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A constant error in exporting edits. See below for details and macbookpro specs.
Everything on the timeline is rendered green on timeline before I export.
Using Premiere 22.4.0
1. I speedramp / nest and reverse some clips. I can't do this on adjustment layers....
2. My current workaround is to export the parts when i get the error and add them back in and then re-save.
This is causing me a nightmare on every project, especially when doing re-edits.
SOS someone please as this is constantly messing with my deadlines 😃
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There's something going on with the clips referenced by the timecodes listed in the error message. Probably the speedramping, unless you've applied other effects there.
You're also editing H.264 footage and exporting again to H.264, which can sometimes put a strain on the computer and lead to errors like this. Here's one workaround:
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Hi there!
Sorry for the Error compiling movie. Could you try some suggestions mentioned here?
Let us know how it goes.