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Timeline window disappears when exporting

Explorer ,
Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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Premiere 23.5.0
Nvidia drivers 528.86
Windows 10 Version 19045
11900k Quadro RTX5000
64gb ram
Micron 3400 1TB NVME ssd


Yes yes, I know how to Window>Timelines and select my timeline, that doesn't work.


I'm running 3 monitors with Premiere in a custom workspace, one monitor is dedicated to my timeline, lumetri, audio meters, and tools. This monitor does not contain the "main" Premiere window that has the toolbar with File/Edit/Clip/etc. When I either click "Export" or ctrl+m to export my timeline, my window containing my timeline dissapears and the timeline window is not visible on any monitor. After sending to AME or clicking export the timeline does not return. Selecting Window>Timeline does not restore the timeline. The only way to recover the timeline is to reset the workspace to the saved layout.All other premiere windows stay visible.


The issue started occuring when Premiere updated to include the new export interface (I believe in Premiere 23).

Expected behavior: all windows within the premiere workspace should remain visible





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Aug 24, 2023 Aug 24, 2023

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I'm not quite sure which monitor has which ... so I'll give some observations, having used three or four monitors for several years. And yes, I keep asking the devs to update Premiere's use of monitors, but we ain't seen anything yet. 


Premiere simply gets cranky if the 'main' UI window ... with the Menu bar et al ... is not on the monitor your OS is set to for main UI monitor. Which is a bit of a pain for some users.


Second, it doesn't work "spread" across monitors well, so you have to make Panel Groups for each monitor. And ... you must make sure not one line of pixels gets on a different monitor or there'll be madness. So it's best to leave a tiny, but visible, part of the edge of each monitor visible.


The above means that Transmit Out can never be set (reliably) to your main OS UI monitor.


But if you follow the above practical practices, it normally works fine.




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Explorer ,
Nov 20, 2023 Nov 20, 2023

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Yes - but I'm having the exact same issue, using three monitors, Left: Timeline, Right Effects, color, and center top: Program Monitor; and I am not using a mercury transit. I'm just using the third monitor as the display for the "Program Monitor" - It still shuts down the timeline during every export. The sequence is this
- If exported and immediately cancelled and reverted back to "edit" panel - evrything reset to their respective locations. 
- If exported and continue toward completing the export/render - then even choosing the "edit" panel does not work and the time line is lost. 

What I do is as a work around I gave a key board shortcut to my workspace - and eveytime the timeline dissapears, I Just Alt+Shift+(1, 2 or 3 whatever its saved as) and it goes back to my prefered layout, with the right windows on the right monitors

This is definitely a bug - because it used to be perfectly fine upuntil the early 2023 updates, and can't seem to remember which one later on caused this.




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Nov 20, 2023 Nov 20, 2023

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I understand the frustration ... there's several frustrating things in the way Premiere does ... or doesn't ... work with monitors as we users would choose.


My puzzlement with your situation is simple. After more than a decade of heavy use with always at least three monitors, I don't have any clue why you would use the Program monitor by itself rather than Transmit out. 


So I'd love to hear how you prefer that setup ... not to criticize, but to learn. We're all different.




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Explorer ,
Sep 24, 2024 Sep 24, 2024

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Sorry for the delayed response - I sometimes do not use a monitor out - just to get a better look at most of the masking...etc on an extra large screen.
Still having that issue tho, monitor out or not.




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