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Assuming this is a bug, but when I'm editing clips inside of a multicam sequence and try to undo an action, it will not take into consideration any of the edits inside the multicam for undo-ing. It seems to occur most often when cutting clips and its inconsistent in terms of when it happens. Here's a specific example:
In a normal sequence, I hide a video layer from view. Then, inside of a multicam sequence I make a series of cuts to the videos within. I accidentally make a cut where I don't want one and hit ctrl + z. Instead of undo-ing the most recent cuts/edits, the hidden layer from earlier unhides itself.
Any ideas/possible solutions?
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Just to be sure, when you say "inside of a multicam sequence" you are referring to a Target sequence and not a Source sequence.
I can't duplicate it. I move a clip, then I do some edits in the a target sequence. When I stop the playback I see all the edits just made. If I press Ctrl+Z to undo, all the edits I just made in multi-cam are deleted/restored, the moved clip stays moved. If I press ctrl-z again, the moved clip moves back.
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Which version are you working on? I tried recreating the issue as well with 2019 without issue. Try clearing your cache, if that doesn't work you may have to trash preferences to give you a clean slate.
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Resetting my preferences seems to have worked so far. Thanks.
For reference I am using version 13.1.5 build 47.
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What really sucks is this is Still a bug. If resetting your preferences solves the issue that means there was a bug that caused it. My guess it's Adobe messing something up when they have an update that makes changes to the preferences. They try and keep your preferences, but probably mess up formatting or something. It's sad that since their solution is usually to clear your media cache and reset your preferences they don't just make a tool to more carefully go through your preferences and recreate the file for you. It's easy to forget to change back some really important preferences like disabling writing XMP ID to files on import, Write clip markers to XMP, and enable clip and XMP metadata linking. If you're working in a team and one user enables those it can Really muck things up and I know a couple are enabled by default.
This bug happened to me today on Premiere 23.2.0, windows 11 pro. So it's not gone away, and it probably won't because the "solution" is to delete your cache and/or preferences. In my case today, deleting cache was enough.
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I am having the same bug. I have a multicam sequence and I nested each of the pieces of footage inside to key them. As soon as I want to ctrl+z something, it undoes nothing in the nested sequence that I am working on but undoes something else outside it like linked files that I created or items that I have imported instead of what I just did. This is a huge time waster and not the first project that it has done it to. It always does it in multicam.
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This bug still seems to be there in the latest Premiere Pro 24 version. My workflow is I make a synced sequence and then use that to create the multicam. Inside the synced sequence if I'm nesting any clips and doing edits on the clip inside the nested sequence. The Undo and Redo ignores all my edits and is not shown in the history. Pretty messed up that they still haven't fixed this issue.
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Same here. I create a MULTICAM-Source Sequence with 3 different cameras in tracks 1, 2, 3.
Then nest each of the cameras into its own sequence.
Then say I add an adjustment layer to one of those new sequenes and then drop Lumetri Color effect into that adjustment layer.
If I now hit UNDO it will not remove the Lumetri Color effect rather it will Undo my most recent nesting action instead. Its like Undo History completely ignores anything we do within a nested sequence. This has been this way for several years now.
WOULD LOVE if this could get fixed.
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Hey @jreichstadt
To be clear, you want to apply Lumetri on all the shots for the one camera, so inside the source sequence you select the whole track for that camera, nest, add Adjustment layer over the full width inside the nest, apply lumetri onto the AL.
Anyway, that's what I just did, and UNDO backed out all the changes one by one, until I was back to the source sequence. Then I use REDO and it got me all the way back to the changes I made in Lumetri.
I'm not sure what problems you're having but I can't duplicate, as above.
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Maybe this only exists when you create a multi-cam not by the traditional way? I mean not using the 'Create Multi-cam sequence' method? So here's my workflow:
1. I create a Multi-cam sequence, but dragging and dropping all the files on a new sequence and hit sync.
2. Once synced I Create a new sequence from the new sequence and enable Multi-cam
3. Now I go back to the sequence which has all cams synced up and I nest each cam. I might even nest further If I have to add some backgrounds etc. I edit video podcasts, so have to create multiple frames involving camss, layouts etc.
Now any changes done inside the nested cam is ignored by Undo & Redo. Can you try this way? Thanks!
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I think I followed your method, but it seemed a bit convoluted. But PP did act strange, when I went inside a nest, dropped in Lumetri made a visual change. Came back out and the undo's were undoing the nests. Why don't you use the create multi-cam dialog, otherwise you have to sync each clip manually, seems like it defeats the purpose.
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Yes, problem still exists in all latest versions of Premiere. This is a pretty big issue. I have close and reopen my project all the time because of it.
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I'm curious about this because it sounds very similar to my process. So you're thinking the nested sequences are the issue? Or the way you/I create the MC sequences from the timeline?
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Happens to me on 24.5. Pretty frustrating to not be able to control undos and redos. It can accidentally lead to serious work being undone without realizing it, and, forcing you to redo it manually.
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I'm still having this similar issue in version 25.1. These are the unresolved bugs that make it hard to justify continuing to use Premiere over Resolve or another software.