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I brought my corrupted mp3's into VLC media converter and reoutput them as MP3s again, and it worked!
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most likely corrupted file, try to re-download the file if you still have it. I never could fix this thing, happened very rarely but it did, and i remember once re-downloading the file from the cards and it worked, but only one time.
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My Windows 10 Home doesn't have a "Media Feature Pack", even if I download it from the Microsoft website it doesn't work. Anyone how to fix this problem?
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what do you do for macs?
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I'm assuming you're seeing this when you are trying to import the file in to premiere
It's possible there's some corruption on your harddisk. Use diskutility: diskfirstaid to analyze and repair the drive
If that doesn't solve the problem
use mediainfo and see if it can tell you the specs of the file
In particular tell us the codec, pixeldimensions, frame rate and if it's constant or variable frame rate.
You might see if handbrake can open the file
If so, convert it with the quality slider set to maximum and make sure it's set to constant frame rate.
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My client had the same problem, turned out it was because she was using files that were still in a .zip file. She unzipped them, stored them in a local folder, closed Premiere, Restarted the PC and it worked.
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I brought my corrupted mp3's into VLC media converter and reoutput them as MP3s again, and it worked!
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this was the only thing that worked for me, so thank you!!!
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This worked for me on a Mac. Thank you!
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Thank you so simple and it worked for me as well, now time for some fun.
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All it did for me was convert it into an "audio-only" file so this fix did not work for me. Reading more on this thread. It's like Adobe doesn't like iPhone videos. I have run into this before with DJI drone videos that were unable to import into Premiere Pro. I remember using some 3rd party converter program that wanted me to pay for their service. Well if it doesn't convert the video and audio why would I drop $$$ on a 3rd party converter. UGH. Why can't Adobe and Apple just get along already???
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This worked amazingly. I had audio files that showed up as not working in media encoder, but in my actual premiere project worked perfectly fine. The files also played fine in quicktime, but for whatever reason I had to do this VLC fix to make it work in the encoder.
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Had this issue when trying to import a file from OneDrive on Mac, after this recent horrendous change/overhaul to the way OneDrive works on the Mac (now similarly to the Google Drive client, which is equally shockingly bad).
The solution was the 'always keep this file on this device' and then copy the file to my Desktop > then Premiere could import the files. Weirdly, even though OneDrive had now marked files to be kept on this device, and the tick icon was shown in the OneDrive folder, PrPro still threw up the 'unable to open the file on the disk' error.
Copying to Desktop is not ideal or even a long-term solution, but it worked for me as a quick fix. Hopefully that helps anyone who stumbles across this thread with similar OneDrive issues, in the face of the latest update from Microsoft...
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this does not appear to work either.
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I think you're new to this thread. Tell us exactly what's happening, what kind of files you're trying to import and where they are stored. If they're via a network or a cloud based solution, try downloading them to a local drive directly connected to the computer.
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All data hosted on a WD soild state harddrive connected via a USB3.
24b wav audio, 4 channel recording from a Sound Devices 788T
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are you on a mac or pc? and how is the drive formatted? try copying the files to a different location, say the desktop... sometimes there can be something wonky with the file that this will fix. Also, try opening it in another app... and maybe see what mediainfo says about the file...
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If you read my first post I clearly wrote I'm on a Mac. So if you're not interested in helping me then don't bother.
Yes my drives are formatted for a Mac, I've been an editor for over 25 years, these kinds of questions are unhelpful to the conversation.
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I only see 3 posts from you on this thread, and you don't mention the mac in any of them...
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I downloaded video files from one of the three iPhones we shot pictures and videos on in Kauai. I am using a Dell Precision workstation running Windows 10. The files are saved on an internal SATA 4 TB drive. I converted the file using that Premiere Pro wouldn't even let me import using Video Converter software. I had the converted file saved into a different sub-folder on the same drive. When I try to import it, Premiere only brings in the audio. Now (based on some of the answers in here), I simply copied the converted file to the desktop. Then when I try to import it into Premiere Pro it comes in perfectly with the audio and video. All of my other footage (Sony HDVC, DJI drone footage, and even video files from an old iPhone 5S) comes in with no issues.
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The first file I tried converting and copying it to the desktop worked. So I went and converted the 30 files. But to make sure I remembered while main folder they went to I named the file folder 8-01 (8 for the 8th day and 01 for the first file folder on that day). Well, when I copied the file folder to the desktop, it STILL only imported the audio. So now WHAT?
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I have the same issue with Windows 11 Pro. Tried to install Graphics Toolkit and Media Features Pack, but no use. I guess latest updates corrupted my Premiere. Adoe should have tested well before deploying updates.
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It's unrealistic to expect Adobe to test Premiere on all the possible permutations of hardware and other factors... I started out many years ago on an early avid when avid sold a turnkey system including all the hardware and software and still when there were updates, problems occured on some systems... If you want some help figuring out what's going on, Please tell us your system specs: OS version, Premiere version, amount of RAM, Hardware specs including graphics card...
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When Premiere was working fine till 2 weeks back and suddenly not, I am sure it is Adobe's failure to test updates.
Anyhow, here are the details:
Windows 11 Pro Version 22H2
System: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900 @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
Adoe Premiere Pro Version 23.2.0
RAM: 64 GB
Graphics Card: NVIDIA(R) GeForce RTX(TM) 3060 12GB GDDR6

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