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It has been discussed many times, the pricing of CC sucks and Europeans get ripped off by this Irish company with all its tax benefits.
But there is worse news. Encore has been scrapped. You can no longer deliver on BDR or DVD if you go to CC.
Adobe has single-handedly decided that Bluray and DVD are almost dead and the future is in delivering to iPhone or i-crap only. So they took away Encore altogether in CC. They have admitted they can withdraw any application from the Cloud when they like and you have to accept that. No recourse, no apologies, no refund, nothing. Take it or leave it.
For me that is EOS. I will continue using CS6 untill I find a good replacement, but CC is not at all interesting without delivery to BDR or DVD. In fact it is a complete turn-off.
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It is disappointing that we didn't get a new version of Encore, preferably with some nice new BD menu features, with the new CC versions rolled out yesterday. But it does look like Encore CS6 is still included with your Creative Cloud subscription.
I do read articles from other sources pointing to the inevitable demise of optical disks. TDK has even announced their departure from the business. This does make me wonder how the hell we're supposed to deliver our products, though. I ask every client how they want their video delivered, and everyone of them says either DVD or Blu-ray. Not a one has ever said they want a web or 'device' version as the primary deliverable. Some might like it as value added, but every one of them still wants that hard copy on disk with the nice packaging.
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I ask every client how they want their video delivered,
and everyone of them says either DVD or Blu-ray.
Of course they do!
Is the Encore CS6 version the final release of this product?
"Yes. The trend in the video and broadcast industry is moving away
from physical media distribution. The future is in cloud and streaming
content. Therefore we are focusing more on products that deliver to
streaming services.
For example, Adobe Media Encoder and Adobe Premiere Pro CC
include a new feature allowing users to create iPad-ready video with
QuickTime chapter markers."
Oooh... iPad ready video!
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That's very disappointing. I really wanted some new features for BDs.
Time to start saving for the pro-authoring options.
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Wow, I had no clue Encore was scrapped. That is insane. So many editors still deliver Bluray or DVD projects to individual clients. Just wow. I agree that that eventually is going the way of digital downlaods and streaming but to just pull the carpet out on it while there is still plenty of need for it is surprising. But then again if I recall Apple's new iMac doesn't have a CD/DVD player no more so I guess it's "monkey see monkey do".
I love the new PPCC, I like the CC model, but I always figured at some point Encore would get pulled but no so soon. I was figuring at least a few more years down the road.
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"but every one of them still wants that hard copy on disk with the nice packaging"
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See Who to believe?
Jim, you realize that the Dynamic Link to Encore is no longer available, that everybody who uses CC and does not have Encore from a previous version is f*cked, That everybody who uses CC and does not feel comfortable with setting their encoding parameters manually is seriously f*ucked? That it precludes everyone from uninstalling CSx if they want to deliver on BDR or DVD?
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If a guy with over 20,000 posts and wears a Bow Tie, their cool by the way, says there is something wrong, Adobe listen up please.
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Actually, as surprising as it might seem, Harm was wrong that time. Everyone can download Encore if they subscribe to CC. You just have to download the entire Pr family to do it. But is certainly cool!
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That is a "feature" no one was touting. I still find it hard to believe they've left CC with no integrated authoring tool.
But I believe it has little to do with their really believing that DVD/BD is dead. (And they are officially just saying that they believe "The trend in the video and broadcast industry is moving away from physical media distribution." and "The future is in cloud and streaming content. Therefore we are focusing more on products that deliver to streaming services.")
The reality is that from their licensing the authorcore from Sonic, Encore was always behind. They added some features that were always a bit off, I still believe because they couldn't take on the authorcore. They don't want to be bothered with fixing the Adobe problems that are in Encore or otherwise investing in what, for many of us, is an essential tool for our work.
While many users had problems with, or otherwise did not like, dynamic link between Premiere and Encore, there appears to be no workaround to continue using DL from CC to Encore CS6.
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Christ, WTF. I just found this out, as I subbed to CC and after moving all of my projects and apps over, tried to burn a couple projects to dics. And... yup, no Encore. There are so many things wrong with Adobe and their CC model, and had I realized they had removed Encore from CC, that would have been the final straw that would have kept me from buying into this CC crap.
I am absolutely infuriated right now.
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I just made the discovery that Encore is no more. And by "discovered", that's what I mean. I installed all the new shiny software, and...where is Encore?!?
WHY WAS THIS NOT ANNOUNCED BEFOREHAND?!??!?!?!? Fireworks users were given advance notice.
As Encore was rolled up into Premiere several releases ago, I assumed it still would...especially since there was no indication otherwise.
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joshweiland wrote:
I just made the discovery that Encore is no more. And by "discovered", that's what I mean. I installed all the new shiny software, and...where is Encore?!?
WHY WAS THIS NOT ANNOUNCED BEFOREHAND?!??!?!?!? Fireworks users were given advance notice.
As Encore was rolled up into Premiere several releases ago, I assumed it still would...especially since there was no indication otherwise.
Josh, why don't your read the whole thread? You'll find all the information you need to install Encore alongside your shiny new software.
Perhaps if you'd read all the way through this thread before posting you wouldn't have felt the need to shout at us like that.
You're wrong about there being "no indication otherwise". There've been blog posts about it from Adobe staff. Look, here's one dated May 15th that might have given a small hint (to anyone capable of reading between the lines): it's called "using Encore CS6 with Premiere Pro CC". There's even a helpful little video at the end.
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I did read the whole thread.
I (and apparently many others) did not see the blog post you linked to...because it's a random Adobe employee's blog. It doesn't even state that Encore is being discontinued.
Compare that to the Fireworks announcement. It was posted on the official Adobe Fireworks Blog, where it would be visible, with clear verbiage that the product was being discontinued. It was not merely hinted at, or only posted to a random Adobe employee's blog.
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Encore or no Encore, it's still ridiculous that there isn't a permanent, integrated disc authoring tool. Adobe doesn't have to "focus" on DVD or BD if it thinks the future is elsewhere; it only has supply a tool which works reliably today and tomorrow. It's not as if future versions of PPro will somehow be hobbled or shamed by modernity because there's still a means to burn discs.
What a nuisance....
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At least we still have our DVD and Blu-ray export presets, although...with the future being "cloud and streaming content", it almost seems a mistake that Adobe left these in.
Back up your presets now, fellas.
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They haven't scrapped Encore.
It's still there as part of the Creative Cloud Subscription.
BUT Adobe haven't made it particularly straightforward for you to find it.
You have to install Premiere Pro Family CS6 from the list of available Creative Cloud applications. The CS6 programs remain available to Creative Cloud subscribers as Jim Simon says. Installing that gives you Premiere Pro AND Encore.
Then you can leave it there, or you can uninstall Premiere Pro CS6 leaving Encore CS6 in place.
Now you have Premiere Pro CC and Encore CS6.
What you don't have is a dynamic link between PPro and Encore. Speaking personally, this was something which I found so buggy that I never used. I always rendered out my assets and imported them into Encore. So loss of this dynamic link no big thing for me. YMMV.
So Harm is absolutely wrong to say "You can no longer deliver on BDR or DVD if you go to CC."
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And Dave Hemly's made a great blogpost about exactly how to do this.
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That's not adequate. I don't want, nor am I paying $30/month, to play the install/uninstall/install/uninstall/etc game.
Adobe needs to make available Encore CC. They also need to make available Fireworks CC, for those of us who do a lot of web graphics design.
I didn't think CC was going to be that bad, so I bought into it - but now that CC has launched and I have installed what it has to offer and used it, I am sorely disappointed. Adobe is simply playing B.S. games with it's paying customers, and I am already tired of this BS on Day 1 of their CC launch.
At least there is a 30-day refund policy in place - they did something right.
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Then you can leave it there, or you can uninstall Premiere Pro CS6 leaving Encore CS6 in place.
How can one uninstall everyting CSx related but keep Encore CSx installed, including the functional content?
Oh, while we are on the subject, how can one uninstall all the crap in 44 languages in the legal and OBL directories for each and every application in CC, that take up around 2 GB of utterly wasted space?
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How can one uninstall everyting CSx related but keep Encore CSx installed, including the functional content?
A user, in his first post in the forums, explains how: you install PR CS6 (which includes Encore CS6), then delete PR. You're left with Encore CS6.
It is true, you can have Encore CS6 as part of the Cloud, but that is an embarrassing way to do it.
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Harm Millaard wrote:
How can one uninstall everyting CSx related but keep Encore CSx installed, including the functional content?
Start -> control panel -> programs and features
Find Premiere Pro CS6 in the list.
Double click the entry.
A dialogue comes up with uninstall options.
Untick Adobe Encore CS6
Click Uninstall.
Premiere Pro CS6 is uninstalled. Encore remains.
I also have an entry in the programs list I got to above for Adobe Encore CS6 Library. That's what was installed when I installed the Encore templates.
If I don't uninstall this, then I'll still have the functional content.
Hope this answers your question.
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There's even a video about this
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Trying to pass off Encore CS6 as a solution is absolute BS. There is no dynamic linking between PPro CC and Encore CS6, and telling your paying CC customers that they have to play the install/uninstall whack-a-mole game for this BS workaround "solution" is just another slap in the face to Adobe CC subscribers.
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You found DL from Premiere to Encore " so buggy"? Again, I ask, what were those bugs? Just curious as I have used this method so many times and not one client has come back to saying something was wrong with their dvds. DL-inking from PPro to Encore IS a fabulous feature. To be honest, all this CC stuff is quite absolute joke. I feel sorry for the suckers who have paid into it. Apparently, the much lauded new multicam feature in PPro CC is broken.