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Playhead Drag / Lag Problem

Explorer ,
Oct 07, 2015 Oct 07, 2015

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Hello All,

I've been visiting these forums too frequently after the El Capitain update. To add to the GPU problem, does anyone have any idea whats happening here?

My play head in the source window lags behind my mouse and then retraces it's steps.

Please advise, thanks in advance.




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Oct 28, 2015 Oct 28, 2015

El Capitan is the ish ... that OS has had more bugs for more programs than I've seen in a long time ... Apple is getting out patches slowly to fix things, check for updates there ...



Engaged ,
Dec 02, 2015 Dec 02, 2015

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Kevin-Monahan wrote:

I did notice on social networks that the issue is still occurring.

OSX 10.11.1 with PPro 2015.1 and I've only run into a similar issue like this once since the update.  It was an isolated incident when scrubbing through footage on a slow(er) external drive to preview what was there before actually loading into the system.  It likely was a cache style error and just waiting for the drive to catch up.

That being said, many of the people complaining of this issue still are working on iMac machines - likely editing from external drives or the (slow) 5400rpm internal.  Maybe keep that in mind when troubleshooting or devoting resources to working on bugs...




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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2015 Dec 04, 2015

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Thank you guys!!!!!




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New Here ,
Dec 17, 2015 Dec 17, 2015

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Hi, I have CS6 and I have the same problem... I know that the CSX is not supported anymore... So will I just have to wait and see if apple correct the situation on their side? I bought an iMac 5k late 2015 that came with El Capitan, so I have to keep it...




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Engaged ,
Dec 18, 2015 Dec 18, 2015

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Kiko1984 wrote:

Hi, I have CS6 and I have the same problem... I know that the CSX is not supported anymore... So will I just have to wait and see if apple correct the situation on their side? I bought an iMac 5k late 2015 that came with El Capitan, so I have to keep it...

Correct, the CS6 products are no longer being updated.  Believe 6.0.5 was the last.

Directly from this page:


"CS6 is almost three years old, and Adobe has no plans to update it. Ever."

Unfortunately, I do not think AMD has web drivers available for Mac.  That MAY fix the issue?




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New Here ,
Dec 18, 2015 Dec 18, 2015

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Okay so if I understand correctly, it was not an OsX 10.11 problem but an Adobe Premiere Pro situation that had to be corrected by Adobe directly, as it seems they offered an update to CC customers? Or is there any chance that in the future this situation will be solved through an Apple update of their Os?




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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 18, 2015 Dec 18, 2015

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Hi Kiko 1984,

Okay so if I understand correctly, it was not an OsX 10.11 problem but an Adobe Premiere Pro situation that had to be corrected by Adobe directly, as it seems they offered an update to CC customers?

Sorry that this issue is occurring in Premiere Pro CS6 on OS X 10.11. Yes, we addressed this bug as a reaction to a change in OS X 10.11 in the 9.1 version.

Or is there any chance that in the future this situation will be solved through an Apple update of their Os?

Anything along these lines is certainly possible. I hope it does, but my feeling is that if you need to keep CS6 running, you're going to have to lock down that OS.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Participant ,
Dec 28, 2015 Dec 28, 2015

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I'm having the same exact problem and have been for a while. All of my software is up to date. To me it feels like something is constantly trying to phone home. Is there a way I can turn off CC libraries? My other thought would be to unplug my internet.

I am working on a Frankentosh MacPro (2.8 Quad Core, 10 gigs of ram, USB-3 card attached to drives, Radeon 5000 card). I am just trying to make this machine work until Apple releases a machine that I can actually work on. Really can't bring myself down to an iMac and cutting and after effecting on my fairly new macbook pro feels like kickboxing in an elevator. 




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Dec 28, 2015 Dec 28, 2015

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USB3 - attached drives. What all do you have on the external drives?

USB3 isn't quite fast enough for sustained throughput in both read & write to keep PrPro running fine, so if there's more than say the media on the external via USB3 you've got a bottleneck there. Reading media and exporting are both one-way processes essentially, so they can get by on a slower connection IF they're the only part of the process on that connection. If you've got your project file, media, and say database cache out "there" together, I would expect a lot of lag as the computer struggles to get things out & back again.

A 4-core with 10GB RAM and AMD video card isn't a really 'hot' machine for the later versions of the CC video apps ...





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Participant ,
Dec 28, 2015 Dec 28, 2015

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R Neil,

Thank you for your response. I agree with everything that you say, but the strange thing is the lag is sort of only in PrPro. Usually when the playhead is parked. No real noticeable stutter when it plays. Like it's thinking every minute or so. It really feels to me like Adobe is updating or phoning home about something, hence why I want to turn off my cc libraries. I have turned on my activity monitor and see nothing strange. I know this problem exists in Apple system's with a new feature in El Capitan (forget what its called) where you can pick up from any device exactly where you left off. That apple feature is currently not on my system, so I can't blame it on them.

You seem really knowledgeable, I'd be curious to get your 2 cents.





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Dec 28, 2015 Dec 28, 2015

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To my knowledge there isn't anything in PrPro that "phones home to Adobe" ... unless you're doing something with say the Library panel functioning and content going back and forth from their stock setup.

So ... the timeline plays ok, it's primarily a problem of the controls not responding promptly?





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Participant ,
Dec 28, 2015 Dec 28, 2015

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Plays as to be expected, there is no choking. Most of the time this is when the cursor is parked on the timeline. It feels like the mouse is sticky, like it just drags along in the application. Delayed response. Like it's processing and thinking all of the time.




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Dec 28, 2015 Dec 28, 2015

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Huh. What sorts of effects do you have on that sequence?

Does it do the same if you start a new sequence in a new project for a test?





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Participant ,
Dec 28, 2015 Dec 28, 2015

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Yes, I have done test projects and whole new sequences. No effects at all. It was in a multiclip so I took it out of that, same problem. Everything has been converted to ProRes, so interpretting footage. I even changed batteries on my mouse twice.

Only application open, 2 sequences pancaked open. Minimal stuff on top pancake (just select shots). Closed all of that and just had one scrap sequence open. I have an aja card in there leftover from FCP, but not even in the mix of preferences. Just really strange.

Thought it was even bluetooth mouse conflicting with USB 3, hard wired mouse same problem. I'm stumped.

The best way to describe it is a sticky mouse, only bad in Premiere, happens as well in Photoshop but minor.

Also did speed read write tests on the drive and it's fine.




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Engaged ,
Dec 29, 2015 Dec 29, 2015

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It sounds like you are describing a problem I've been recently seeing with the Adobe Creative Cloud App always running.  I believe the new CC libraries and Adobe Stock are tied into that and are contributing to the issue.  (The constant pushing of Adobe Stock is not welcomed and I wish I could completely turn it off everywhere.)

It may be helpful to turn off every instance of Adobe that is starting up with your machine to see if that helps address this at all.  The Creative Cloud App does NOT need to run in the background 24/7.

In both the local user and main system library folders, disable (remove) the Adobe files in StartupItems, LaunchAgents, and LaunchDaemons.  If you want to restore them later, move them to a "_disabled" folder or something similar.  (If you're moving these files, please note that many of them will just copy to another folder if dragged - not actually move.)

May be helpful to see this thread:

Core Sync Helper is causing Finder to overload CPU 300% on Mac OS X El Capitan

If anyone knows how to fully disable Core Sync Helper, that would be helpful.  I believe the ONLY process that is "100% necessary" is AdobeGCClient, but even that should not need to be running 24/7.




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Dec 29, 2015 Dec 29, 2015

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Huh. And you used multiple mouses through different interfaces & got the same reaction ... huh.

I'm stumped.





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 13, 2016 Jan 13, 2016

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This issue was fixed for CC 2015 but I'm still on CC 2014 and have the same play head problem. Is there going to by any fixes for CC 2014 ?? I can't update because CC 2015 has a lot of bugs with merged clips... and Cc 2014    is more bug free on that department. Thanks




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New Here ,
Dec 30, 2015 Dec 30, 2015

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Had the playhead drag/lag issue as described in original post. Started on upgrade to El Capitan OS.

Updating Premiere to:

2015.1 Release - 9.1.0 (174) Build

Through CC app solved the problem.




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Participant ,
Dec 30, 2015 Dec 30, 2015

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Have the most current version of every software. Unplugged the internet as a last ditch effort and... (drum roll) Viola! The problem stopped. Someone is phoning home but I am not sure who, Adobe will blame Apple and vice versa. Nothing noticeable in the activity monitor. Sneaky silent pinging going back and forth.

Seriously guys, knock it off. Do you really need to know every key stoke I am making? Good enough for a work around but definitely not  a long term answer,




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Dec 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2015

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The vast majority of us aren't having this issue so it's clearly something to do with your setup somehow. It isn't that they're monitoring us all. The Adobe Library bit of software is all bright new and I wonder if that glitched on your machine.





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Participant ,
Dec 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2015

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I think you might be correct Neil. I may have misspoke, my apologies, I'd delete my last response but don't know how. It was a heat of passion response. Problem slowly came back. I did all of the usual, unplugged machine, zapped Pram, re-synched my bluetooth. So I think my bluetooth preferences were corrupted. I think it's a combination of things (perfect storm) that are contributing to my issues. Still would love to figure out how to turn off the core sync feature. This antiquated machine is very sensitive to the littlest things.




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Dec 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2015

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Nothing to worry about. Given what SO many programs do do these days a little suspicious thinking seems normal to me.

Some machinesjust get wonky with the way PrPro works, and tracking down which driver or whatever gets wigged out over what action can be such a joy. Ahem. Been there done that.





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New Here ,
Jan 02, 2016 Jan 02, 2016

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Here's the one thing I don't understand. I have CS6 Production Premium (suite) on my old Macbook Pro 17 inch and it works without this glitch, and I have it installed on my brand new MacPro and I have this glitch. Both have the same OS....

My adobe software is why I purchased my Mac, the sole reason.

IF there is any advice you can give me on this please do. I read all that is written here.

If it works properly on one, especially an old Mac it should work on my new one with the same OS right?

My New MacPro

(Lots of Glitches)

3.5 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5

16 GB 1866 MHz DDR3 ECC

AMD FirePro D500 3072 MB

10.11.2 (15C50)

My Old Macbook Pro

(No Glitches at all)

2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo

8 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB

10.11.2 (15C50)

I'd like to edit on my New Mac, not my old one.

If it's broke on one it should be on the one also, right?

(I also cross checked all the settings on both Adobe installs (MacPro and Macbook Pro and they are exactly the same set ups on both individual machines..)




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Jan 02, 2016 Jan 02, 2016

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Hence why I was avoiding buying a new MacPro, they call them the Trash Can for more reasons than merely it's looks.  This sounds like Apple issues. I know there is a feature called handoff that is driving people up the wall. Could be worth investigating. 

OS X El Capitan: Pick up where you left off with Handoff




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New Here ,
Jan 02, 2016 Jan 02, 2016

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Thanks for the post michaelcwelch Unfortunately, that's not the issue it seems. This was an issue before and after I upgraded to El Capitan and afterward. As for my MacPro it works very well over all, just this one big issue working with this Adobe and only in Premiere software. Hopefully there is still light to be shed on this major issue.




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Engaged ,
Jan 04, 2016 Jan 04, 2016

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ftheune wrote:

This was an issue before and after I upgraded to El Capitan and afterward. As for my MacPro it works very well over all, just this one big issue working with this Adobe and only in Premiere software.

Do you happen to use Photoshop or After Effects at all?  Are they presenting any issues?  Are you using the NVIDIA web drivers or the native/stock OSX drivers on the MacBook Pro?

I have been holding onto my MacPro5,1 (and not "upgrading") because of the NVIDIA GPU that I use with it.  Personally find it to be much more reliable and compatible at the current moment vs the AMDs for the work I do.  There are ways to get an external PCIe GPU card to work with the MacPro - not sure if that's more effort than it's worth, but you are probably experiencing GPU-related driver style issues.  HOPEFULLY they are addressed in OSX updates or made a little better in future Adobe software updates.




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