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Premiere Crashing Across Multiple Screens - White Monitor - No Video Playback

New Here ,
Oct 21, 2020 Oct 21, 2020

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Hi All, 

Hope someone can help as I'm slowly going mad - I've been having problems for months now since I received my new system, which is an AMD Ryzen 9, 12 Core, with GEForce RTX 2080 Super and 64GB of RAM, used across three monitors.


I've spent two whole days in between Adobe Tech Support and Nvidia trying to get this sorted and to know avail. The last two weeks I've been working with my workaround and just dealing with it, but it's far from ideal.


The long and short of it is that Premiere (and sometimes After Effects) crash constantly, with white screens across the source monitor and the program monitor. I can hear audio but no playback and when I quit the whole system is frozen until I shut down via the task manager.


The weird workaround is before everytime I boot up Premiere I have to delete the premiere prefererences folders in My Documents and the system and then it boots fine, as long as I keep the source monitor in my middle screen it mostly works OK. If I drag the source monitor to my second screen and open a clip it freezes.I can work all day using my main monitor for playback, but if I then  save and shut down I have to repeat the whole process. It will not boot up without me delting these folders everytime.


I've done countless clean installs on my graphics card, Nvidia have run tests on the card and it's working fine, Adobe Tech support have taken me through various things to the point where they say it's the graphics card and I'm 100% fed up and stuck. Today's Nvidia update has made no difference what so ever.


Here's hoping someone has the fainest idea what might be causing thios as its driving me around the bend.


Thanks in advance.



Crash , Editing




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New Here ,
Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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I know this is old but it might help someone in the future, I had this problem all the time with after effects. From what I can tell it is when I had any on-screen overlay enabled (it doesn't need to be active just on). So this could be a GPU overclock overlay or In my case, if I had Geforce Experience Overlay enabled it would cause this issue.  

Not sure if this will be the fix for everyone but hopefully someone finds this useful.




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Adobe Employee ,
Jan 10, 2023 Jan 10, 2023

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Thanks so much for sharing what worked for you, Jonathan! 




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