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Possible to import all of a .mov file that has edit points from QT?

Engaged ,
Mar 03, 2018 Mar 03, 2018

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I've been editing original Prores 4444 video files in QT7 to remove unwanted sections (to save disk space). In QT7, I trimmed a 3 minute video to 15 seconds, then accidentally saved. No problem, I have plenty of backups.

However, QT – and Premiere – now thinks the file is only 15 seconds long, and will only play 15 seconds of video – but the file on disk is still the 3-minute size.

VLC knows that the file is actually 3 minutes in duration, and plays the whole lot.


Is it possible to import all of this file into Premiere, ignoring the edit flags (or whatever they are) set by QT?




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Engaged , Mar 30, 2018 Mar 30, 2018

The answer appears to be – No, Premiere cannot read the whole QT file once trim points have been added and saved. I had previously posted a similar question in the Apple forums, under Quicktime. Here is a response from Jon Walker:

Unfortunately, there is no "Unedit" option in QT 7 Pro. If you failed to trim the content to your "in" and "out" points, and save the resulting content as a separate, new file, then playback "in" and "out" points are stored in the original file atoms and used by QT-base



Adobe Employee ,
Mar 30, 2018 Mar 30, 2018

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Guy Burns,

Are you still experiencing this issue or have you solved it? Please let us know.



Kevin Monahan - Sr. Community & Engagement Strategist – Pro Video and Audio




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Engaged ,
Mar 30, 2018 Mar 30, 2018

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The answer appears to be – No, Premiere cannot read the whole QT file once trim points have been added and saved. I had previously posted a similar question in the Apple forums, under Quicktime. Here is a response from Jon Walker:

Unfortunately, there is no "Unedit" option in QT 7 Pro. If you failed to trim the content to your "in" and "out" points, and save the resulting content as a separate, new file, then playback "in" and "out" points are stored in the original file atoms and used by QT-based apps for playback but ignored by non-QT-based apps [such as VLC] as you've noted. While it may be possible to re-edit the atoms using certain utility apps, it may be easier to copy the file data in the currently edited MOV file container to a new file container using a third-party app like VLC that already ignores "edit" entries.




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