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Major Premiere Pro CC relinking issue - Bad file names and file path

New Here ,
Jan 11, 2018 Jan 11, 2018

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I've been trying to open a premiere pro project on a different machine with all assets located in a different root directory. Normally I'd expect premiere to bring up a re-link dialogue but instead it opens straight into my project showing all media offline. When I select media to re-link it looks like the file name and file path are all screwed up (image attached). Because of the odd file name I have to relink each clip individually, one by one. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? Is there a way to reset the file names of all media in a project?

In the middle of a commercial project. Desperate for help!





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Jan 11, 2018 Jan 11, 2018

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Do you still have access to the original project on the original machine ?

If so, you can try to do a "file > Project Manager > collect files" to a folder of your choice and then move that folder to your new machine. Every assets will have been relinked from this new folder (it creates a proper project file in said folder).

Hope this helps,





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 11, 2018 Apr 11, 2018

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I had the same issues. It seems like Adobe doesn't know what the eff to do and just releases updates without testing them. There were 3 different problems I was having, this one being one of them, and every time they said that their only real solution was to go back a version. Adobe is turning out to be worse than Apple's first release of FCP X.

The real answer to this particular question is unless you have the time to relink every clip you have one by one, then you have to downgrade back to 12.0.1. Sorry everyone




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Jan 11, 2018 Jan 11, 2018

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I'm thinking Step 3H below might solve this.

Unofficial Premiere Pro Troubleshooting Guide




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New Here ,
Jan 19, 2018 Jan 19, 2018

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Prokopi <forums_noreply@adobe.com> 於 2018年1月11日 下午6:33 寫道:

Major Premiere Pro CC relinking issue - Bad file names and file path

created by Prokopi <https://forums.adobe.com/people/Prokopi> in Premiere Pro CC - View the full discussion <https://forums.adobe.com/message/10095863#10095863>

I've been trying to open a premiere pro project on a different machine with all assets located in a different root directory. Normally I'd expect premiere to bring up a re-link dialogue but instead it opens straight into my project showing all media offline. When I select media to re-link it looks like the file name and file path are all screwed up (image attached). Because of the odd file name I have to relink each clip individually, one by one. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? Is there a way to reset the file names of all media in a project?

In the middle of a commercial project. Desperate for help!

https://forums.adobe.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-10095863-1392589/900-491/premiere-glitch.jpg <https://forums.adobe.com/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/2-10095863-1392589/premiere-glitch.jpg>

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