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Premiere CS6 project manager reports an error and will not manage my project. I have tried several times with both "Create New Trimmed Project" and " Collect Files and Copy to New Location". I have also tried to manage the project with options checked and unchecked (Include Preview Files, Include Audio Conform Files, Rename Media Files to Match Clip Names). Every time I try to manage the project, the process takes a few hours and then gives an error asking me to try again.
The project is 90 minutes long and uses multiple footage formats:
Sony FS100
Sony NEX7
Sony NEX-5n
Canon C300
Canon 5DmkII
Panazonic HVX200
My computer is:
Processor 2 x 2.66 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon
Memory 12 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Graphics ATI Radeon HD 5770 1024 MB
Software Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
Is this a bug, or are there specific things I can do to troubleshoot the problem? I have read of issues with AVCHD. I have confirmed all of my AVCHD folders are intact. Any other Ideas?
1 Correct answer
Hi Athenikos,
This is an older thread, but to wrap things up, the Project Manager has been completely rebuilt in Premiere Pro CC 2014. It should function without errors, but if you are still experiencing issues, please file a bug here:
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Worked very well for me:
I create the project manager and put the original project file inside the folder with the manager, lots of c300 footage, 5D Mark III footage and a lot of still images, just put original project file and opened him.
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Did you simply consolidate the entire project or have Project Manager trim and transcode the clips?
It is the trimming that seems to be the problem.
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Just project manager trim, seems the project trim is the issue, i have opened the original project in 5 machines, pc and macs, and worked very well.
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Still broken in Pro CC 2014.2 8.2.0 build!
I am getting the identical error message and issues in this thread that began over two years ago.
Adobe, can you please explain a workaround for this? Why has not such an absolutely essential feature for a pro workflow not been fixed? This is really unbelievable and makes me question if I even made the right choice to move over to Premiere.
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Hi Holly,
Still broken in Pro CC 2014.2 8.2.0 build!
I am getting the identical error message and issues in this thread that began over two years ago.
The Project Manager has been completely redone from the ground up. It's probably a new issue occurring.
Adobe, can you please explain a workaround for this? Why has not such an absolutely essential feature for a pro workflow not been fixed? This is really unbelievable and makes me question if I even made the right choice to move over to Premiere.
What are you trying to do, collect files or consolidate and transcode? Can you give us system details and info about your media? FAQ: What information should I provide when asking a question on this forum?That way, we may be able to help you a little easier.
To be fair, I did try both operations and experienced no errors with the Project Manager.
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Hi Athenikos,
This is an older thread, but to wrap things up, the Project Manager has been completely rebuilt in Premiere Pro CC 2014. It should function without errors, but if you are still experiencing issues, please file a bug here:
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Copied's 2020 here and I'm having the same problems when I choose "exlude unused clips". Nothing seems to work with this checked on. Which kind of makes the function of "consolidating" pretty useless, no?
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Hi - here it is 2023 - and media manager is still not fixed.
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FIX: Try exporting without the preview files..
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Still having the issues though, I understand Project Manager has been rebuilt but I think Apple and Adobe aren't the best of friends and it gets a little tired watching each blame the other. I had this same issue, fortunately I'd already sent the project off to Color and received a PRORES 422 HQ back, so the only thing I was trying to consolidate was the ProRes, Audio, and all the Dynamic Linked AE title work into one archive file. Project manager failed for me several times until I turned off previews & renaming clips (something I never do anyway, because that tends to create it's own mess). On a side note, CC 2014 seems more unstable in general from cs6 with Yosemite, last time I called into Adobe, they stated that Mavericks and Yosemite where built differently and Adobe is playing catch up trying to correct for Apple's changes... Odd since Mavericks and Yosemite are still build on the 10.x platform, but that might just be inside baseball... I wouldn't think they'd change much core structure till they hit 11.x whenever that may be.
I do love the Creative Cloud, but it doesn't work half as well as it should on mac... everything they fix seems to break something new, I can't even get Media Encoder to work without crashing after 20min - granted these are large files that I'm playing with, but I expect this stuff to be fixed sooner then later for a subscription based service!
My two cents.
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So on Aug. 4th 2015 this same problem was driving me crazy and burnt a full 12 hour for me but i found a fix!
DON'T check the preview files!! After i finally found a forum that had that info i could finally work again!
DON'T check the preview files!!
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I also found the same issue. If working on a Mac you can watch the files populate your destination folder and as long as you don't click on 'ok' when the error message pops up, you can see what the last file was that corrupt the process.
I had an animation file with an alpha corrupting mine so I encoded it to prores4444 and export at 32bit out of premiere and that fix that issue. I also found in another sequence the previews folder was the issue.
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After going through all the suggested workarounds and ways to get rid of or avoid this error
(exclude audio conform and preview files, avoiding mp4 audio, avoiding different fps rates) and
still having the same error on numerous projects I found one file (from a client) that had a special character in it.
I got rid of it in Premiere, ticked “Rename Media Files to Match Clip Names” in the PM and
everything worked.
So why isn't it possible to phrase this in the error message or
why is it an actual problem if Premiere handles the file without moaning in the first place.
We wouldn;t name any files with special character ourselves
but I guess everyone here knows what clients sometimes throw our ways.
And if Premiere doesn't complain, why would the PM have a problem?
This has cost me a lot of time and nerves, so thanks Adobe.
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I FEEL YOUR PAIN. Same thing happened to me. A client audio file had a slash "/" and Premiere Pro CC was reading it as ":".
Of course it is a good practice to rename files and pay attention to naming conventions...especially when it comes from clients because we all know that most of them are not the most tech savvy. But at the same time, can't we be prompted to locate file or just ignore that ONE file and not get rid of the entirety of the Media Managed files? thanks adobe in deed.