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Hi. Can you tell me what my funckiton called "RIPPLE DELETE" is not working anymore?
I don't know how to fix this.
Please help. Second screen:
1 Correct answer
OK, that's normal for CS6 and earlier. It selects only one track, and you need to hold down SHIFT to select all tracks. Then you will see it change to a double arrow.
CC changed this so that now all tracks (double arrow) is the default, and you hit SHIFT to select only one track.

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CS6. I also noticed that I have this time events below (audio) and above my timeline. But... I want that 2 things ALSO to be rippled. So... how to do this in Premiere Pro? In Sony Vegas which I know wery well is special option for this. But I don't know how to do in Premiere.
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Have you updated to CS6.0.5?
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Editing With The Ripple And Rolling Edit Tools
Learning the Tools 1: Trim & Ripple Edit
Premiere Pro CS5-CS6 Reference
(.pdf 12 MB download)

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But this is an error or what?
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The only reason Ripple Delete doesn't work is because there are clips on other tracks that would prevent the ripple.

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Yes Jim Simon, I know it but in Sony Vegas Pro we can move the all by special function. So I want to know hot to do the same in Premiere Pro. I have many tracks above and below but I still want to use ripple delete to all of my clips move along somewhere. How to do it?
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Try the Toggle Sync Button, next to the eye (video) speaker (audio)
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That won't move all tracks. It just throws things out of sync for the unlocked tracks.
To move all clips, the Track Select tool works well.

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No, I use track select tool and look what happened: :
See that YELLOW audio track is still in it's first place. "Kaszeta formatu" event above is working by using that tool. Every event is moving now to the left but this in yellow box is not. It still is in it's first place and does not move. So why this is not working?
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Ah yes, Track Select only selects everything to the right of the selection point, nothing to the left.
You may have to select manually all the items you want moved. Shift allows multiple selections.
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Another option is mark and in and out point and use extract. It will remove everything on every sync locked track between those points but works when ripple delete won't because there is something in the way.

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But I select everything! I use this tool on first clip on tle left so an audio track should be added to move. But it isn't. So what now?
David, I can't understand you. Please, explain it again, better to understand.
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When you clicked, did you have one arrow or two for the track select tool?

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ONE ARROW I have. Hey, this option doesn't work AT ALL. This is not working.
How to do what I want? I never seen a two arrows in Adobe premiere in my life...
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Look at the Tools Icons.
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OK, that's normal for CS6 and earlier. It selects only one track, and you need to hold down SHIFT to select all tracks. Then you will see it change to a double arrow.
CC changed this so that now all tracks (double arrow) is the default, and you hit SHIFT to select only one track.

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It works! Thanks! But I had to know to inserta A SHIFT key
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Solved my problem 😃 thanks
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Thanks, this saved me when I couldn't figure out why exactly my video and audio kept desyncing.
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Actually thought I was losing my mind with this.
Stay Rad!
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I'm realizing I'm digging up a relatively old forum string here, but I continue to run into some odd inconsistencies with the basic functionality of trimming, and things in the land of ripple delete. Most notably, why when trimming when using Command drag left/right will move some assets in the timeline, but not all of the assets in a time line.
I've included a very short video describing what I'm running into. Oddly, in the example, ripple delete works, but NOT command drag...and I just don't quite understand what the issue is. This has gotten quite a bit harrier when working on more complex sequences...because I'll be moving along in a particular area of the timeline, not knowing I'm making all kinds of stuff out of sync later on.
Is this a bug, or just some kind of user error on my part?
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Hi! I was having the same problem, and found that by locking all other layers of audio, I was able to then ripple delete clips. Just lick on the lock to the left of the audio that you don't want to delete.
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awesome!!! It helped me as well!! thank you so much
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youre a god, it worked. thank you SO much
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I found if there's a green audio track under/touching a blue audio track that's linked to a video clip, the ripple function will not work. I dropped my green audio down one track so they were no longer touching and ripple delete worked again.

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