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I'm having issues with the functionality of using render and replace while also using the warp stabilizer effect, or trying to use render and replace on nested sequences.
I was really excited when I found this issue because I am wanting to render out all my effects with high-OG quality replacements so I can export the entire sequence as a .xml in order to bring it into another software.
Currently, when I bring the .xml file into different software, all the clips that are stabilized do not come through since the .xml doesn't know what to do with them.
I thought I have found an easy way to fix this compatibility issue, however, when I render and replace the clip it doesn't render the effect, instead, it gives me the "New Frames need stabilizing" banner - which is of course hard rendered into the new clip.
I think it is possible to turn the banner off in the advanced settings, but usually, as I understand it this would mean that the effect hasn't actually been applied to the footage?
Does anyone have a workaround for this that isn't individually exporting each clip and manually replacing it?
Most of my nested clips have multiple effects overlayed but .xml files also cannot cope with these.
I really like the idea of being able to render the effects out while still easily maintaining the ability to replace with the unrendered version at any point.
Please let me know if there is a better way to do this - or if you have suggestions.
Thanks very much
Actually the footage is not stabilized after Render and Replace. Only solution I found is to export that clip and re-import into Premiere. No matter what you do, you cannot have it stabilized; in the nest, the nest itself or replacing with After Effects composition. It needs to be fixed by Adobe.
Mark the checkbox "Include Video Effects" in Render and Replace window.
Before it, mark the checkbox "Hide Warning Banner" in Advanced section of Warp Stabilizer settings
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I ran across this issue today, read your post and started experimenting. Cut to the solution: yeah, all you have to do is check the Hide Warning Banner checkbox at the bottom of the Advanced drop-down menu in Warp Stabilizer settings and deselect Include Handles option in Render and Replace settings. The replacement clip is actually stable.
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Actually the footage is not stabilized after Render and Replace. Only solution I found is to export that clip and re-import into Premiere. No matter what you do, you cannot have it stabilized; in the nest, the nest itself or replacing with After Effects composition. It needs to be fixed by Adobe.
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@benevolensky This method is the correct answer. I tried it and it worked flawlessly. Saved me a bit of time. Nice workaround.
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yo man!!! you're the best!!
i usualy render and replace stabilized clips for the sake of the fact you cant use warp stablizer and time remaping on a same clip. So i had to mark in/out, turn off all the clips aside from the clip i wanted, render import in to premiere and than manualy drag to time line...
You sir saved me a hell lot a time!
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This must be a low priority fix for Adobe because here in the future... April 2024, the issue still remains. I'm having the same problem and will resort to the regular export workaround to get past it. Also, apparently the Warp Stabilizer effect's analysis data adds considerably to the size of the project file, which is what got me here in the first place.
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Warp is the heaviest resource load effect ... period. More so even than Neat Denoiser. So yes, how it is applied is crucial.
Do not apply Warp with other heavy effects like color/tonal changes "together" on the clip. Apply one, nest, apply the other. Or ... apply Warp alone, with a full analyze, then do a render and replace to a good "digital intermediate' codec like ProRes 422, then do any further color or whatever effects to that replacement clip.
And yes, a Warp analyzed clip adds a ton of 'size' to the project file.
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