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Premiere UI Redraw/Lag issues - GTX 1080

New Here ,
Jan 02, 2019 Jan 02, 2019

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I've been having an issue with Premiere UI lag, however the issue extends across all of the CC apps. When resizing window elements, or when I change workspaces, there is a considerable choppiness and lag. This also occurs when scrubbing the playhead on Premiere Pro or After Effects on empty portions of the timeline. I've conducted basic tests with task manager on and noticed spikes in my GPU usage across Desktop Window Manager and Client Server Runtime Process up to 40%. Below are videos recorded of Premiere Pro and Photoshop.

There are a lot of answers and videos regarding lag caused by high resolution video or bad codecs, but this is not related to actual video whatsoever. The problem persists even in empty projects.

I tried contacting Adobe customer support and the rep controlled my computer, refreshed some files, and basically reset Premiere. This did not help the problem. The rep then said that the issue is because my graphics card (GTX 1080) was not listed as part of the requirements for premiere. I pointed out that they were referencing a list of recommended GPUs for GPU Acceleration, to which they responded "but sometimes it affects the program too."

I tried photoshop on a Surface Pro 4, and it also handled like clunky garbage, but it's also not really made for running anything even slightly intense.

Does anyone have any insight into a possible solution or fix to achieve a better UI experience?

My basic computer components:

CPU: i7-6950x

GPU: GTX1080

Memory: 32Gigs (2x16)

Boot Drive: Samsung 250G SSD

Application Drive: WD Black 2TB

Thanks, any info would help. If there's anything else I can add to help diagnose the problem, let me know.






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Community Expert ,
Jan 02, 2019 Jan 02, 2019

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Do not count on Windows to be fully up to date when it comes to device drivers

Go to the vendor site to be sure you have an updated driver for your graphic adapter

•nVidia Driver Downloads http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us

There are also intermittent reports that the newest driver is not always the best driver due to driver bugs or compatibility issues, so you MAY need to try an earlier driver version





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New Here ,
Jan 02, 2019 Jan 02, 2019

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Thanks for the reply John,

I just tried rolling back my GPU Driver to a September version (I tried drivers from even further back, however, they would not install) and it did not affect my UI issues. So this problem persists on Version 399.24 and 417.35 at least, however, I've been experiencing this for a long time which would include the updates in between.

I should mention that this issue is only present in Adobe software. I've tried to recreate similar UI issues with Resolve and Blender 2.8 and have not seen any issues. While modifying the UI creates a similar load on the GPU, with Resolve, task manager associates the load to "Resolve" and with Blender, it's to "System."

Adobe puts GPU load on Client Server Runtime Process.

In reality, I can't say for sure that the GPU usage load is related to the UI issues, I'm just pointing out what I've noticed.





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New Here ,
Jul 07, 2022 Jul 07, 2022

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Hey, I sorry to refresh this old thread. Was curious if this issue was fixed. I'm now getting this same issue.





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New Here ,
Jun 18, 2023 Jun 18, 2023

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The exact same thing happens to me and only with Adobe programs. I need a solution





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