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Adobe Premiere ver 15.2 uległ awarii po renderowaniu. Przy następnej próbie uruchomienia pliku MSVCP110.dll pojawił się komunikat o błędzie. Zainstalowałem ponownie z tą samą wersją i poprzednimi wersjami. Ten sam komunikat przez cały czas. Nie mogę w ogóle uruchomić Premiere. Ktoś ma jakieś pomysły, co to może być? Pozdrawiam Kriss
That is a Microsoft problem, so you need a Microsoft solution
Go to the Search bar at the top of to find and re-install the C runtime, or for ALL Windows help
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Adobe Premiere ver 15.2 crashed after rendering. At the next attempt to run the file MSVCP110.dll error message appeared. I installed again with the same version and previous versions. The same message all the time. I can't start Premiere at all. Anyone have any ideas what it might be? Regards Kriss
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That is a Microsoft problem, so you need a Microsoft solution
Go to the Search bar at the top of to find and re-install the C runtime, or for ALL Windows help
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Thank you for this information. Adobe started to boot normally. Greetings to you !!!
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Hi, in my case it does not work, neither Premier nor Encoder nor After Effects starts. a window appears with a stacked inscription: cannot continue executing the code because the system has not detected MSVCP110.dll. To fix this problem, try reinstalling the program. What will you advice me?
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How do you do this exactly? It just happened to me tonight.... and I am slightly annoyed.
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Found an easier solution.