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Premiere Pro CC version 22.0: Black Screen and Playback Performace with Cuda GPU

Community Beginner ,
Nov 18, 2021 Nov 18, 2021

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I have seen other threads on this topic, This is still an issue with the current version of permiere. This is not a small problem, this is a huge problem. I have had to scrap projects that I started in premiere and finish them in Davinci Resolve because I was faster than spending hours more troubleshooting.


I have been using Premiere since 1998 and kind of like it, but premiere is no longer a reliable tool that I can depend on.


I have been dealing with a couple issues with Permiere Pro CC since the 2020 version came out and am currently running version 22.0. Prior to the 2020 upgrade, I did not see these issues. Davinci resolve plays back files just fine on the same pc since 2020.



Issue 1:


Playing a video clip, could be h264, could be pro-res, could be DNxHR, could be 4k, could be 1080p or even less. Monitor window and mercury transmit go black. Audio playback continues to work and the UI functions normally. Must restart Premiere in order to restore playback functionality. 


Issue 2:

Playing a video clip, could be h264, could be pro-res, could be DNxHR, could be 4k, could be 1080p or even less. Video playback becomes jerky and sometimes pauses for seconds at a time.

Workaround: Set the project to software rendering, close out of the project settings window, re-open project settings and re-enable cuda.


I have tried at least 5 different versions of the Nvidia Game Ready driver including the latest and oldest ones I could find. Unfortunately, my graphics card is not supported by the studio driver.


I recently tried to run the Puget Bench Premiere benchmark plugin, but it failed with an error stating that video playback was not working normally.


I have completely removed all remnants of creative cloud and reinstalled. I have tried multiple versions of premiere but they all seem to suffer the same issue.


I have reset preferences.


I have deleted media cache.


I have disabled the default audio input device


I have installed CC apps on their own dedicated nvme ssd which transfers data at 2800mb per second


I have moved my video card to a different pcie slot.


I have reinstalled windows(for other reasons) but worth mentioning




My first car was a 30 year old diesel Mercedes with a couple hundred thousand miles on it. Over time, it shed features it did not need. Like power locks, power breaks, and eventually the ability to shut off the engine using the key. But, it never left me stranded because it had only shed features it did not need.


Every time I disable and re-enable cuda, or end task premiere and restart… It reminds me of my old car. However, GPU Acceleration does not fall into the category of features Premiere does not need. Software rendering however is a feature premiere does not need. Even Audition uses the GPU and has for years. I am pretty sure a fitbit has a gpu.  Software rendering is only useful for confirming that GPU rendering is broken in Premiere CC!


Running windows 10 pro version: 21H1 build: 19043.1348

Nvidia GTX 980 Driver : || 8/27/2021

16 core Xenon

128gb ram

Error or problem , Freeze or hang , Hardware or GPU






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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2021 Nov 22, 2021

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I have nothing to add here aside from +1-ing this. I am having the exact same issue right now (your issue #1) and I'm not entirely sure what to do. Thank you for posting this. If nothing else, you saved me the hassle of doing some of the more extreme steps myself.


I'm currently working with RED Komodo 6k footage and the playback engine just dies after a few minutes as you have described. I've been watching my resources and the PC is barely skipping a beat. Just nothing after a few mins.


I have noticed one pattern, however: if I start with my playback res at 1/2 and paused res at Full, and wait for it to crash, I can change paused res to 1/2 and it gives me a few more minutes before 1/2 paused res also crashes. This pattern means nothing to me, but it's the only contribution I have. Hope someone out there can help shed some light on this.


Win11 Pro 10.0.22000 Build 22000


RTX 2080 SUPER (496.76)

64gb RAM

Premiere Install on Primary SSD)





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Nov 28, 2021 Nov 28, 2021

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Same Issue. It's so frustrating. I'm editing 4k footage. Black screen during time remap when using CUDA


Updated all the drivers. 

Edition Windows 10 Home 120.2212.3920.0
Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10900K CPU @ 3.70GHz

64.0 GB RAM


Studio Driver 472.47 Released on 11/10/2021





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Explorer ,
Nov 28, 2021 Nov 28, 2021

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Having same issues. Premiere Pro preview window is sooo disappointing. Tearing, freezing, artifacting. And it's not something unimportant. I can't tell, for example, is it my footage/editing issue or it's just a preview bug. Kinda serious thing, don't you think?
And it fails to show even on a 100% pre-rendered clip! Why? I open it in any video player from Adobe Preview folder and it runs just fine and smooth!

Come on guys, let's do something! It's unacceptable!

I am thinking of stopping my Adobe subscribtion I had for years. Premiere is getting worse and worse after every update. More usless features, less quality in basic things.

So frustrating. I am currently on older 15.1 version for a bit more quality. Ver. 22.0 is even worse. 

And yes, I have NVIDIA Studio driver, relax Uustor, it doesn't help at all! (((

BR, Anton.


Gigabyte Aero of 2021.11th gen 8 core Core i7. RTX 3060. SSD drives. 64 Gb RAM.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2021 Nov 28, 2021

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I am glad to see others coming forward with the same problems. I am also somewhat relieved that even current gen video cards are having the issue, which saves me going out and buying a new video card to fix it. It also means I wont accept that my hardware is old as the cause.

 I have a 980 GeForce and it plays 4k pro-res and dnxhd in Davinci Resolve without a problem. Even at full resolution.

Davinci resolve is FREE and does a better job than a product Adobe has had over 20 years to perfect.


I am giving Adobe 1 more version to fix this or I am done.





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2021 Nov 28, 2021

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To others with this problem, give Davinci Resolve a try. I bet it works fine for you.




Yes Adobe, i am fed up with this and I am not alone. Would love for someone from Adobe to join this discussion.





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Explorer ,
Nov 29, 2021 Nov 29, 2021

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HeyThanks for the link. Yea, I expect other guys and Adobe guys as well to join the discussion, since there are a lot of problems with preview window, including vsync bugs I am planning to post about it a bit later.

Cheers, Anton.





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Nov 29, 2021 Nov 29, 2021

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Oh vsync, yeah. I just didn't even bring that up -- seconded. Wonder what else I'm ignoring because it "isn't THAT bad" ...





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Explorer ,
Mar 01, 2022 Mar 01, 2022

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Explorer ,
Mar 01, 2022 Mar 01, 2022

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I am having the same exact problem. What is MOST frustrating is the fact that after all these years of supporting premiere pro, I posted over and over for help and requests for support and I still have the same problem, even tho I wasted hours posting system info, setup bla bla bla. Please dont ask me my system or updates or any of that. I have DONE IT ALL and my system is well within peramiters.Why doesnt ADOBE take responsibility that it is THEIR software that is making us all miserable? Roll back, fix the bug but STOP updating if you cant support your software! I have to restart my computer 3 or 4 times per edit to "fix" the black screen. I have a fully updated and high quality edit system but I feel like I am running on the old AVID with all its bugs and workarounds and "fixes". This lact of accountability and support is exactly what caused the downfall of other editing software.  I guess this is just a btch session and I want all the editors out there to know you are not alone!





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Community Beginner ,
May 19, 2022 May 19, 2022

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I'm having the exact same issues as OP described with almost the exact same timeline (since premiere 2020).

I have 4 work stations that all experience this probelm so frequently that we're talking internally about migrating over to davinci entirely. One of the workstations has a brand new 3080 TI, the other a 3060 TI. We're working off of insanely fast media and the issue is undoubtably with premiere. It's so frustrating a problem that I'm sure is more widespread than this thread goes without a response. 






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Explorer ,
May 21, 2022 May 21, 2022

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With more and more updates and new versions from Adobe Premiere Pro I still have the same issues. This stupid preview bug stays the same. Not a single video player or video editing app doesn't have anything like that. Amazing. Adobe seem to like that issue or something like that...((( so sad. My good will is about to end soon...





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New Here ,
Jul 18, 2022 Jul 18, 2022

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I don't know if it'll work on anyone else but I fixed mines by setting the PhysX settings to "Auto-Select". In case you wonder what settings I set for my 3D settings, it's "High-Performance Nvidia Processor" but I doubt it could fix the issue.





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New Here ,
Jul 19, 2022 Jul 19, 2022

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Same. Red Komodo clips and after few minutes or couple adjustments the playback works, but the screen goes black when I pause! So it shows playing, but goes black when I want to actually grade something. Adobe keeps getting money every month for years as a subscription but never really delivers on a stable platform. As soon as I come back to Adobe, somehow working on a project becomes a frustration and kills the fun. Freezes, black screen, choppy playback, you name it. It really feels like you pay for your own trouble shooting.

Now I have to close it every 5 minutes after some edits and restart. Horrible bugs as usual.





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New Here ,
Sep 26, 2022 Sep 26, 2022

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Have the exact same issue. Editing 8K Red Raptor footage. I've been closing and opening Premiere every 3 minutes for the last hour. I'm about to uninstall it. 


Adobe?? Any Customer support here???





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Dec 27, 2022 Dec 27, 2022

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Here's my fix, a "factory reset" by holding alt shift on windows. I too had the black screen. But I also noticed there were settings coming over from a preferences saved on the cloud.  Old audio hardware was still showing up and so were old hard drive paths.  I think this will only happen if you change hardware or migrate to a new pc. 





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