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When I select a portion of video and audio to cut, the video or audio ends up longer once I press delete or use the razor tool. How do I fix this?
1 Correct answer
Click the Wrench icon on the Program monitor and uncheck 'Show Audio Time Units'
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Define "longer" ... one frame, an hour, what? Be a LOT more specific.
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By like .015 milliseconds , but in the timeline it shows up as a small gap between the next clip.
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I didn't know that , thank you. Doesn't help the issue though
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Let's say that your video has 30 fps, and your audio has 48000 Hz or 48000 samples per second. you can ONLY add cuts to the video at any frame of included 30 frames, while if you set the timecode of the sequence to show audio time units, you can add cuts ONLY to the AUDIO anywhere at any sample of the 48000 audio samples included in one second.
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Oh ... if you do mean one frame, that would be because you don't understand how the CTI ...current time indicator or "playhead" ... actually works, what it means.
That is always connected to a specific frame, which is the frame following it on the sequence. If you expand the sequence out far enough, "zoom in" to it that is, you see a little blue tag start showing to the right of the CTI at the top. That shows the frame the CTI is attached to.
The CTI is never between frames ... so to 'cut' at the end of a clip, you need to use the specific command to go to the end of the clip, NOT say up-arrow, which goes to the start of the next clip. You can search for this in the Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box.
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It looks like you have 'audio time units' selected on your timeline / program monitor. Click the Wrench icon on the Program monitor and uncheck 'Show audio time units'. That at least will get you back to frames... (you may even have selected milliseconds on the right-click menu after you enabled Audio Time Units.
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In short, audio can be cut to 1/48000 per second when timeline is set to audio units which your timeline is at the present.
Video can only be but on whole frames. Hence, the difference in length.
Turn off audio units and cut again. (pannel menu timeline)
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I tried to do it how you explained it but i don't believe it worked. I apologize for the trouble I have basic knowledge of premiere pro. But this is what happens when I try to cut video
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I think it finally worked , thank you a lot!
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Click the Wrench icon on the Program monitor and uncheck 'Show Audio Time Units'
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I just did it, still does the same thing
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Wait I think that fixed it, I appreciate your help! Thank you fr, that was so frustrating!