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Premiere Pro Glitching Videos in Preview and Export - Source Footage Fine

New Here ,
Aug 06, 2019 Aug 06, 2019

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After being sat on 'thank you for your patience' all day on the Adobe live chat, I thought I'd try my luck here.


I'm having a recurring issue with Premiere Pro where it randomly decides to glitch my footage. The raw footage has no issues at all with it, completely smooth and no glitching, but when I try to put them into Premiere to edit random glitches start to occur.


There is no pattern to the glitches, but once it decides that this part of my footage is going to have a glitch there is no way to stop it, even deleting and re-inserting the footage.


I have had a look around online to try and find some form of answer or reason as to why this is happening, and that brought me to two resolutions: delete the media cache files and update Premiere Pro. Well, the cache files are gone and the software is all up to date, but the glitches remain.


Now, the oddest thing is that sometimes, in the playback editor, the glitches are gone, and I think the problem is solved. But as soon as i export the glitches are back, right where they randomly showed up. This is hugely frustrating and, after having lost nearly 24 hours on this stupid problem I'd really like some form of answer, solution, or just someone online who can help me sort this out.


To clarify: Premiere is up-to-date on my computer, the RAW files are clean, the media cache has been deleted, sometimes I can get rid of the glitches in preview playback, but they are always present in the exported file.


Any help on this would be gratefully appreciated.


[title edited by mod, raw files are a different format to iphone footage]



Moderator: Moved from Adobe Creative Cloud to Premiere Pro

Export , Import




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , Aug 08, 2019 Aug 08, 2019

So after speaking with the Adobe team I finally got this sorted out. I, like you, am using iPhone footage and it is this that is causing the glitches.

I was told that the format of the HEVC footage (iPhone footage) causes Premiere Pro to drop frames and put those glitches into the footage even though the raw footage is fine. These glitches, although you may be able to temporarily remove them from the timeline, remain in the export.

Luckily the fix is simple. All you need to do is take all iPhone



Community Expert ,
Apr 29, 2023 Apr 29, 2023

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what camera did you shoot it with?   and select the clip in the bin and right click on it and choose "properties" and tell us what it says.




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New Here ,
Jul 03, 2023 Jul 03, 2023

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@aliceh85535058 i tried your tips but didnt worked
actually whenever i import my recordings into premire pro the glitches randomly appears 
it happened with my recording of minecraft done with obs studio with the following settings

i tried export this but the same glitch was there however in my original clip there is not such things
i even opened a new project and from there exported the clip and replaced it but still

i need help guys i am in a deadline please




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Community Expert ,
Jul 03, 2023 Jul 03, 2023

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if you want to send me a direct message by clicking on my username at the top of my post and send me a link to a file that you're having problems with and I'll see if I can see if I can find what the problem is...




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