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poor sequence performance when using markers

Community Beginner ,
Jan 04, 2023 Jan 04, 2023

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we recently upgraded from 15.4 to 23.0, there is a huge performance difference when you edit a complex sequence with and without showing clip markers. We edit reality TVcontent as these shows are unscripted, we rely heavily on clip markers and footage logs. We are using Productions to collaborate. Sometimes in the beginning the editing process is smooth, but as we start adding complexity, it suddenly becomes really sluggigh to zoom , pan or move in the sequence. We discovered that hiding clip markers in the sequence improves the performance a lot. we are using Sony XDCAM HD footage mainly and XAVC for some reels. We also suspect that the latter perform the worse since the markers and subclips are embedded in the media file.

BTW The issue persists in 23.1


Edit stations are roughly this spec

i7-7700 CPU


Geforce GTX 1060 GPU

1 Gbit shared network storage



Martin Lorenzo,




Editing , Performance






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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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Hi Martin, sorry for the issue! We'll make sure the right engineers see your description. Is this happening on all machines involved in your production, or just yours? Does this happen on all Productions, or just this one in particular? Does it happen in a regular non-productions project?


Let us know, happy to help





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 06, 2023 Jan 06, 2023

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Hi Caroline,

Thank you for your concern.

Disclaimer, I'm the IT support guy so my experience as an editor is limited. It happens on most productions, on all machines. I also tried saving the project as standalone, the problem persists.

It doesn't happen right away, usuallly the assembly edits go smooth, but at some point somebody does something like:

- opening the footage project in the production to look for something.

- imports additional footage, usually MP4 XAVC footage that takes longer to tag. 20- 30 files with ~10 sublips each, so can it amount to 300 - 400  additional items. 

So, what they have done so far is try to edit with clip markers off when they find it's too sluggish to get any work done. The other thing we are trying to to is to split the footage project in several ones, to keep the item count low, but I still have to check with the editors if it is helping or not. 


It didn't happen in version 15.4 last year (first time we used productions!), and everything was pretty much the same stuff in terms of size and complexity (it's a cooking competition).

Thanks again,







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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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Thanks for the details, Martin! I've sent this post to our Productions engineers and will come back to you with a workaround and/or some more questions so they can fix it for good. Sorry I don't have an immediate answer for you but I will come back ASAP with an update!





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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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Would you be able to share that standalone project with us? We don't need all of the media involved, just the .prproj. Our engineers can take a look at it behind the scenes and see why Premiere isn't playing nicely with your markers. You can send me a DM with a google drive link or however you'd like to share it!





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Community Beginner ,
Jan 16, 2023 Jan 16, 2023

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UPDATE:  I shared the project with Adobe (huge thanks to Caroline!).

They found corrupted/duplicate markers in the project. They suggested using the  R_R_T extension to clean up the redundant tags. I tried it but didn't remove any/all the duplicate markers, so the problem persists. Please have Look at the image attached, seems to be a lot of them. 

There's something I didn't mention, but I think it is relevant now.

The markers where created using Prelude, so the markers where saved with the footage, either as xmp sidecar files, or directly embedded in the media.

According the documentation once you import them to a Production, these markers are copied to the project file. There's a possibility that both activities (tagging with Prelude and editing in premiere) happened simultaneously, leading Premiere to import the markers many times over (each time there was a metadata update in the footage file).





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