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mts files don't work in CS6.. Why not Adobe

Explorer ,
Jun 13, 2012 Jun 13, 2012

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If I drop a .mts file from my sony camera into Prem Pro, it shows video but no sound?  If I drop it into CS5.5 the sound works.

I have downloaded an updated version of Prem Pro from Adobe today June 2012. And still it won't handle mts files?

I can't understand why it is so hard to find a solution to this problem. two of the worlds largest companies Sony and Adobe and none of them cover the issue on their sites, Yet it's clearly a major issue?

I have seen talk on the site of renaming files, which doesn't work and would be a pain in the rear.

Has Any one got a solution that works?

Please ?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Explorer , Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012

FIXED Yipeeee!

It isn't all good news though but I do have a solution that will almost certainly work for you, all be it a bit Drastic

This problem has been killing me. I just want to be able to drag and drop the MCS file into premiere pro like I always have with other video files and all the nonsense about pulling over entire folder structure just WON'T DO , we are not living in the 70's. And thank god the file structure thing is just stuff and nonsense.

What is happening is this.. something on y



Explorer ,
Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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Damn now to add to my Woes since the messing about install uninstalls I am getting

"adobe media core cs6 has stopped working" Alerts when I close out of PP CS6  

and "adobe media core cs5.5 has stopped working" Alerts When I close PP CS5.5

any clues what is causing that?  I don't want to take the thread off on a tangent but has happened whilst trying to get the damn thing to work




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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It is still under investigation to figure out what may be causing some to not get audio. We are working on this. Thank you.




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Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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so, today i must reinstall to oldest version. We have a lot of work with mts files, but can't work in cs6. Woow i am very sad this problem. Please tell us when you fix this. For me it is very important, because i must know, when i buy all updates  to other plugins.




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Explorer ,
Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012

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FIXED Yipeeee!

It isn't all good news though but I do have a solution that will almost certainly work for you, all be it a bit Drastic

This problem has been killing me. I just want to be able to drag and drop the MCS file into premiere pro like I always have with other video files and all the nonsense about pulling over entire folder structure just WON'T DO , we are not living in the 70's. And thank god the file structure thing is just stuff and nonsense.

What is happening is this.. something on your PC is stopping the files working (and Adobe haven't a clue what it is) and for that matter nor do I but until someone finds out, I can report that a complete blow away and reload of new windows will 100% solve the issue.  

Now I haven't done one for years, so it was a complete pain and took me over a Day to get every thing back the way I like it and to be honest it will be a week before I have all my favorite programs working properly.  BUT I can report that with Premiere Pro installed I can now just PULL THE FILES OF THE CAMERA HARD DISK and DROP THEM ANY WHERE I LIKE and better still,  pull them into Premiere any damn way I like and they play "Sound and All" And that my friends is the way it should be

I really hope this helps some of you, I am stoked that it now works and I can get some work done, I was starting to hate my new camera but now I can report it is A1

To Adobe I can report that some system setting from another installed program is clearly the culprit but I can't for the life of me tell you which.  I can say that it is not mine or the programs fault but a lack of thorough testing on Adobe part.  Because clearly this is not and un common issue on your forum and many others. Software should work under any scenario, I certainly don't run any strange programs that should cause this.

Until Adobe can pin point a solution and patch their program,  I can recommend my solution buy Guys and Girls be careful back up all your mail, favorites, passwords, documents and everything else precious to you before doing a clean install and if you do you will get back in the groove with our favorite editor PP CS6.


I gotta get some work done




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Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012

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Until Adobe can pin point a solution and patch their program

Nonsense. The user should not corrupt his system with stuff that creates these problems. This is a typical case of OE (Operator Error) and if anyone is to blame, it is the user.

I can say that it is not mine or the programs fault but a lack of thorough testing on Adobe part.

I can say it is your the fault and it is utterly unrealistic to expect Adobe to test compatibility with each and every application worldwide, be it games, codec packs, accounting software, malware, anti-something, utilities, etc.

Of course, the consequence of your claim is that the next version will take around 50 years to appear.




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Explorer ,
Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012

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[post removed]




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Enthusiast ,
Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012

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Glad to hear you fixed it




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Explorer ,
Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012

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ComputerNovice25 wrote:

Glad to hear you fixed it

Me too, thanks




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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For those encountering this issue, are you running an anti-virus program on your system? If so, could you check to see if the anit-virus program quarantined any files from Premiere.




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Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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No options. I special install on an new system, not work too.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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Jakub PL wrote:

No options. I special install on an new system, not work too.

A few questions:

1) Do you have an anti-virus program on your new system?

2) This was a clean OS and you only installed Premiere Pro CS6?

3) Which OS and do youlog in as an Adminstrator?

Thank you for all your feedback.




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Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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1. no

2.yes- exactly, windows seven x64 sp1

3.  No i not will log as administrator, but run cs6 as administrator.




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Community Expert ,
Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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I have been editing avchd from several camera's now, never copied the whole file stucture, but just the clips.

The clips have always played just fine.

As do the clip from Jakub and Deeno.

As for Trents questions.

My computer is a couple of years old.

Yes a virus program,

No clean install,

and just one account that of administrator.




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Explorer ,
Jun 15, 2012 Jun 15, 2012

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And so the Masses rise Come on the more of you come out of lurking and say this the more chances of find a fix.

Trent,  Just finished the lengthy down load and reinstall but despite crossing all fingers NO GO! Sorry and you can see from above it's not just me or my camera.

My work load is getting further away from me and this is frustrating.  Hard to know what to do next. I wish one of you could solve the issue with your CS6 and let us know. 

It seems like a codec issue ?  Maybe it's something all our Windows 7 64bit machines have in common?  Are you all on the OS as me?

Please keep trying to help us solve it Trent. Surely someone at Adobe has been able to replicate the problem?




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New Here ,
Jun 16, 2012 Jun 16, 2012

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Exactly the same issue here. mp3 audio files and wav files play fine.

I cant believe Adobe would release a program to the public without thorough testing and im sure such an issue as AVCHD audio not working  would have reared its ugly head under testing !! after all, the ACVCHD format is one of the most popular  in consumer grade video cameras these days...... this kinda reminds me of the old pinnacle studio days




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