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I am using the transform effect for minor animations because of its motion blur abilities when using shutter angle. Lately however it seems like the shutter angle is messing with the positioning of the anchor point or something like that.
For example I wanted an image to rotate a couple times around its own midpoint like a wheel, this worked perfectly fine, then I adjusted the shutter angle to simulate motion blur and all of a sudden the image is rotating around a point somewhere just offscreen.
The same thing happened when I did only a small scale animation, I made an image pop out a bit by having the scale increase in a short amount of time, then I adjust the shutter angle and now it doesn't pop out of its own middle but from some angle in the screen.
The amount of shutter angle does not matter, it either does not happen when it's off or happens all the way when either barely or fully adjusted.
Am I goofing? or is this not supposed to happen? Any advice is appreciated!!
Its incredible - this issue hasnt been fixed for 4 years. Nesting is a disturbing work around that harms the workflow. Adobe please fix a basic effect that hasnt been working for 4 years...
Picture 1 and two demomstrates the position of the emoji where the only difference is a shutter angle on 50 on picture 2, which for some annoying reason completely misplaces the emoji to some random place instead of the center
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Exactly which effect are you using, I can't find one with shutter angle blur.
Ignore I've just found it.
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On my PC it rotates around the centre anchor with any setting of shutter angle.
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On mine too, but with oversized clips that do not match the timeline, apparently you need to check Scale to Framesize first.
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But this will affect the resolution (in a negative way) - noticible when you're zooming into overscanned images.
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Any other effects applied to the clip? Let me know, Petro.
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No it happens with only the transform effect as well. I read somewhere that this could be due to no GPU acceleration enabled, in my settings ''renderer'' is set to ''Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration (Metal) - Recommended''
However, I am on a 2020 iMac with an ''AMD Radeon Pro 5700 XT 16 GB'' graphics card, and I have read somewhere else that premiere does not properly support this card so acceleration would not be fully functioning. Could that be the problem?
Thanks for your reply!!
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So would you have any idea what the problem could be?
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Are you using the Transform Effect?
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Yes only the transform effect on a .png image for either rotation or scaling animation.
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Why did you ask me this Joost? It says so in the first sentence of my post.
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Same happened to me. So in my case, i have a video clip that is tilted horizontally. I wanted to make it upright so I added one "Transform" and change the "Rotation" of the whole clip to 270 degrees (without keyframes, i didnt do any movement, just rotated the clip). Then later on, i wanted to do a zoomed in effect of that clip. I used the same "Transform" and added keyframes for "Position" and "Scale". It all works fine, the "Transform" did exactly what I intend on using it for. The clip is rotated and the zoom in effect is present. But for the zoom in part, i wanted some motion blur, so on the same "Transform" tab, i increase the shutter angle, but the whole clip moves. It's as if it is cut off and moved off frame. Like the original comment mentioned, the value of shutter angle doesnt determine how far off the clip is messed up. It's either 0 and it's fine, or any shutter angle applied and it's messed up.
Sorry, this is not a solution, just want to add my side of the problem if anyone knows what's up
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I have the same exact problem, I wish I could post a video.
Shutter angle will not be applied, after using "Scale" and "Rotation" in "Transform" effects. The PNG file, in this case the logo will change position, way off centre.
There appears to be two axis to the PNG file, and it’s impossible to align them without changing the other.
It is a really annoying bug, as After Effects does not seem to support the animation made inside Premiere as it will not apply any blur, unless it’s directional.
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me too
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I've been having this same issue for a long time. There's a workaround that works for me most of the time - nest the clip and apply the transform effect on the nested sequence. I hope this helps!
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thank you much kind sir, it worked
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Please make sure to check the option Scale to Frame size in the context menu.
I just tested it on a 6K source clip on a 1080p timeline and with the option checked, rotation is from the center.
If you need to apply the effect to different part of the image, please scale it to the desired size first, create a nested sequence and apply the transform effect to that nest.
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This is known to happen, especially if transform is combined with something else. Consider nesting
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Adobe, is there a fix coming for this? It's a bug in the software. All these workarounds are cumbersome.
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Hi, August 2022 and this bug is still not fixed. What do we pay you for monthly?? Buggy software with no solution in sight?
Nesting might resolve the problem, but it reduces your resolution during zoom-in and defeats the advantage of zooming into a higher-res clip.
I'm fed up with buggy software from a company that pockets millions from students and educators every year. This help post was made a full year ago and should have been an easy code fix if it only has to do with sequence/source scaling mismatch.
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On top of that, Premiere is guaranteed to take a 15 second edit, and turn it into an hour-long headache of having to contact customer support about a basic effect that doesn't work properly.
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Hi BB,
Effects construction can be exasperating. Sorry! I think it helps to know that video effects work by mathematics: for example, RGB values get plugged into virtual arrays for some effects. Things like that.
What's not widely known: the math for effects needs to obey a particular order of operations, referred to as the "render order pipeline." To place certain functions before others in the pipeline (when they cannot behave alongside others), they need to reside in parentheses, which (as I understand it) appear to editors as "nests."
I do wonder if you made the nest larger than the native frame size, do you still face the quality issue when scaling?
I am sorry for the frustration; that's what's happening there. I think. All NLEs and mograph programs face similar issues with the render order pipeline.
Continue to file bug reports and feature requests. Some issues might be resolved by background operations or other engineering work.
I sure hope the team can fix your issues with this effects technique.
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At this point it's just pure greed by Adobe. Premiere is full of bugs like this. And they stay untouched nasically forever and then you relise an AI update and a new UI on the same "old bones" and it becomes even worse all together. At this point I am just waiting for DR to catch up a bit, and I am gone forever....
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I've used both Pr and Resolve for some years now. Teach both, actually. "DR" has been developed to be an equivalent to the Adobe and Avid suites, and as they've fleshed it out more, and mashed more stuff into it, it's gotten more ... issues ... at the same time.
I think trying to do all things on all media and workflows on all hardware may have some built-in implications.
The only totally rock-solid apps in this trade I know of is something like Baselight ... where you pay between $13k to $20k for a computer from them, you never ever put anything else on that computer, and ... you pay a few thou a year for a license.
But ... it is rock-solid stable, for sure.
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Same case here.
The shutter angle messes up the position of a clip. The only workaround working for me is to nest it and use the transform on the nested clip.
I've tried the Scale to Frame size approach without success.
I'd be grateful if a fix for this year-old issue is provided.