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Hi everyone,
I've tried different audio settings for a sequence, but I always have the same problem: the sound is bad. The MP3-file itself sounds much better with the same headphones before I import it to Premiere. After I export my projects it has the same bad quality. You can see my sequence settings as attachment. What am I doing wrong? Should I use different settings?
Convert mp3 to wave before bringing it into Premiere.
Make sure Default Input in the Audio Hardware in the Preferences is set to No Input.
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Convert mp3 to wave before bringing it into Premiere.
Make sure Default Input in the Audio Hardware in the Preferences is set to No Input.
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Thanks for your answer. It has helped but it's still not the same as the primary audio file...
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mp3 can cause issues.
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I've tried to change it to WAV-48 khz-16 Bit with Adobe Me. What I've written in my last message is after I've changed the format...
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If I open the file from the project folder in Pr, everything works just fine. Only when I use it in my sequence it's a problem...