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I have opened Premiere Pro today to find all the label colours in my timeline appear to be inverted. The lighter colour is now the main body of the clip and the darker colour is now the waveform. I have tried to go through all the different label group styles. I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the application. Does anyone know how to get this back to the default colours.
I have attached an image of what it should look like and what it looks like now.
1 Correct answer
First, I want to thank you all again for your feedback and comments. We are actively listening and working to address the issues you've raised. I'd like to provide an overview of some of the concerns we've heard so far, to clarify what constitutes a bug and what does not.
Color Text Labels Inverted: Indeed, we've encountered a bug regarding the inversion of color text labels in this latest release. Our team is working diligently to address this issue promptly. In past releases, when a user picke
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I'm glad my screenshot is working for you! 🙂
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I don't use Premiere intensively, I mainly use it for some base audio editing and normally I don't bother with feedback.
But this update is absolutely atrocious. Not only did I have to revert the colours myself, instead of the "new" colours being an other option, but now forcing the new colour upon everyone. Besides this the colours on the work bar are now invertered.
Before it was easy recognizable if there was an effect on a layer with the green and yellow tick each smartly indicating what happened to the layer. And now, there is nothing!!!
I do not want to spend hours researching how to do the setting correct when they shouldn't have been changed in the first place!!!
And don't get me started on the weird boxes around the Essential Graphics, and the dark colour of Media Encoder.
CHANGE IT BACK!!! Or at least give an easy option to change it back without having to use older versions.
If it isn't broken, don't fix it.  
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Does Adobe plan to bring back an option to switch the waveform and label design to the pre-24.4 inverted style? Or, now with version 25.0 six months in, is the new layout here to stay for editors? 😊
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No, they refuse to listen to the community on this (or any) issue
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This thread has 8 pages currently. Scan over them for items with pictures, and you can get back very close to previous releases. I like the Default layout, but the Classic layout (Preference\Layout) is real close to the previous version.
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An update shouldn't require me to put in work to get everything basck to normal.
Adding new colors or presets is fine, but why mess up everyone's projects and require them to put in hours of tria lan error to get anything remotely resembling what they can work with?
[abuse removed by moderator]
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9 months later and people are still complaining. Why can't Adobe just take the L on this one and revert back. Makes no sense. Application stability and optimization should be the priority, not updating colors. I can't even upgrade beyond 24.5 because it crashes Premiere Productions on 4 differnt systems we have here. It's just been downhill with Premiere for years and it's exhausting.
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The vast majority of users either like the new colors, and the many new user options to customize your color schema. Or they don't care.
Some don't and a few of those do complain. The people that love it won't be writing about it, will they?
Even some of my favorite professional curmudgeons who were outraged at first, tried the "vibrant" option just to see how bad it was.
But darn it, they loved it!
We're all different. Never assume anyone else wants what you want.
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There has been significant backlash over the color/brightness scheme
changes, and regardless of any particular user's preferences, Adobe has not
stepped up.
Bottom line is that users who pay Adobe thousands of dollars shouldn't be
subject to problem-causing changes without notice.
So please show a little respect for those who do *not prefer* the changes.
-- Andrew
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Weird .... I don't get that post. Period.
There isn't any disrespect for anyone either explicit or implied. Simply stated that there are many people that prefer it. And I'm not actually in that group.
I could more easily claim you display disrespect for the many users that like this.
And I do hope you understand a far higher percentage of people who object to something post than those who like the change. Trying to infer the proportions across the several million users only based on the complaints is not necessarily a statistically valid approach.
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At this point we'll just have to stop upgrading to new versions until they revert these changes.
This is the same as the dumb Discord name changes nobody wanted...