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Hi guys, I have bought and installed CS5.5 Production Premium on a subscription basis
I have projects in Premierre Pro 5.5 but when i send to Encore i get registration screen so type in my registration number
I get the following error message
"Encore CS5.1 cannot run in non royalty serialized mode
The application needs to be serialized with a royalty bearing serial number"
Registration is legitamte for Premierre, Photoshop AE etc but I cant get Encore to run.
Needless to say this is frustrating as have got clients waitng for DVD's
Would there be some one who can tell me what to do please?
I have tried Adobe contacts and NZ help numbers (go on hold for an hour then disconnects)
Tried Australian help line but no better, no response from Adobe Pacific support email as yet,
so posting this here as i am not getting answers anywhere else.
Tried online email and via Adobe help on web but keep getting message "sorry cannot process your request"
Also have tried to Log in via my Adobe account and download Library content for Encore but get message that web links are no longer active?
As an extra does someone know where to get Encore Libraries ~ Im assuming that they should be allowed for download with the Subscription based programe
Help would be much appreciated Please
Regards Rick (one frustrated Kiwi from way down under)
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Hi Rik ,
I want some information regarding this issue from you .
1. When you installed product after installing , u are working offline? , i mean you are connected to internet for not.
2. When you launch encore and get this " non royality error " , are u getting this error everytime or when you launch for second time you get another message .
3. Is Premiere pro launching fine on your machine.
4. If you launch Premiere pro , when from help you click on Deactivation , you get two buttons " Suspend activation" and "Deactivate Permanently" or one of them?
5. Are you using this product on more than 1 machine ( if yes how many).
Some things you can try :
1. Restart machine and launch encore.
2. If you get " non royality " error , click ok , Launch Premiere pro and then again launch encore.
Also please send me adobe ID and Serial number you are using.
It would be great if you can send logs from your machine , logs can be found at :
Launch Terminal
Type cd /tmp
Use the copy command(cp) to copy the amt3, swtag and oobelib , PDApplog files to any directory
Also send the Installer logs from /Library/Logs/Adobe/Installer
has amt3, swtag and oobelib . PDApp log files
You can send logs at :
Minu Sharma
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Why is a special royalty serial number necessary? (for encore 5.1)
Can anybody explain this to me?
I'm making video's for personal use no royalties involved.
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i keep getting the royalty error aswell, how do u fix this.
any kind of help would b great, even better if some1 knows a video on fixing the problem
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See Minu's post one above.
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I have bought and installed CS5.5 Production Premium on a subscription basis
That confuses me. To the best of my knowledge, CS6 is the first and only version available by subscription.
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I apologize for this message if it’s going to the wrong person – but I inadvertently started getting emails from this thread and can’t seem to stop it. I have changed my preferences to all “no” and followed the instructions at the bottom of the email to go to the thread – but the box to the right already says “receive email notifications” not “stop receiving email notifications.” Is there a time delay or something to making these changes? Thanks for “whomever’s” help…
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This note about Email notices may help