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Hey there!
I cannot for the life of me figure this out and I have scoured the preferences, settings and all the adobe forums looking for an answer, perhaps someone here knows the trick!
Formerly, I used to be able to zoom in and out of the timeline using Option+Mouse Scroll just fine. If I zoomed out all the way, the timeline would stay in a maximum-zoomed-out state. This was great because I could quickly zoom all the way out to the timeline with a quick scroll of the mouse and then navigate from there.
Now, all of a sudden, when I scroll zoom-out too quickly, it's as if the timeline gets to max zoom-out and then zooms right back in to Maximum zoom-in (Sorry for all the zooms!). This causes a infinte zoom out cycle. I'm not sure if this is a setting, a bug or something to do with my computer, but it doesn't seem to happen on every computer, nor does it happen on every project as far as I can tell!
Just wondering if anyone has seen this or knows whats going on here, I'd greatly appreciate a push in the right direction!
EDIT: I have made a video to demonstrate the issue, hope this helps!
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This bug is still going. I've been dealing with it for 2 years. I'm on windows using a desktop and a mouse that has no issues with scrolling. Holding alt+scroll wheel will often jump to being fully zoomed in after zooming out a bit. I then have to scroll ALL the way out from being completely zoomed in. It's exceedingly annoying for something I'm expected to pay $70 a month for, and given the entirty of my student license under my University I've been having this issue, I think I'm highly disincentivized by this handling of a simple and very annoying bug to ever actually pay for your software, instead opting for free alternatives. In short, fix your software adobe. We pay you enough to expect a product that doesn't have a bug for 2+ years.
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I am having the same problem with it and it's really annoying.
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Can confirm latest beta FINALLY solves this. Now just gotta push it out to the actual build so I'm not on a beta version.
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I have ver 24.6.1 and still not fixed. Anyway to know when this will get fixed on the production side?
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Anyway to know when this will get fixed on the production side?
By @Soujirou7
My guess would be that a new version will be released at Adobe Max.
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MX Master users yall bout to LOVE me....
so none of the stuff in the replies here worked, like changing the MX Master 3 scroll wheel speed to 50% in logi options+, etc, timeline still was zooming in erratically while trying to zoom out (so fed up with this dogwater-a$$ app i was about to go down the rabbithole of connecting my Mackie MCU Pro into this dumpster fire just to have glitch free zoom & jog).
while finishing this edit i held down option and right before was about to roll the main wheel to zoom, a sneeze came outta nowhere & my thumb roll the thumb wheel accidentally instead, AND THAT BISH ZOOOMED THE TIMELINE OUT FLAWLESSLY! Option(or alt on win i guess)+thumbwheel = working TL zoom.
why TF adobe has it working correctly for a second wheel most mice don't have but somehow the feature all mice have, a main wheel, hasn't worked properly in literally years is beyond me. TF they spending the $ we pay each month on, gas station b0ner pills & esc0rts? cause they sure aint spending it on fixing this buggy crashing mess.
anyway that's my rant, hope this workaround helps till they fix this. if they dont im goin to FC Pro or back to Davinci.
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I have had this on every version of Premiere Pro for the last 5 years, on every PC and Mac I use aand every mouse. I have just accepted that it's yet another bug the devs will refuse to fix
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I've followed this thread over time. I've run Premiere for over a decade on a series of PCs and a couple laptops, using Ms, Logitech, and Kensington mouse or mouse-type devices. I've never had this happen.
It would be frustrating for sure. But I'm stil at heart a practical person, and trying to puzzle out why only some users with certain devices get this, and the rest of us don't. As always, that's frustrating too.
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Yeah that's even more frustrating in a way - as I say I have been experiencing this for a long time (5 years is conservative, I think it's more) and it's something that happens all of the time. My last job there were about 6 editors in the office at any one time and we all experienced it, so maybe it's just a way of working. If you zoom in very far with the timeline set to audio time units and try zooming out with the scroll wheel maybe you will see it, because it ALWAYS happens when I do that.
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The audio time in use is interesting data. I'll try that next week.
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I'm on Mac OS. My issue was that my scroll speed was too fast! Setting the scroll speed at a lower setting fixed my issue completely. Hope this helps 🙂
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Same problem here. It is an absolute nightmate to edit a sequence in Premiere with this bug happening every couple of minutes. And my mouse is not from Logitech! I've used the mouse wheel to zoom in hundreds of applications with zero problems since the 90s. But somehow this is an unsolved-6-year-old-problem for Adobe in 2025? This is just embarrassing.
A good video showing the issue that someone else posted on reddit:
If this is device-specific and hard to reproduce, then give the hundreds of people who DO have the bug the tools to send you debug information and finally fix this bug for good, since it seems to happen with SO MANY devices from SO MANY different manufacturers!
For the price I'm paying, I expected more of you Adobe. This bug is happening all the time for me on the latest verion; so seriously Adobe staff, tell me: if the issue is reproductibility, how can I help you fix this?
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Same problem here. It is an absolute nightmate to edit a sequence in Premiere with this bug happening every couple of minutes. And my mouse is not from Logitech! I've used the mouse wheel to zoom in hundreds of applications with zero problems since the 90s. But somehow this is an unsolved-6-year-old-problem for Adobe in 2025? This is just embarrassing.
A good video showing the issue that someone else posted on reddit:
If this is device-specific and hard to reproduce, then give the hundreds of people who DO have the bug the tools to send you debug information and finally fix this bug for good, since it seems to happen with SO MANY devices from SO MANY different manufacturers!
For the price I'm paying, I expected more of you Adobe. This bug is happening all the time for me on the latest verion; so seriously Adobe staff, tell me: if the issue is reproductibility, how can I help you fix this?
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My advice is to never expect anything from Adobe and just start learning Resolve.