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Saturated/over-exposed HLG clip solution not available - Interpret Footage greyed out

Engaged ,
Nov 08, 2021 Nov 08, 2021

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I'm running the latest Pr 22.0.0. on a PC, AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor 3.70 GHz, 32GB RAM, NVIDIA GEForce RTX 2070 with the latest graphic drivers.


I'm importing 4K HLG clips from my Sony A7C onto a rec709 timeline and am getting the blown-out error on my clips. I have ticked Display Color Management in my Preferences but when I try to select Clip/Modify, Interpret footage is greyed out.


If I check the Properties of the clip it says "Color Space Override: Off". My understanding is that if this clip cannot have the color management applied, Color Space Override won't even appear, so it seems to be recognising the clip as valid, but won't turn on the override.


The only work-around is to create a new sequence and change the working colour space to Rec 2100 HLG, but all this allows me to do is add my HLG LUT in an adjustment layer the old-fashioned way, and the Interpret Footage is still greyed out. And since I am mixing the Sony footage with other cameras this doesn't work for me as I work in rec709.


The only other thing I can do is run every clip through Catalyst Browse but since you can't batch stabilise, this will take hours to complete and is not the solution I am looking for.



[edit] I read somewhere else to remove the clip from the timeline before doing trying 'Interpret Footage'. I tried this and although it allows me to set Color Space Override (and add a LUT), the resulting footage looks exactly the same when placed back on the rec709 timeline.


Does anyone know how to either force Color Space Override to 'On', or to enable Interpret Footage on HLG clips, and mix them onto a rec709 timeline?



Editing , How to , Import






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Engaged ,
Nov 25, 2021 Nov 25, 2021

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Do my posts get ignored because I'm posting from SE Asia and no one else is awake? This was posted over two weeks ago and I've received no reply.


Can I not expect some kind of support from Adobe?





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