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Is there a way to delete these un wanted default effects. I would skip all the new fancy stuff Adobe puts in their updates just to get some functional things to make a editors life easier.
Hi jbellomo,
Feel free to post this idea on our user voice platform here: Premiere Pro: Hot (1772 ideas) – Adobe video & audio apps
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Copied Nice work! :party_popper:🤙🏼
Also, you anyone is using a Mac - you can go to your applications folder, right-click on the Adobe Premiere Pro 2024 icon, and select "show package contents":
From there it will reveal the contents folder.
Then follow this path to find the Factory Presets.prfpset and Lumetri Presets.prfpset files.
Contents > Resources > LocalizedPresets > en_US > Effect Presets
You can delete the preset files or just move them out of the folder (both work), then restart Premiere. Voilá! No more annoying (especially Lumetri) presets to scroll through. I prefer to just to move them out, this is what mine looks like:
Note: If your default language is other than English, you'll need to delete or move the presets out of the appropriate language folder (Spanish is en_ES, for example).
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Hey @JPerk , thanks for that walk through! (sorry 4 months late on this)
But one problem still remains for me: did you figure out how to remove the "Lumetri Presets" bin?
When I delete the LumetriPresets.prfpset file, it successfully removes those presets, but the actual bin still exists (even though it's now empty)
Any solution on this?
Thanks again!
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That listing in the UI seems to be part of the programming ... it assumes there's something in that folder to show.
So the few people I've known of who've actually done this process have used that for their sort of 'common' things. Moved them in manually. It's a usable bin, right? Well, you can't chuck it, might as well use it ...
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Makes sense! Thanks so much for the clarification @R Neil Haugen!