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I'm using Premiere Pro 2021 and ı try to use Crop or some Colour effects but all video effects dosent work.
When ı opened same project in Premiere Pro 2020 ı can use video effects. I ve not understand what is the problem
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Hi there!
Sorry for the trouble. We can get this checked.
- Could you share your system details (OS, CPU, RAM, GPU)?
- Are you seeing any error codes or messages?
- Can you provide a screenshot or screen recording of the issue?
Let us know.
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Hello ı prepared a video for my problem i try to answer your all questions.ı forgot to indicate my first message i deleted premiere pro 2021 and i updated again but i didnt solved this problem
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updates to Premiere almost always require better hardware so it's possible your system isn't up to spec for 2021. For example, although I can run premiere 2020 and 2021 on my 2012 macbookpro, lumetri scopes do not appear, although everything works fine in premiere 2019
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Maybe you re right.I don't understand what is the source of the problem but ı wanna learn why
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would be better if you just answered the specific questions rather than posting a video...
and you might consider reverting to the previous version of premiere that was working. You can do this in creative cloud
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Thank u ım a blind video editor:)
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Might want to take off the shades 😉
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I am having the same issue, none of my presets of editing effects are working. I tried to update, restart, force quit, my fx was never toggled on. Im not sure what the issue could be.
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Make the fx button show in the button editor and check if its on or off.