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Mapping Dual stereo to 4-channel Stereo L Stereo R Mono L Mono R

Explorer ,
Mar 30, 2020 Mar 30, 2020

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How do?


I've set up the sequence as multichannel audio and set channels 1+2 to Stereo and channels 3+4 to mono -- routed the channels appropriately as well.


In-sequence, I've tried two different set ups.


First, I tried mapping just channel 1+2 to 1+2, 3+4 so that the export would have stereo L+R in channels 1 and 2 and Mono L+R in channels 3+4 based on the audio present in the first audio track.  Finally in the audio export settings I chose 4-channel. After bringing the export back into premiere to check the audio, I found that it only exported one channel of stereo (the other three channels had no audio). I tried exporting a pair of 2 channels afterwards (so, two streams) and got the same result.


Second, I duplicated the stereo tracks in the sequence so there were 4 tracks of stereo -- two in the two stereo channels and two in the two mono channels. I then routed channels 1+2 to 1+2 (panned left and right) and 3+4 to 3+4 (also panned).  Finally in the audio export settings I selected "2 channel" and two mono. This left me with a weird three-stream audio situation where one channel wasn't even playing. 


In every instance, playback of exports via quicktime lacked any audio at all, but bringing the files back into premiere the audio was present.


I'm at my wits end. Any help?


Example of one method I tried (sequence set-up)Example of one method I tried (sequence set-up)This is how the channels were mapped for the sequence setup shown aboveThis is how the channels were mapped for the sequence setup shown aboveThis is one of two export settings I triedThis is one of two export settings I triedThis is the other export setting I tried.This is the other export setting I tried.

Audio , Export , How to






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