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overwrite motion graphics template update to all broken

Engaged ,
Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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Windows 11 pro, premiere 23.1.0 build 86


I added a feature to a motion graphics template in AE, then saved it to my library (which didn't work at first because Adobe is still doesn't have a handle on what to do with library files) after deleting the old one.

Then I went over to premiere, dragged the template onto one of the existing titles while holding Alt to replace it. It then asked if I wanted to automatically update the others. Great! Thanks, yes please. 


So here's the bug. The others Were updated. I can see the new element. But in the edit tab, all of the "automatically updated" titles don't have the new options. 

I added a rectangle and some text. And I added to essential graphics, a checkbox to turn it off/on, the ability to change the text, and to change the speed. None of those things are visible in Essential Graphics > Edit. But then if I replace them each individually, it works fine.


So it's not that you can't replace them. It's that when premiere automatically updates the rest of them, it isn't adding the additional pieces to the edit panel.

Error or problem




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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Mar 26, 2024 Mar 26, 2024

Hello @kalamazandy,

Thanks for the message. I apologize for the lack of response to this bug report. Are you still having this issue? The team will need more info from you to reproduce the bug. Can you provide the information required here? How do I write a bug report?


I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.





Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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Engaged ,
Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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To the item I already read and responded to? No. That is a request, and this is a bug report. 

They Are related topics, but not the same.




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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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d'oh, that's why it seemed so close. I might need new glasses...




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Community Expert ,
Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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How do I write a bug report? - Adobe Support Community - 13361863

Please post the bugreport in this thread.

I will also move this thread to the Bugs section.




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Engaged ,
Jan 12, 2023 Jan 12, 2023

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Adobe could Really improve their support community by having them all be the same through all of their software, And bring back the ability to report things right in the help menu. That's how I got here, and was immediately presented with the radio button for bug report, which is what I did. So the fact that it ended up in the wrong place is on them. 




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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 26, 2024 Mar 26, 2024

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Hello @kalamazandy,

Thanks for the message. I apologize for the lack of response to this bug report. Are you still having this issue? The team will need more info from you to reproduce the bug. Can you provide the information required here? How do I write a bug report?


I'll move your post to the Discussions board while we await your information.




Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Engaged ,
Mar 27, 2024 Mar 27, 2024

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I appreciate it, but no thanks. Similar to how folks have been complaining about moving to self-checkout, then complaining about people stealing (often on accident simply because the self-checkout they offered sort of sucks), it is not my job to fix your software. 

It used to be that software companies had an interest in identifying and fixing bugs on their own. Now when we inform them of a bug they forward us to the "correct" way of using a form to fill out the bug. In many cases they even ask to repeat the actions on a different machine with a clean operating system install, with no plugins, etc to see if the problem persists. Again...Not my job. 

And hey, I'm sure it's not Your job Kevin, so this is a complaint about the way Adobe is running and not You. But it seems they rely Much too heavily on user voice style reports rather than just improving their software by having people listen and identify frustrations and probable bugs from forums like this. 


I provided enough information for a knowledgeable Adobe employee to replicate the problem. 

If Adobe wants people to write their own bug reports properly then they will put a form built into the software again, where you would go to the help menu, and see a "report bug" button. This should then ask you that information AND not all of the information should be required because it may not be applicable. In this case it is related to the way adobe handles cloud files. How much available VRAM I happen to have is not important. It's also something that the software should be able to fill out automatically. Of course, it can't do that if I have to go to a community forum. 

Bring back the button. 


There was a time that when I was working in a software and i posted a question, or potential bug, a technician would actually Call me in response. They would do that after they looked into the issue themselves, to offer a temporary solution if needed or to ask for further information that maybe wasn't provided. 


I have an interest in making the software better, so I do appreciate the ability to add bug reports and will do that, but Make it Easy. Adobe Really sucks at this at the moment. Make it consistent through all of their software, and provide responses by technical teams rather than generic "adobe employee" who just points you to "how to write a bug report" a year and a half after the last response.




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