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Hi all,
I'm editing a multicam project in a foreign language, so subtitles are a must. I have a subtitles track within my multicam clips but it appears as its own camera and does not cut into the timeline if I want to keep the multicam active/as a multicam clip rather than unnested/as individual clips. Is there no way to make subtitles functional within a multicam clip and edit them into the timeline without "unnesting"/losing the multicam? (I know I could nest the subtitles on top of the multicam clip but that will be really cumbersome when my edit is more complex and I want to look at different cam angles quickly.)
I appreciate any other suggestions!
Hi Sarqs,
I heard from engineering. They said, "We do not support embedded captions visibility from a nested sequence (i.e., Multicam) into a container sequence. Sorry."
Suggested workaround:
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Hi Sarqs,
Sorry. You may want to get all your clips loaded with captions, burn them in, and cut your Multicam. With identical timecodes, you could relink the flattened edit once you finish editing, then run a new set of captions. Do your fine captions editing before the final export. Would that work?
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Thank you Kevin - that would work for sure and seems like the only way unless I am willing to lose multicam functionality and just edit with all the video tracks and subtitle track or from sequences. I was just hoping to save days of transcode time as proxies have already been created but without subtitle burn in.
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Just a process update - Unless I'm missing something (which is entirely possible), it seems that burning subtitles into media AND keeping the original timecode is a larger deal than it really should be. So far I'd have to create a new sequence for every clip with the timeline TC to match clip TC in order to burn in subtitles and have my audio channels match (so things relink like proxies). Not a huge deal if it were just a couple clips but otherwise just not feasible with an indie project's post schedule. (if anyone is curious I thought Resolve might have a workaround but the option to export individual clips from the timeline greys out burning in subtitles option). Looks like I'll be copy pasting from timelines with subtitles/captions to edit instead of using clips/multicams in the source window. Bummer.
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I like Kevin's workaround. I wonder if the new public Beta work on "assemble rough cuts" can be used for multicam. I have not experimented with it enough, but I think its use for multicam is important, and may already be something they envision.
I posted about this in the Beta forum:
Feel free to provide some feedback there.
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thanks Stan, I'll take a look.
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Hi Sarqs,
I will ask the product team to see if they have any suggestions. Otherwise, we can get a feature request written up.
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Thank you!
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Hi Sarqs,
I heard from engineering. They said, "We do not support embedded captions visibility from a nested sequence (i.e., Multicam) into a container sequence. Sorry."
Suggested workaround:
This will cut your Multicam clip into the timeline, along with their captions.
Let us know if that works for you.
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Hi Kevin,
This works - thank you!
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Glad to hear it.
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Great thread y'all, very helpful. I wonder, I've got day rushes with captions/translations on C1.
It seems that I can load that "rush" into the source monitor and cut and paste as a nested clip which includes the captions track on V1/A1.
I guess we're essentialy mixing down the viz and audio using this technique. It makes dealing with multiple audio tracks awkward as I've already made multiclips in order for my camera media to stay synced with external audio.
I guess creating a "rush" proxies with the translation burned in and the audio tracks individualized would be a solution (if you started out incredible organized!)
Premiere's so funny - there's a way to do everything, eventually...
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Thanks for posting your thoughts. I need to play with workflow options for multicam, merged clips, and proxies. But yes, dealing with multiple audio tracks where you want to keep subtitles adjusting as you edit is a challenge.
This is an old thread, and there are now additional options: source clip transcription among them.
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Stan! "source clip transcription" ?
This is a major step forward but I'm not seeing this listed in Premiere's features - is this possible?
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I'm reading through the newer thread and will post thoughts/ideas there but this is fantastic - particularly for editing transcribed material. I'm in the midst of a multi-language long-form documentary project now but am starting up on the workflow for a couple of others. These developments make a big difference! Thx for bringing them to my attention.
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Yes, a major advance.
Revised 10/10/23:
One of the challenges is when you have multiple audio tracks overlapping. See this post:
There is active development in the Beta version regarding clips where the dialogue is not in audio track 1.
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Awesome! Thank you! Great solution to this.