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I have opened Premiere Pro today to find all the label colours in my timeline appear to be inverted. The lighter colour is now the main body of the clip and the darker colour is now the waveform. I have tried to go through all the different label group styles. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. Does anyone know how to get this back to the default colours.
I have attached an image of what it should look like and what it looks like now.
First, I want to thank you all again for your feedback and comments. We are actively listening and working to address the issues you've raised. I'd like to provide an overview of some of the concerns we've heard so far, to clarify what constitutes a bug and what does not.
Color Text Labels Inverted: Indeed, we've encountered a bug regarding the inversion of color text labels in this latest release. Our team is working diligently to address this issue promptly. In past releases, when a user picke
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I'm having the same issue,
I've contact Adobes support, I was advised it was an issue on my end, when in reality, this is doing it on multiple other devices I have. I haven't found a solution, I've attached screenshots of what my Timeline looks like when I've attempted to set them to "Classic" I've also set the labels on my own to hopefully fix it & make the timeline some-what usuable.
Have also added a screenshot of what premiere pro looks like when dragging a fresh file in.
If there is any solution, Ide appreciate it.
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A classic Adobe Support response: blame it on the user. Shameful.
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It's like they forget this form exists LOL
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I also kindly ask for the option to revert back to old.
For me, it's about heirarchy of information. In an NLE video editor, waveforms are important, but secondary to clips and cuts. IMO, clips and cuts should have most the most contrast to surrounding elements, followed by waveforms.... not vice versa.
This is a dealdbreaker for me - please allow option to revert back, which was perfect.
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Moreover, I feel like a lot of us who migrated from Avid to Final Cut to premiere did so because of the choices and customization Premiere offered.
Choice and customization are still some of the strengths of Premiere, even over Da Vinci, so it'd be great if you could preserve those with the colors.
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I was confused because I have a named and saved preset for a custom set of labels / colors, and today all of a sudden they showed up super dark and different. I was able to fix it in the Labels > Preferences window by selecting my preset at the bottom and clicking "Revert label color preset", then it put the colors back to what they were.
Though they still show differently in the timeline which I guess I'll just have to get used to?
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Adobe, I had to revert back to 24.3 today. After spending 15 minutes with the new timeline, it's not better. It's changed, it's different, but it's not better. If anything, like a ton of other people have suggested, there should be a preset available that makes the timeline look exactly like 24.3, not just sort-of like the colors and feel of 24.3 by selecting classic from the labels drop down, but the same.
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There is a reason people say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". It's because it's a simple truth.
1) The inverted label colors are very hard to look at. I need to be able to easily see the waveform on multiple mic tracks for subframe syncing and it is much harder now.
2) When I select and highlight tracks, It is almost impossible to tell that they are selected because they go from light colored to light colored. It is an imperceptible change. This is not new and improved, it's new and flawed. I find myself reslecting and reselecting to see if I have selected the tracks in question and straining my eyes to see if they are selected or not. Never had to do that in the past 20 years of NLE editing.
3) Adobe says the change is for improved legibility. However, Audiiton has light waveform on a dark background and it is much much easier to see. That's why they correctly designed it that way. Why is Premiere contradicting the well-established and sensible visual theme that Audition is using? Has Audition really been wrong this whole time? I don't think so.
4) And no, I don't want to change the color scheme I have been using for the past 12 years. I had a system that worked great. Premiere had a system that worked great. Perhaps there are some who prefer this new look depending on the custom colors they use. Ok. Please just allow the option for users to choose the waveform contrast theme they prefer. Premiere allows you to adjust the contrast of window backgrounds so can't this also be done with the waveform label colors? Then we can all be happy.
5) The audio label text inverting depending on tone level of the background label is great. That genuinely qualifies as a new and improved feature. Thank you for this. That is a real solution to a problem that all users can appreciate.
PS: To users RE custom label colors: Always snapshot the Pantone color code of your custom label colors so you can manually reset them if an when Adobe Preferences inadvertently or advertently change.
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I agree with this all the way. PLEASE REVERT!
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aggravating. i had a working label system from your default. i don't mind a change, but tan/yellow/brown/mango are indistinguishable to me by default and i'm not even color blind
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I also dislike how when a clip is selected in the timeline, there is not much that tells you it is selected. In the older version, the clip would have a thick white border around it, and an audio track would turn the audio white. In this new version, it is a very thin white border around the selected clip, which you can hardly see. I also think the audio track labels for L, R, and fx are larger, so when I am trying to cut a clip, those labels make it hard to see the edge of the timeline. They should put those not as close to the edge so you can see where to cut audio clips better.
Overall, strongly disliked this update so much that I reverted back to the old version. I tried changing the colors back to the original ones, but those were not the same. I then tried choosing my own colors from an image search of old PR label colors, and because of the issue with inverting, it still looked horrible. They better not force us to change to this new version until all the issues are fixed. Instead of forcing the change on everyone, give people the option to opt-in to the new colors that are supposed to help with eye strain.
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Hello everyone, I had the same problem. The solution to the color swap in the labels was simple, just follow these steps:
Premier Pro- Settings- Labels-Label color preset-classic
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Nope. Doesn't work. Note the Audio waveforms...
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Literally hurts my eyes to edit. We should have the option to turn off this extreme contrast. Some people can't work with extreme contrast like that
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There's a bug where audio on the timeline does not show audio name even when selected from the tool button in the timeline settings
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This update has made it incredibly difficult to see which item on the timeline is selected. I join the chorus of voices asking for this color scheme to not be a default that has been forced on the user.
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I am literally in the middle of doing finish work on a feature and now I have to contend with this new disorienting UI, you guys don't seem to understand just how disruptive this is.
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Me as well - - several projects underway - no matter how you waste time trying to correct it you can't, it's annoying - and was not corrected today with the latest update, BUT - I try to look on the bright side - it's making my decision to change to resolve this fall much easier
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Piling on that this new *FORCED* change is ugly as sin. What was anyone thinking? Give us the option to change it back, good lord
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Please undo this or at least give us an option to get back to the old setting. I do not like the new label colors one single bit.
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Also, the Global Clip Effect indicator has changed from a bold red line to a black thin line... please revert back or make it more indicative.
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New Clip Colors are gross to look at. Let me swich back to the old colors
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the labelling and colour updates are horrendous, the colours don't correspond to their label at all, another unnecessary fail that benefits no one