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Unable to export video without both audio/video glitches

Community Beginner ,
Aug 09, 2017 Aug 09, 2017

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I have been trying to render my 7min video for a client for the past 4 days and cannot get this to work.  I have tried nearly every export settings options I could find guides for, but no possible solution.  Attempting a regular export of this clip overnight resulted in waking up to  a 55 hour estimate and climbing.

On almost every clip I have Red Giant colorista or small effects added to it.  Rendering out the full clip has been literally impossible, Media encoder would get about 10% of the way through and freeze at a frame.  PP would error out and force close

PP Error

If I try to render with Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration(OpenCL) it freezes on frames. I have now resorted to trying to batch export 5-30 second (Around effects I only export them). This is a way to at least have a render go, but the problem now is all the clips that get exported are glitching with either their sound or video.  The sound skips, cuts out, or is re arranged, video flashes black.  Doing a single pass produced far less glitches, but still did none the less

Right now I have found a way I think might work to get me by to deliver the project for tomorrow.  To do this I am rendering the 17 different cutouts of the video with youtube 1080HD settings (VBR  1, 16/16, no render at max quality) and no audio.  I am going to export all the audio on its own and then pair it with all the video clips and render that out.  In one clip so far I have had to take out all transitions as I can't waste anymore time.

My PC is pretty decent 24gigs ram, i7-2700k, radeon R9 200 Series with Premiere Pro 2017

Words cannot describe the amount of stress PP bugs have caused me on this project and has me seriously considering different software

Is this a common problem with certain settings? If more information is needed I can screen shot/video record whatever






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Engaged , Aug 09, 2017 Aug 09, 2017

You specs all look great. I've seen something similar with corrupted codecs and/or problems with video card drivers. The fact that your GPU acceleration is causing "freezing" on frames is highly suspect. I would probably start but making sure your video card drivers are up to date. If there is still a problem--you could roll back your drivers to an earlier version as well. Drivers seems to be a major issue. Your export should not be taking that long. Could you give us more information about your




Engaged ,
Aug 09, 2017 Aug 09, 2017

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You specs all look great. I've seen something similar with corrupted codecs and/or problems with video card drivers. The fact that your GPU acceleration is causing "freezing" on frames is highly suspect. I would probably start but making sure your video card drivers are up to date. If there is still a problem--you could roll back your drivers to an earlier version as well. Drivers seems to be a major issue. Your export should not be taking that long. Could you give us more information about your operating system and what camera format and file formats you are using? Thank you.





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Community Beginner ,
Aug 10, 2017 Aug 10, 2017

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Kristian Gabriel​ and Ashley7​ thank you for your thorough responses it is greatly appreciated.  So I had just reformoated my computer the other day and I thought I had updated my graphics card, but I actually used a old installer I had on a drive.  It turns out the updater didn't auto update on my current formatting and I hadn't updated in a while with the last one to.  This was the issue, well I still have 2 spots in the video that glitch with video in one, and audio in the other.  But after the skill set I learned today that is a breeze to fix





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Enthusiast ,
Aug 09, 2017 Aug 09, 2017

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DaveysWorld  wrote

... I have found a way I think might work to get me by to deliver the project for tomorrow.  ... I am going to export all the audio on its own and then pair it with all the video clips and render that out.  In one clip so far I have had to take out all transitions as I can't waste anymore time. ...

As a vote of confidence, it's great that you're pulling out all the stops... at the end of the day, whatever gets you to the finish line is the right path. It seems being good with NLE work necessarily requires that sort of thinking..

Have you tried all the usual clear cache, prefs, uninstall/cleaner/reinstall stuff? i.e., ...

I agree with https://forums.adobe.com/people/Kristian+Gabriel ... update drivers and all that. More details on effects in play in your timeline may help folks offer effective answers.

My guess is you're well past all that stuff. Okay...

Sounds like you have started the following, but have you taken a divide and conquer approach to either trying to isolate the problematic areas or to break things downas you are, but not more than you have to? This would entail isolating sections where you say it gets stuck and creating, say, a new project with just those few frames... (as few as possible)... do you still see the issue? If no, it may not be that frame(s) per se ... but perhaps it might clue you in to something going on in the area.

It's also unclear to me exactly what effects are going on, what the timeline looks like. Those details might help others offer suggestions, including options to divide/conquer a breakdown that works.

Have you tried transcoding any source footage, or maybe layering affects you add? For example, if you do boatloads of effects... like lumeri and other things, can you create a copy of the sequence, remove everything but Lumetri and do a transcode burning in lumetri... then feed that with the remaining effects... or maybe layer more if all remaining still breaks things. Divide and conquer examination of your problem areas can help determine a good layering workaround because you may observe what things render nicely together without issues... it seems the name of the game for you is to, as you mention, get things done whatever way works... so maybe transcoding in layers is an option.

DNxHD is an intermediate I find works really well ... Premiere uses it by default so much... it gets a lot of testing and it seems the easiest going to me of them all. I use it and Cineform... anyway, have you tried coercing in layers to DNxHD toward getting to your final?

Correct me if wrong but your system seems to go back to about 2011 to 2013 or something... in Premiere NLE speak, that's unfortunately old ... not impossible... but just what i've learned sometimes requires a lot of TLC... transcoding can be your friend... layer tasks/transcodes etc. can all be strategies to effectively "improve" your hardware. I mention this because I had a 2010 system and when I heard it was old I didn't believe it at first... fought about it... but when I got a newer system, it started to make sense. But what I've learned is that exporting with an older system is possible depending on the weight of the project... if there are tons of effects it requires the sort of thinking you're putting into it... transcoding to an intermediate is your friend. Also, if you export with any one app, do not have any other GPU-using apps open. If you export from AME, close Pr and AE. It makes a difference on older systems especially.





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