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Slow rendering. Fast computer. Why?

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Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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I have a 4 second clip that will take 40 minutes to render.  IThe only effects applied are REVisions "Auto Contrast" and Neat Video "Noise Reduction".

The clip was shot on C300 Mark II 4K RAW output to Odyssey 7Q+, so clip is a ProRes 422 HQ.

I have a AMD Threadripper 2990WX (overclocked to 3.8 ghz on all 32 cores), Nvidia 2080Ti, 32GB RAM at 3200Mhz, and NVME SSDs.

Sooo, isn't the speed of this render slow?  Is there some secret setting that I forgot to enable/disable?

Please see screenshot.





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LEGEND , Jul 22, 2019 Jul 22, 2019

I use Neat Video Denoiser and denoisers in general do take a long time to process. A few years ago, was looking at 24 hours to do a 30 minute HD clip!! In the the newer version of Neat Video, you can now optimize the processing to best utilize your CPU and GPU setup and the GPU acceleration has greatly reduced my render times. It's in the settings somewhere, no access to it at the moment. But please do that for starters to make Neat as fast as possible. Note I have not tried Denoising 4K footage



Mentor ,
Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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can you post a screenshot of your export settings ??




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Participant ,
Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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I rendered via the option "render effects in to out".  I wasn't exporting.  Is this the reason?




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Mentor ,
Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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no, sorry ….   some people say render when they mean export, so I thought you were exporting...my mistake...

are you rendering with internal source drive to another different internal drive ?? 




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Mentor ,
Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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I'm not familiar with those effect things... I guess they are both plug-ins ??  what happens when you don't use those effects .. is it a lot faster ??




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Mentor ,
Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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this might help you out...

Tips to Avoid More Noise and Get Better Results | Post | Blog

do neat video before contrast thing maybe ...

good luck




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Participant ,
Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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I disabled these effects (yes, they're plugins) and i threw on 3 built in effects under the stylize menu.

Premiere estimated roughly 9 minutes.

Is this normal for a 4 second 4k clips?




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Mentor ,
Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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Well, offhand I would say that's a really long time for rendering 4 seconds of 4k stuff.  But it sounds like you got a couple things going on that may be causing it. The effects are delaying it somewhat … so if you just put say a cross dissolve or something simple in your 4 second clip ( just copy paste to another Video level to test out ) … like make a cut, put in dissolve so you get a yellow line to render..and test how long it takes to render without those other effects you're using... that might give you some clue how long it is taking to just render simple stuff.

Then, it might speed you up a bit if you play around with your drives and stuff... but that's just hardware issues and locations.

For example, I have O.S. and programs on an SSD root drive

Then I have source materials on a raid 0 ( 2 x black HDD ) drive D

Then I have cache on another internal SSD ( drive E )

And export to another black HD ( drive F ).

I personally would never use an external drive for anything cause I only have USB and I wouldn't even use the ESATA port I have. I just like using internal drives for everything.

Usually programs are put on same drive as Windows, but everyone has their own way of doing stuff.




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Mentor ,
Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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I asked a friend to send me 4k stuff so I could test it on my computer ( S log from a sony camera ). It came, if I remember right, as a mov h264 bunch of files...

I had to optimize the footage in resolve which is what I've been using lately ( learning it ). I don't think my PPro CS6 can import that stuff. Didn't even try. Too old.

Anyway, so I made the stuff proxy DNxHR SQ, which is sorta like your prores 422 stuff.  Once I had the proxy stuff going it was pretty fast. I did try to de-noise a few seconds of a clip and my computer freaked out.. it didn't like that AT ALL.  It is 2 min. and nothing near as slow as what you are getting...





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Contributor ,
Jul 22, 2019 Jul 22, 2019

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Once you are in the realm of certain effects, then unfortunately render times can become a little unpredictable. I know from experience that the Neat Video Noise Reduction plugin in particular is especially heavy, and I have seen some long render times with that before.




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Jul 21, 2019 Jul 21, 2019

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i have the media cache drive as an external ssd.

premiere is installed on an internal ssd.  windows on a different internal ssd.




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Community Expert ,
Jul 22, 2019 Jul 22, 2019

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Neat Video is notorious for long render and export times.

Why do you need REVisions "Auto Contrast does not Lumetri cut it?




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Mentor ,
Jul 22, 2019 Jul 22, 2019

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the bottom line is don't get discouraged by responses to your post. There's no magic solution cause everyone's source footage, computer hardware, and 'exports' are different... it's just a matter of tweaking what you have ( in your case some really nice stuff ) to make it work for what you want to do.

So be of good cheer ! And keep shooting !




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Jul 22, 2019 Jul 22, 2019

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I use Neat Video Denoiser and denoisers in general do take a long time to process. A few years ago, was looking at 24 hours to do a 30 minute HD clip!! In the the newer version of Neat Video, you can now optimize the processing to best utilize your CPU and GPU setup and the GPU acceleration has greatly reduced my render times. It's in the settings somewhere, no access to it at the moment. But please do that for starters to make Neat as fast as possible. Note I have not tried Denoising 4K footage, which has 4X the pixels as HD, so likely will take that much longer than the HD processing.

I should also note that when applying a Denoiser in the Premiere timeline, things can grind to a halt. Meaning you may not be able to scrub/play/preview the footage smoothly with Denoiser applied, so it really kills the edit experience. What I often do is put the source clip on the timeline by itself, apply ONLY the Neat filter, then EXPORT as a new clip that is Denoised, using a good intermediate codec (basically lossless quality from original). This process is something I will just let run overnight for instance so no down time. Then import the new clip and do all your editing with that, add more effects etc.

Some combinations of effects, especially with 4K, can take a VERY long time to render. In some cases, the total rendering time will actually be LESS if done in two passes. Meaning denoise the footage and export to new clip, then add more effects to new clip and export that, and total rendering time of both export passes could be substantially less than if exporting it all at once.

So for instance you want to apply both Warp Stabilizer and Neat Denoiser...can pretty much guarantee you would save time in the end to export in two passes. Render times can increase exponentially when combining certain effects! Denoisers work by comparing adjacent frames, so doing a math on millions and millions of pixels for every frame processed. Well, Warp is doing something similar, so imagine the two of them competing with each other when rendering.....let them each do their own thing in two passes and time is saved, it is more efficient. Not that you are using Warp, but you get the idea - some color filters can be pretty intensive as well.






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Advocate ,
Jul 22, 2019 Jul 22, 2019

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Your timeline is "red", I guess that it renders in "software-only" mode, and likely because of a bug in Premiere. Details here:

Re: Order of filters/effects and drop in CUDA-rendering speed, is it a bug or a feature?

Also, your plugin(s) could be not well optimized for multi-threading.

Try to check the CPU/GPU utilization during rendering to get hints where the problem is.




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Participant ,
Jul 22, 2019 Jul 22, 2019

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When I use other built-in effects, rendering takes 2 -3 minutes.  I really appreciate all the help.  If anyone else had similar problems, I'm still all ears (or eyes).




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Community Expert ,
Jul 22, 2019 Jul 22, 2019

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IWonderFilms  wrote

I have a AMD Threadripper 2990WX (overclocked to 3.8 ghz on all 32 cores), ... [with] 32GB RAM

Just a heads-up, your system lacks ram. I good target is 8 to 10 GB's per core... you're at 1GB per core...

It's generally believed that PP doesn't benefit much beyond 8 - 10 cores, and After Effects uses even less, but needs plenty of ram. I was watching my ram usage in AE recently and it went over 59GB during a ram preview in my 6 core.. So, be aware of that.




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