of the engineers working on these that pops in here from time to time ...
jstrawn​ ... are you available?
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I am on a Mac, and my folder used to look very similar to that.
I do not have a before shot, but this is what I have now.
In this folder should be the Motion Graphics Templates folder, among other folders.
However, now there is just this one Plug-ins folder.
The Manage Additional Folders is a great workaround for now, but I would love to know what happened here.
I had checked another co-workers computer, and she has this same issue.
I have a theory that it could be an iOS issue? However, that doesn't seem to be the issue. I was on High Sierra and updated to Mojave, and saw no change.
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Yea, there's a bunch of folders that HAVE to be there somewhere that clearly ain't.
I wonder ... could those be "hidden" somehow?
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That's my thinking too! Everything is just gone.
I tried to show hidden folders, and nothing appeared in that folder.
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Hope James pops in here ... really really please ...
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Here is what your Common Folder looks like when you launch Pr from a clean state.
So, clearly a lot more is missing than just your MOGRTs folder. We need to get to the bottom of that.
EDIT: OK we got to the bottom of it, see my posts 2 posts below this one.
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And in case it was not made clear by others... the "new" way to install multiple mogrts at once is to drag and drop them into the EGP Browser.
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monikan23482581 wrote
I am on a Mac, and my folder used to look very similar to that.
I do not have a before shot, but this is what I have now.
In this folder should be the Motion Graphics Templates folder, among other folders.
However, now there is just this one Plug-ins folder.The Manage Additional Folders is a great workaround for now, but I would love to know what happened here.
I had checked another co-workers computer, and she has this same issue.I have a theory that it could be an iOS issue? However, that doesn't seem to be the issue. I was on High Sierra and updated to Mojave, and saw no change.
AH OK... With some help, I looked closer and you are doing something I have done more than once myself. You are looking inside the wrong Library folder at the OS level. Mac OS keeps an often-hidden Library folder at the user level. So what you want to be looking at is: /Users/<username>/Library/...
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OH MY GOODNES!!! I can't believe it. You are totally right. I was in the incorrect folder. Just looked the CORRECT path and everything was there.
I feel SO embarrassed.
Thank you, everyone, for all your help. I truly appreciate it!
Also, I was not aware you can batch drag and drop into EGP! That does help.
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Do NOT be embarassed!
One of the total joys of the Adobe apps is the way they use so freaking many folder locations to store bits here and there. I spend hours a day working within Pr, Ae, Au, and others. Besides a few minutes here and there helping on this forum.
*I* can't keep every folder location in memory!
I have STRONGLY suggested to the engineering staff at NAB and at MAX that they should simply set an Adobe folder outside the Program Files area ... ONE folder, please? ... and ALL Adobe apps should put their external files, presets, layouts, EVERYTHING in that folder.
And let the USER over-ride and set a drive/folder location if they choose.
They always go ... hmmmm ... well, that might be easier for the user .... hmmm ...
I'm less amused by the response every year.
Now, understand, they're nice people. I like the ones I've met.
And yes, I'm shouting!
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Copied wrote
Do NOT be embarassed! ...
I'm less amused by the response every year.
Now, understand, they're nice people. I like the ones I've met.
And yes, I'm shouting!
First, @Monika... It's an easy mistake to make. I already said I've made it myself more than once in the past. And I did not even spot it right off this time either.
Second, @Neil, it's ok to yell but I think you are yelling in the wrong place. Loud, busy trade shows are not the easiest way to get your message all the way back to the right people on the product team either. I have not seen you bring this up on the Beta forum or elsewhere before this. It sounds like a good idea to me but I am not at all in a position to make a decision like that. I also have no idea what it would mean in terms of development hours, especially across many products.